KDA Board Meeting
January 7, 2015
Present: Michelle Morehead, President; Susan Posner, Vice President; Melissa Recknor; Kristi Fly; Alexa Azar; Sheila Woerth; Bill Kraatz; Jeri Matheny; Megan Carr; Glenn Reed; Laura Corsentino; Vicki Warren
Meeting called to order 7:02pm by Michelle Morehead.
Approval of Minutes:
- One name spell change
- Move to approve minutes as corrected- Sheila Woerth
- Seconded- Vicki Warren
- Motion carries.
Treasurers Report:
- Another $2000 in a deposit in from a check found from Susan’s return money from credit cards for the May show.
- See report sent via email.
- Balance sheet: checking is up $84,000 in main account; dressage complex $89,000 but we have had another $5000 deposited since then.
- Michelle or Glenn will need to go in a reconcile dressage account but should be about $96,736.
- P & L- 2014 column is basically just the awards banquet, clinics, board meetings, website and shows broken out after that.
- Since we met in November a few other things have come out of October- made about $47,600 profit at regionals.
- Currently, for the year, made a profit of $30,000.
- Michelle talked with Ann again- anybody that has deposits that they need to send, send them to Ann so she can automatically deposit and put them in quick-books. Checks for clinics or whatever can go right through Ann and then Michelle or Glenn can print and mail. Megan to include Ann on membership deposits.
- Motion to approve financials as presented Sheila Woerth.
- Seconded Susan Posner.
- Motion carries.
USDF Convention Update:
- No big board of governor’s issues this year, the biggest issues that came up through some of the meetings was the saddle pad issues.
- Saddle pad issues warning everybody about the size of logos and amateurs and professionals: pro’s can have sponsor logos but amateurs are not allowed to have any of that on their saddle pads. Cannot show with anything like “SmartPak Champion” etc. amateurs are not allowed to show with those.
o This will go to the USEF as a rule proposal- the majority of the rule has been in place but USEF does not read that way. Everyone needs to get on the same page.
- Watch the rules that come across- add a column to ring steward sheets that says “amateur”; “junior”; “pro” so they know what to look for. Just don’t do it until they decide.
- Good convention but clinics were a little “over presented”- no need for saddle fitting clinics, no need to hear about adequan, etc.
- Make sure all the forms are updated- Michelle will work with Lauren
- Clinic forms; Awards forms; etc…if you are responsible for anything or see anything on the website please bring it to Michelle and Lauren’s attention.
- Need to get it as current as possible by the next meeting
Breed Show:
- Cindy Smith is working on, sponsor information sent out already
- Currently at Masterson and potentially 2 other places that could stable more horses.
New Business- Reporting volunteer’s hours:
- This was, in the past, the responsibility of the member
- At some shows, the volunteer coordinator has said they will send in the list
- At clinics, Kristi tells them it is their responsibility.
- Can we make this electronic? Come up with a simpler process.
- We need to put, on the website, how people are supposed to submit their hours.
- Could we do some sort of log in- enter your own data sort of capability.
- We need to have the procedure listed on the website; make it universal.
- Melissa to find out electronic database
Megan’s proposal:
- See email re: western dressage to be added to year end awards; honorary memberships
- Western dressage- we have a few members that have joined specifically for this.
- Took information from straight dressage awards and applied to western dressage. However, there are not as many western dressage shows so the regulations are edited to accommodate this.
- This might take a few years to get this built up and still have the ability to combine divisions if there are not enough people who apply for awards.
- MSEDA would like to stay parallel with us if we decide to go this route.
- Julie Cook and the awards committee would need to look at it but it is definitely a good start.
- Honorary Members- some donors, folks who have worked a lot for KDA the past few years for an amount of time that is up for discussion.
- Monetarily and various things have been donated by certain folks who have been very generous.
- We don’t want to do this and then “leave someone out”
- Annual or lifetime honorary members are “ok” in the by-laws
- The list provided is pretty good- Megan could establish minimum rules as what qualifies them as yearly vs lifetime…something like a rubric.
- The board has the power of authority to decide on whoever and for whatever reasons
- See handout in email for recommendations from Megan Carr.
- Avoid politics with officials and judges.
- Rich and Debbie Banas; The Talley Family
- Motion to accept that Rich and Debbie Banas receive a lifetime membership and the Talley Family a 5 year membership- Megan Carr.
- Seconded Sheila Woerth.
- Motion carries.
Policy and Procedures:
- Two suggestions:
- 1. Minutes of board and membership meetings to be distributed by secretary within 7 days of the meeting.
- 2. Monies designated by the board for board members attendance to annual meetings shall be evenly distributed who indicate their intention and willingness to attend these meetings.
- If we are going to do #2 we will need to vote how much money we are going to spend in the budget.
- What if 5 members decide they want to go? How do we make sure we have the correct representation at the convention?
- In the past, when we didn’t have a whole lot of money we used to just send the president. When it was in town we offered to pay for all board members to attend.
- We need to make sure that the formal representative of the club is that they are covered to go.
- The convention IS in the budget as $2000- which was approved for 2015.
- This policy doesn’t show favoritism and would allow for a larger representative of KDA.
- Not necessarily favoritism but there are certain folks who SHOULD be there.
- Concept ought to be WHO the club NEEDS to go most, what we would benefit most by it not fairness and who WANTS to go.
- Could we do 100% covered of the voting member and then split between the other board members who want to go?
