
Author: Amanda Ybarra

Revision Date of Lesson Plan:

Overall Goal for the Lesson:

Students will gain an understanding of vocabulary words by looking up definitions, synonyms, and creating a visual. Then they will explain each word within an iMovie recording while presenting their visual drawings. This video can be used as a review and will be more interesting for students to see their own peers work of art.

Description of classroom, grade level, and students:

2nd grade, 15 students. There is a range of different learning abilities throughout the classroom. 2 of the 15 have ADD and are on daily medication.

Student Objectives for the lesson. (Given a condition, the students will, to what level).

Given a list of 10 words, the student will be able to correctly define and identify vocabulary words 90% of the time.

Given a list of 10 words, the student will create a visual representation of vocabulary words, along with an explanation within one class period.

With the help of a teacher, students will be able to correctly present their vocabulary words with drawing while being recorded.

Length of Lesson: (minutes, number of class periods, or days or weeks needed).

3 days of 25 minute lessons.

Schedule of Activities: (Break down your activity into a timeline of events. Focus on what students will be doing and what teachers will be doing during each part of the activity.)

1. Teacher will introduce all 10 vocabulary words that correlate with the fairytale unit.

2. Students will each look up all 10 words and write out definitions.

3. Teacher will divide up words and assign children certain ones to make their drawings for.

4. Students will write the word, definition, and synonym on the same paper that they will draw a visual representation of the word. (This can be anything they believe goes along with the meaning of the word.)

5. Teacher will record students individually presenting their word and picture along with definition.

6. Teacher will use iMovie to combine all recordings into a vocabulary movie, which stars the entire class.

PASS Content Standards Addressed (Copy and Paste from: http://sde.state.ok.us/Curriculum/PASS/default.html)

Standard 3: Vocabulary – The student will develop and expand knowledge of words and word meanings to increase vocabulary.

1. Words in Context - Expand vocabulary in language and writing by reading and listening to a variety of text and literature.

2. Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms/Homophones - Understand and explain common antonyms (words with opposite meanings), synonyms (words with the same meanings), and homonyms/homophones (words which sound the same but have different spellings and meanings, e.g., bear and bare).

Standard 7: Research and Information - The student will conduct research and organize information.

1. Accessing Information – Select the best source for a given purpose. a. Identify the purposes of various reference materials such as a dictionary, a thesaurus, and

an atlas.

PASS Instructional Technology Standards (Copy and Paste from: http://sde.state.ok.us/Curriculum/PASS/default.html)

Standard 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology productivity tool.

1. Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

Assessments: How will these activities be assessed? (Go back to your objectives, what will the students do? Make sure that each objective is paired to an assessment measure that allows students to show it).

To assess my students, I will make sure they understand how to use a dictionary correctly through observing during the first class period.

I will have each student show me their definitions and pictures before recording them.

Accommodations: How might the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs?

For the students who have trouble staying in the lines while drawing, I can provide coloring pages or have them describe what their drawing is to me so I know they understand the meaning of word.

Materials Needed: Go through each activity and identify what items (both technology and not) are needed to complete this lesson. Include a breakdown according to individual student or student groups. Include materials that need to be created as well.

Computer (1 for the teacher)

iMovie program (on teachers computer)

Crayons & paper (Enough for all students)

Video recorder (One for teacher to use)

Dictionaries (about 10 for students to share)