Minutes of DTABC – November 13, 2011

Meeting called to order by Glenda Vidmar

  1. Introductions
  1. Secretary’s Report: October minutes approved. 1st Mitch Rue. 2ndPete Dubay.
  1. Financial report: October financials approved. 1stKevin Noetzelman. 2nd Charlene Warne

Old Business

  1. Coaching funds request
  2. An email was sent to coaches on Nov 3, explaining the coaching funds request process
  3. Deadline for Winter sports to submit a request for coaching funds is November 30
  4. Girls Volleyball did submit a request for the fall season. The payment is being processed
  1. Overdue program jacket payments – 2010. No movement on outstanding payments.

McDonald’s restaurant $125 (girls golf)

Meyer Chiropractic $250 (boys hockey)

2011 outstanding payments

B’s on the River – $125

Delano Floral & Gifts $125 - Kathy Statema reported the payment should be in the mail

CBB Schaust Team $250 – Payment is in the mail

  1. Winter Team pictures – deadline Nov 28

Email pictures of seniors with names and a picture of the varsity team (names not required) to as soon as possible.

We discussed that some sports don’t begin practice until Nov 21 and it will be difficult to get the pictures submitted earlier than Nov 28 for those teams. We may need to print a smaller first edition of the program jackets which will include all ads and all pictures received to date. Once all pictures have been received larger print batches can be produced.

  1. Concession stand

Mitch gave update on schedule. He will send a reminder to coaches their week before their dates

Cross country – Nov 29

Girls golf – Dec 1

Girls hockey – Dec 6

  1. Meat raffle –

Make sure people working the meat raffle understand the process. You may want to pair up an experienced person with a new person. It helps to provide training and support to the new person. For instance, winning tickets must be initialed and stapled to the paddle (ticket book). Deposits must be made as soon as possible.

It is the responsibility of the teams to work out how they will hand off the meat raffle packet from one team to the other. The DTABC representative names and contact information will be updatedon the DTABC website and will be attached to the November meeting minutes.

Kevin Voss will attend the Dec 11 meeting to explain the meat raffle process. As a result, the meat raffle process is not being attached to the meeting minutes.

  1. Fundraising ideas

Vector Graphics – order was misplaced/lost. We have not heard back from them

No other ideas were identified

New business

  1. All School Reunion – Jaycees have asked if we would be interested in helping out with this event. Our responsibility would be to provide labor the day of the event. The group was in favor of doing this as a fundraising activity.
  1. Fall Teams: Recognition - Tennis

Motion to adjourn1stKathy Statema. 2ndDeb Kraemer

Respectfully submitted: Glenda Vidmar

Next meeting: December 11 at 7:00pm Delano High School cafeteria

Future meeting dates:

Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 11 and Apr 8