- Motion “monies designated by the board for current board members attendance to annual meetings shall always be evenly distributed between current board members who wish to attend after compensation for senior voting representative allocated. Receipts and proof attendance due to treasurer will be required for compensation.” Along with motion to add sending minutes 7 days after meeting. – Bill Kraatz.
- Seconded- Sheila Woerth.
- Motion carries.
Awards Banquet:
- Invitations going out soon
- Comp Tickets? Last year we did board members; various volunteers
- Sheila will make a list of who shall receive complimentary tickets- include KHP folks who go out of their way to help us.
Education Committee:
- Bill and Kristi went out visiting multiple facilities to diversify clinic locations
- We will be hosting the youth clinic at Rachel Hicks place with an indoor facility in April
- Hosting the Caroline Rothman at Erin Pullen/Dr. Allday’s facility
- Freestyle clinic at Ballantrae with Susan Posner on March 21 and 22
- Susan Beebee will be back at Morris Farm in June
- Potential date conflict with general adult/youth review clinic in September (Angela Jackson) and championships. Kristi will look at the dates.
- Continuing education symposium for the Thoroughbred Professional with sponsors and veterinarians. One segment will be the care and management of the Thoroughbred Sport horse. Does KDA want to be a part of that?
o During Rolex- probably a day or two before.
o Specialists will be flying in who will be here because of Rolex anyway.
o Target is the professional but could also be for individuals wanting to get into “nuts and bolts” details rather than “in general”
o KDA could cover insurance; facility rental could be covered by a larger TB farm- possibly held at TB training center/CKRH/easy driving distance from KHP
- Fees and things on other clinics- are they going to be able to cover everything
o We were able to cover minimum expenses at the facilities as everyone has been very generous which is helping to keep the costs down.
o Could clinicians give a discount for the youth clinic as Gwen Poulin did last year.
- KDA members who are already members get priority; they need to be a member for a certain amount of time before they get to the clinic. Incentives for those who have been members longer than the day of the clinic.
o Members who join that weekend save $25 (ex) but those who have been members save $60 (ex). Kristi will send out to look at before publicizing.
- This would be a good year to restructure the volunteer program a) to track hours b) the pressure of managing volunteers is tremendous and we really need to have some team leaders.
o Volunteers need some sort of compensation maybe toward the clinics- ie: “KDA Bucks” program to be used at clinics or entries, etc. Can only use a certain amount towards various things.
- Show committee/discussions with Sandy how to work that.
- Will need to double-check the volunteer hours against those who have applied for grants.
- We need to really push the idea of this award more to encourage folks to apply.
- 2 applications for junior/young rider grant- 1 application has been withdrawn due to coach and horse change. Allison Sheilds is the lone application but very worthy.
- Motion that Allison Sheilds be awarded the junior/young rider scholarship grant for the 2014 application to be utilized in 2015-2016. Kristi Fly
- Seconded Susan Posner
- Motion carries.
- 244 members with 6 business members, 80 new members, 151 AA, 28 JR/YR and 5 lifetime; 54 open members and a few who didn’t declare
- As of now we have 89 members including 18 new members, 49 AA, 12 JR/Yr, 5 life time; 23 open members; 1 business member with another in the wings.
- After this meeting renewal emails will go out and after the banquet renewal letters will go out.
- A little pamphlet is going in every packet for community rewards sign up
- Mentioned last meeting people not in KDA felt left out about the DC- can we keep this section on the website more up to date?
- Stats on traffic to the website to promote to business members- last months traffic reports are attached to today’s email.
- Logo apparel- website did not like any of the logos; need a higher resolution.
Show Committee Update:
- Proposed budget for May show sent out- does not include CDI- which we have decided is best. Looked at all the pros and cons.
- 1. Money end and 2. The PanAm games qualifying date ends April 15 therefore no one would come to CDI and will not hold a CDI.
- How can we best utilize our time and energy and be attractive to riders. KDA warm up show Friday and Saturday and KDA Regular Show on Sunday. We would have to make up a total of 214 rides losing Thursday and the CDI.
- 5 judges and the other CDI judges will be notified of the cancelation.
- August Schooling show Aug. 2
- Breed show at Masterson (probably) on 15-16 of August- looking at two other facilities and will know soon if either will be available.
- Stone Place in November despite the minimal profit established excellent relationships.
- Jan. 29 at 6:30pm that is a show managers meeting at KHP.
- Embassy Suites, Fairfield Marriott, and Clarion in discussion- several complaints about cleanliness and various issues of the Clarion.
- $89/night; breakfast open at 5:30am; very clean at Fairfield; embassy suite may be more expensive- may be a better option for our volunteers/staff.
o KDA pays for 5-6 rooms is approx. 28 nights of rooms that we pay for.
o Cost difference is probably about $50-$60/night
- Folks have already made reservations at the Clarion for next may.
Next impulsion will be after banquet sent to Michelle by Feb. 10.
Website update- see above memos
Business and Finance:
- No update
Junior/Young Rider:
- Letterman jackets going to get embroidered next week
Dressage complex:
- Should have $96, 736 in account
- Expecting another $10,000 check that will be brought in within the next 2 weeks
- 2 rings is $243,000 estimate.
- MSEDA agrees they need to get on the bandwagon with KDA on DC.
- Exxon stock sale went into the DC account.
Next meeting February 11, 2015.
Meeting adjourned at pm.