Meeting Activities

Executive Committee (EC) Meeting

Date: September 16, 2015



1.  Call to order, Introductions

2.  Minutes August 19, 2015

3.  Executive Director’s (E.D.) Report

4.  Budget

5.  Retreat Information: October 22-23, 2015

6.  Council Meeting: September 30, 2015 Bill Lynch, Facilitator for 5 Year Planning

7.  Planning and Grants (P&G) Update

8.  Legislative and Public Policy (L&PP) Update

9.  New/Old Business

10.  Adjournment


1. Meeting convened at 1:18 PM.

2. Minutes of August 19 were passed.

3. E.D. Report: Mackenzie Helton and Sue Fager went to Glenwood Springs to talk with Valley Life For

All (VLFA). Staff will discuss their

statement of work and define the “connection to community”. It is important that they

connect to people, not just activities.

VLFA hired a new Bookkeeper and, along with the Treasurer, intend to be more transparent.

Lydia Brown will present in the morning at the October 22 retreat.

Marcia Tewell emailed Dee Martinez the Designated State Agency (DSA)


Lisa Franklin has organized a group to meet at Council offices to talk about employment on

Friday, September 18 at 2 pm.

(see handout)

4. Budget: Mackenzie Helton reported that FFY 13 money has been spent and FFY14 money has been


Procurement will have the latest Local Leadership Request For Proposal (RFP) by Friday,

September 18, 2015.

Chancery rent and staff salaries will go against the new federal grant that has not been received


He emphasized that new goals and fundable projects against the new grant should be proposed

by spring, 2016.

5. Retreat: Bill Lynch is the guest facilitator at the upcoming Council Meeting in September. He will supply

the agenda by Friday, September 18, 2015.

It was deemed important that all Councilors are coming from “the same place”. To this end

current goals and objectives will be reviewed; the electronic surveys and focus forums will also

be reviewed because the new 5-year plan must be based on this information.

6. Planning and Grants: Katie Grange reported that no one had sent her, or Lionel, any information or

feedback on the request for top ten ideas to present to Bill Lynch at September’s

Council meeting.

Marcia covered the grant site visits in her E.D. Report.

7. Legislative and Public Policy: Ed George requested that the Council have a brochure that should be

available to hand out, mail or post.

7. New Business: A number of ideas percolated around the committee on what the promotional piece look

like and what information should be on it; whether it be bilingual, two-sided; or single

language, two-sided; die cut; tri-fold etc. This will be an on-going agenda item.

NEXT MEETING: October 21, 2015 at the Council Offices

8. Adjournment: The meeting ended at 2:59 PM



1.  Jeanette Cordova moved to approve the minutes of August 19; Ed seconded; minutes passed.

2.  Marcia will email Council to read all materials BEFORE the September 30 Council meeting.

3.  Lionel will add Mellisa Umphenour’s name to all standing committees.

4.  Lionel will create lists of all committees and distribute them to the Council (as well as an updated Council listing)

5.  Jeanette will work on a prototype informational piece and bring it to October’s committee meeting.

6.  Mellisa will contact similar DD Councils to find out if they have informational/promotional items.


Attendees: Jeanette Cordova, Ed George, Katie Grange (GTM), Mellisa Umphenour

Staff: Sue Fager, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell

Absent: Scott LeRoy

I drive://FINAL Committees MT and LL/Executive Committee/2015/Minutes 9-16-2015