l Page 2 March 28, 2006

Meeting Announcement

Central Texas Section





Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Time: 5:00 to 5:30 PM Optional Dinner at the Iron Works BBQ
6:30 to 7:00 PM Meet in the Austin Energy control room lobby
7:00 to 7:30 PM Presentation
7:30 to 8:30 PM Tour

Location: Iron Works BBQ
NW Corner of Cesar Chavez and Red River
100 Red River Street
Austin, Texas 70701
Austin Energy Chilled Water Plant
Near the Convention Center parking
400 Sabine Street
Austin, Texas 78701

RSVP Please RSVP - if you plan to attend please reply to this invitation and sign the waiver at http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/centraltexas/announcements/announcements2006/waiver20060328.pdf To reply or for further information, please contact Rheuben Hair via email at or by phone 512-750-2703.

Speaker: Cliff Braddock, Director of Energy Business Development, Austin Energy, will describe the Ice Storage and Chilled Water systems.

Bio: Cliff Braddock is Director of Energy Business Development for Austin Energy; the City of Austin municipally owned electric utility. He is responsible for development of new energy services, which is not a part of the utility’s regulated electricity services.

Mr. Braddock has developed several leading edge projects for Austin Energy including three district energy systems, the first combined heating and power project in the city and the first fuel cell connected to the grid in Texas.

He is currently working on growing Austin Energy’s distributed energy services in an effort to support the City of Austin goal of being the Clean Energy Capital of the World.
Mr. Braddock is active in numerous professional and civic organizations such as American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers and the United States Combined heating and Power Association. He is a Certified Energy Manager and received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and a Masters of Business Administration from Louisiana State University.

Presentation: A brief outline of the Chilled Water Plant followed by a tour of the plant.

See the Yahoo Map at http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?addr=100+Red+River&csz=78701&country=us&new=1&name=&qty=
for directions to the dinner.

See the Yahoo Map at http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?addr=400+Sabine+St.&csz=78701&country=us&new=1&name=&qty=
for directions to the tour.