Wilton Manors Elementary

SAC/PTA Meeting


Meeting called to order by Jamie Ferguson @ 6:03pm.

Minutes taken by recording secretary: Jamie Allwein

Welcome and introductions. Jamie Ferguson is the Chair.

SAC/Jamie Ferguson:

School Advisory Committee is comprised of a mix of people that represent the school’s population. The SAC was explained. A paper will be available for anyone who is interested in being on the SAC committee. Please sign up if you are available to be a member of this committee. The meetings are at school at 6:00pm. There is one meeting a month.

The SAC bylaws were explained. They are the same as last year.

The SAC’s purpose is to facilitate the SIP plan and make sure our goals are met. We monitor the implementation of our SIP plan. We evaluate the effectiveness. We provide assistance with the budget and make recommendations to the instructional staffing and instructional materials to support the SIP.

There are certain people that MUST be on the SAC. They are the principal, BTU rep, parents of ESOL, Gifted, and ESE, business representatives, and non-instructional personnel. Everyone may come to the SAC meetings and your voice will be heard. The only ones that may vote are the actual SAC committee.

Principal’s Update/Holtz:

  • In 2 weeks, the 129,000 in technology will be discussed along with how we will spend the money. We are happy that in week 4 weeks, we are getting computers and ipads.
  • We are working on the budget to align with our enrollment. We have a ¾ combination class. Holtz ask today for money to hire a 3rd grade teacher.
  • We have a secret friend that has connections. We might get the safety department to pay for the playground canopys. We have always talked about removing the sand and that is an option that we may need to look at for using the 100,000.
  • Walk for Peace is coming up in November 14. Anja Weinberg has offered to help us get through this year even though her children have gone on to middle school. Anja W. has asked to align a team. We have had 600 walk participants in the past. We would like the Media here if possible. All members of the community are welcome to walk with us and/or sponsor the walk. Sigh up sheets are available tonight. A volunteer spot will be added on Facebook.
  • Week 2 was very smooth this week. Thank you for your patience. All children were fed and got home safely.

Lori Goldsmith/IB-PYP update:

All grade levels have jumped right into their first planners. We continue our Passport to Peace program. We have been working on Respect. We are continuing with our training/staff development. We have several new people so we must get them trained. Registration is $739 per person at the IB trainings. Cost of our IB Authorization visit is $3,000. That’s a big chuck of our money.We are having a Saturday training soon.

Sheneka Blue/ Title l:

We have a high % of free & reduced lunch therefore we are a title 1 school. Additional activities/trainings are available for title 1 schools. The first Parent Training is Sept 26 at Atlantic Tech (old Arthur Ashe middle). The subject is Reading. The annual parent seminar is in Jan. We will be looking for parents to attend. If you need anything please call her.

Iready is available for home.

SAF/ Mrs. Grant:

  • We meet every month for 2 hours. Issues are taken to this meeting and then the committee decideswhich issues will go to the school board. The Aug 27 meeting was not attended. Mrs. Grant would like a co-SAF person to attend the evening meetings. The next meeting is Sept. 21 at 6:30-8:30 at Ft. Lauderdale High. Two people have volunteered.
  • Apply for free lunch especially if your life circumstances have changed. You can apply at any time during the year.
  • Title 1 has free classes for GED and computer trainings.
  • They will bring up the sand at the Sept. meeting.
  • These meetings are a great way to network.

SAC meeting is adjourned @6:35pm.

PTA/Fred Sykes:

Introduced himself and thanked everyone for being here. He has been her for 5 years and has been a member all that time. This is his 2nd year being our president. The PTA board was introduced.

PTA budget:

The proposed budget was explained and given out for people to take home and read. As of Aug 10, we had 17,000 in the bank. Restricted money ($10,000) is for helping hands. Mrs. Bittner explained that program. $1,000 is always given to Ms. Goldsmith. PTA would like to move that money into restricted funds so it can always be available if all has not been used. The $2,000 for Passport to Peace would also be restricted.

The Book Fair was just held last week. Preliminary results show that we did over $5,000. Thank you to Melissa for a great job.

Summer spending is necessary so we can use money over the summer. We may need items for the beginning of the year. It goes back into the general fund at the beginning of the year. We pay county dues and membership dues. There will be a PTA packet going home in the daily folders. It explains events and asks for membership. Only members may vote on items like money issues.

? Does PTA allocate money for classrooms? Not necessary at this time. An amendment will be discussed at the next board meeting to put aside for our Media Center.

?Will there be a Step team this year? Not so far. The teacher costs $20 an Hour, about 100 a month, $1,000 for the year.

Field day budget was raised to $550. Coach Sullivan has asked for more money to pay for ribbons and trophies.

The next PTA board meeting is Oct 5 at 3:30

Any questions, please email:

Mr. Sykes is at school every Monday.

PTA meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm.

4 pages of minutes recorded by Jamie Allwein