
Meeting called by: Type of meeting:

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Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Robin Rich-Coates, Chair.Carmie Savage, Art Kirkby, Rick Hall, and Dave Vaughn were also present. Theresa Long was unable to attend.

  1. Personnel Evaluations: Robin Rich-Coates conducted personnel evaluations of all 4 staff on June 11, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. Staff evaluations ranged from meeting expectations to exceptional.
  1. FY15 Budget Allocations Approved:
  • Accomack County approved level funding at $21,154 for FY15
  • Northampton County approved level funding at $10,898 for FY15
  1. Draft FY15 Proposed Budget:
  • The committee reviewed the personnel salary scenarios and recommended to the District Board 3% raises across the board for staff effective FY15. The Board approved on May 20, 2014 to increase the company contribution to VRS for staff to 8.5% which is also an increase to staff benefits.
  • The committee reviewed and discussed funding sources although the State budget has not been approved as of the meeting so funding amounts from DCR are uncertain.
  • The draft budget was reviewed discussed for FY15. The committee decided to use the FY14 numbers that we know other than the county allocations that have been approved and meet again after the State budget has been passed to allocate remaining funds.
  1. FY16 Budget Template of Needs: The budget template of needs for FY16 is due to DCR on June 15, 2014. The committee updated the staff requirements if an increased cost share budget comes to fruition in FY16. Carmie will submit the budget reflecting the changes made by the committee.
  1. Payroll change from Biweekly to Twice monthly: The committee discussed changing the payroll schedule from biweekly to twice monthly beginning in FY15. It will streamline the liability reports and make the accounting of those liabilities much cleaner. The Personnel Policy will be updated to reflect the change from biweekly to twice monthly from 26 pay periods to 24 pay periods.
  1. CREP Money Market Account: DCR requested that the remaining Chesapeake Bay CREP funds totaling $112.83 be transferred to Piedmont SWCD. In doing so it will zero out the account. Art Kirby stated that CREP funds can be housed in the same account with other costs hare funds and tracked separately so the committee recommended to the Board closing the CREP Money Market account once the funds have been transferred.
  1. Designated Funds Report: The committee reviewed a designated funds report showing funds as of May 31, 2014. It will be reviewed again at the next Operations Committee meeting once the books have been closed for FY14 to designate new unallocated funds.


Meeting Minutes recorded by Carmie Savage