SIT Meeting
October 18, 2016
Meeting Began at 3:15 p.m.
Members Present:
Mr. Barnwell
Emily Collins
Natasha Jones
Allison Gaines
Amy Dowdy
Lisa Johnson
Amy Beavers
Gina Jones
Advanced ED Self-Assessment
~ We have some added items that need to be addressed towards the accreditation.
~ We need to do a self-assessment as a committee.
~ We worked on Standard 1 as a team today. The committee members will need to go and work
on these outside of the meeting and this will be reviewed on November 1, 2016.
~ The committee members will do this on their own and when we meet on November 1st, we
will decide as a group as what we will rank our school based on each standard.
~ Committee members do not need to put their name on their papers. Mr. Barnwell will
actually send out a spreadsheet for the committee members to add their thoughts and feedback in to save some time.
Upcoming Leadership Team Meetings for 2016-2017
November 1, 2016
December 12, 2016
January 9, 2017
February 13, 2017
March 13, 2017
April 24, 2017
May 15, 2017
Questions and Answers
- Will be able to still have vending machines? ~ We will still have a vending machine located in the lower lounge.
- Can we get a vending machine that has food in one of the teacher’s lounges? ~ Mr. Barnwell said he would look into one, but most companies require so much product being sold.
- Can we have a policy about Pre-K parents parking in the teacher’s parking spots? Mr. Barnwell will talk with Pre-K about a method of solving the parking issues.
- On the Panther Post, the discussion of the amount of laminating paper
- A question of students sitting in classrooms after hours came up. Can we have a policy about this?
- Students are wondering around the building after school hours and going into faculty areas (such as bathrooms, lounges, etc.). Do we not have a policy about students in “faculty” areas?
- When emails are sent out, much discussion is created about who he may or may not be talking about. Are you sending this out as a general reminder or about a specific person?
Mr. Barnwell said if there was an issue, he goes to the person directly without anyone knowing, but he sends out a reminder to everyone if it is a good policy to readdress.
- With the message about laminating, has the purchase of laminating film included memory books, etc. for the lower grades? Yes, Mr. Barnwell actually ordered the same amount as last year. So the amount should be enough for the year.
Computers ~ Carts and One-to-One
The ChromeBooks are ready to go with the middle school students. The middle school team is just waiting for some paperwork to be completed. They are also trying to nail down the 8th grade schedule so students will not have their ChromeBooks in areas where they can be damaged.
The other computers and computer carts will be distributed among the K-5 grade levels.
Veteran’s Day Plans
Will be held on Thursday, November 10th. It is also a half-day, early release. Grades 6 and 8 will sing, 7th grade will do the buckets, 4th grade can play instruments, and possibly Mr. Woodard’s band can play. This year we will give a donation to Saint Judes Hospital. Everyone wear red, white, blue.
SIP Plan Goals and Strategies
Tier 1 interventions are being blended into school leadership team. This would meet needs on a school level instead of individual’s need.
Adjourned at 4:00
Additional Items