District 5
Meeting minutes
November 1st, 2017
Meeting called to order 7:00pm all the
Attendance: All districts were in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- Dena Walters
October 4th, 2017 meeting minutes were attached to the website, if no corrections I will take a motion to approve the meeting minutes. Motion to approve: 1st Litchfield 2nd Sauk Rapids motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report- Jeff Swenson- written and oral report given. Attached is the written report.
Treasurer’s Report
Checking Account (Citizens Bank) $ 21,753.46
Catastrophic Failure Savings (Citizens Bank) $ 38,346.52
Action Items:
Invoices were mailed on Oct 18th for District league fees.
During November, each Association will be billed for officiating fees for all league games.
Please pay this bill as soon as you can.
D5 is the banker to pay the games and such.
Went over the fees and expenses.
Treasurers report approved 1st STMA and by 2ndLDC. motion carried
Coach-in-chief- Derrick Brown- Not present no report
Official Report- Mike Mooney- not present no report.
Tournament Coordinator – Jeff Carlen ~ not present no report
Girls Coordinator – Dena Walters ~ U15B is going to District 2 and at this time there is no Regional tournament for them. 10/12A went to District 10. Unknown how many seeds will go to State.
MN Hockey District Director-Steve Gapinski
MN Hockey Updates
1.) Game limit for Squirts/U10’s
Reminder 35 game day limit (district tournament counts as 1)
2.) Scorebooks:
Are here take with you before you leave.
3.) Game sheet reporting procedure
League Coordinator Bill Breeden contact info in handbook page 12.
Tab on home page as well.
Game sheet policy enforcement begins Dec 1st.
4.) Squirt/U10 Rosters
Increasing numbers with goalies identified.
5.) Livebarn.com
Potential issues to be aware of. ~ cameras and microphones in arena’s can watch live and can record. Camera’s who is in charge of the camera/microphones during practice, tryouts, who is in charge of these things while they are on. Arena’s are getting paid to have this. Talk with the arena and city to determine who will turn this on and who will be turned off. Authorization for kids to be viewed.
6.) December District Directors meeting agenda.
Livebarn, etc.
Redistricting:questions on how should it be done, who should do it and what to do next.
Reminder: Penalty for game misconduct are served in D5 league games unless in a tournament.
Judd: all the new rules changes are listed on the front of the D5 website if needed.
Each association representative will share what is happening in their association
St. Cloud: Tryouts are finished and feel some of the pain as other associations.
Buffalo/Annandale: Starting Intelligym meeting next Wed to go through all. Charged $60 per child. Went through discussion through all. A lot of visualization.
Hutchinson: tryouts are done and all good. Happy they are done. 2 Bantam teams. 11 and 12 on each team.
LDC: Nothing really going on tryouts are done.
MOOSE: Gambling program donated 10K to Fire department. Gambling is turning around. Had a pancake breakfast, went well. Went through tryout expectations and such for the year. IPAD was used for concussion are using the Mayo clinic app to check a potential concussion on the ice. It can then give you an answer. All kids took the baseline test. Go in and pick a team and pick a kid and then go through the questions to see where the kid is at. MOOSE bought IPADS for each travel team and are being used for just the concussion items.
Q: concussion protocols where do you find it. On the D5 website under documents.
River Lakes: made it through tryouts and looking at a Junior Gold team in River Lakes, about $700.
Sartell: Tryouts are done. Ready for the season to start. Junior Gold team is very much trying to move forward.
Q: can a Bantam play Junior Gold, A: we are not sure will get the answer.
Sauk Rapids: did some impact concussion testing at Sartell Middle school. Tryouts are done, they went great. Resigned from the ACE coordinator after the tryouts were done.
STMA: waiting to break ground for the 2nd sheet of ice. Everything else is status quo,
Willmar: tryouts are done, have a new board, back in proper operating procedures. Numbers are about the same.
****mite scheduling meeting on December 2nd at 9am Triple R in Buffalo.
Old Business-
- Travel Team District Playoff Scheduling
February 16, 17, 18
February 23, 24, 25
2. Squirt/U-10 Playoff Scheduling
March 9, 10, 11
New Business-
- Open Floor
Willmar has the C10 pilot team which has until November 10 to make a decision about playoffs.
Formal Adjournment: meeting ended at8:02pm upon motion byMonticello andSTMA. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at RRR Bar & Grill, Kimball