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Meet and Greet Toolkit

A WELS Nurses Association Resource

When the WELS Nurses Association first organized, one of the primary reasons for our being was to develop resources for the WELS community of nurses! What kind of resource could we craft that hasn’t already been written, you might ask? There have been several in our short history, but most recently, the WELSNA Council decided to provide a “Meet and Greet Toolkit!”

A good beginning
The WELSNA database includes nurses from all over the country who, because of distance, can’t physically participate in WELSNA conferences and gatherings. And yet, we wonder if you might also enjoy time spent with other WELS nurses from your area to learn, network, fellowship and grow in faith!

That’s exactly what happened in Minnesota last year! Two groups of nurses from different parts of Minnesota have gathered for WELSNA “Meet andgreet” events. Before the evenings were over it was apparent that the nurses had formeda close bond! Contact information was offered! Stories were told and nursing volunteer opportunities were shared.

How did all this happen?
It took one or two WELS nurses to get the ball rolling! Deciding on a date, time and place were the first items to accomplish. Both Minnesota groups picked an evening during the week for their meetings. They also decided to meet for only a short period of time, maybe 6-8p.m. Starting and ending on time is important for busy nurses! Meeting at your local church is also a good idea. Check with your Pastor and the church calendar to make sure space is available. Perhaps your pastor could start the evening with a devotion specially crafted for nurses.

Spread the word!
Spreading the word about your “Meet and Greet” is the next item on the list. We suggest that you contact the Special Ministries District Coordinator in your district to help publicize your event in area churches. We, at WELSNA, can help you with your district Special Ministries coordinator’s name and contact information. The district coordinators have heard about WELSNA and receive our quarterly newsletter. WELSNA can also send you examples of possible bulletin inserts, emails, posters for church bulletin boards, and even send out an e-mail invite to the nurses in your area on our database.
In summary, get the invitations into your area churches in whatever way you can. Some nurses have traveled an hour or so to attend! A personal invitation is always best. Asking church secretary’s to forward invites to the nurses she knows in the congregation is good too!

WELSNA wants to help!
WELSNA has several table displays and other materials that we can mail to give your guests information about the WELS Nurses Association, WELS Parish Nursing, or WELS Christian Aid and Relief/medical missions. If possible we’ll even consider sending a representative to greet your group. If that isn’t possible, check with a community agency that is looking for people to volunteer (perhaps a free clinic, food pantry or hospice)! They are often willing to speak to a group of nurses about their program! Limit this portion of the evening to 30-45 minutes, allowing the nurse’s time to introduce themselves and share a bit about their practice. Do they have a story to tell? How is God using them day to day? How might WELSNA be of help to them?

Plan well—but keep things simple!
Guests always enjoy some kind of refreshment, but we encourage you to keep things simple! Closing with prayer, discussing the possibility of future gatherings, and thanking your guests for coming—all make for a great way to end the evening!

Let us know about your plans for a “Meet and Greet.” We’ll help in any way we can!

The WELS Nurses Association Council

Nurses working together as servants of Christ!