Currently, the population of O'Fallon Township is in excess of 22,000. The actual City of O'Fallon is located in the southwest corner of the Township and, with its recent growth, it makes up the largest segment of the population.The western edge of Lebanon as well as the northern section of the Village of Shiloh makes up the remainder of the population that is not rural. The most recent assessed valuation of the Township is $441,137,025.
There are seven elected Township Officials: Supervisor Gary Ahle, Highway Commissioner William Peach, Town Clerk Orval Schloemann, Trustees Glenn Loyet, Gary Hursey, Joseph Hubbard, and Kenneth Joseph. The Township Board holds their regularly scheduled meeting every first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the O’Fallon Township Office, 801 E State St., O’Fallon, IL.
O’Fallon Township has a General Assistance Office located on site to aid residents who qualify as well as give referrals when needed. Assistance is also available to help residents file Circuit Breakers, Homestead Exemptions, Handicapped parking applications, Voter’s registration, Notary Public, Hunter Safety Classes, Boating Safety Classes, Rules of the Road Driving Courses and Mature Driving Safety courses. The Township Hall may also be rented for meeting and parties. A copying service is also available.
The Township Hall is used daily for resident seniors to meet for lunch and other activities such as Pinochle, Bank Bingo, Sequence, Country Western Band concerts as well as The RSVP Orchestra. These are sponsored by the O’Fallon Township and Senior Services Plus, Inc. There are also larger celebrations planned annually to coincide with a variety of holidays which are free to O’Fallon Township seniors.
The office also schedules and dispatches for the Rotary Wheels van which transports O’Fallon Township residents to places within the Township and City of O’Fallon limits. This is a service which is free of charge for seniors as well as for the handicapped. The Rotary van operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM till 3:30 PM. For more information regarding this program, please feel free to contact the Township Office at (618) 632-3517.
On the second Saturday of each month the Township holds a rummage sale at the Township from 7:30 AM till noon. All of the monetary proceeds are donated to the O’Fallon Food Pantry while the remaining items are donated to a non-profit agency. This agency sends items to needy people worldwide. If you are interested in volunteering with the Rummage Sales or to donate your unwanted items, please contact the Township Office at 632-3517.
The O’Fallon Food Pantry has recently moved to a new addition to the rear of the O’Fallon Township building. The following criteria must be met in order to use the Food Pantry:
· Proof of residency such as a current phone or utility bill (photo ID is not accepted).
· Must be residents of O’Fallon or Shiloh with a 62269 zip code
· Must provide social security numbers for all members of household
· May come no more than once a month
The Food Pantry is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 AM-noon and Fridays from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Questions can be directed to the Food Pantry at 624-7040.
O’Fallon Township also sponsors the following committees:
· SENIOR COMMITTEE (Trustee Glenn Loyet): Members appointed to this committee plan trips and dinners for any Township Senior interested in attending. There is a minimal charge for these events but all money received is then raffled at the event as attendance prizes.
· YOUTH COMMITTEE (Trustee Kenneth Joseph): The appointed members of this committee plan activities for the youth in O’Fallon Township. All activities are free of charge and are open to any O’Fallon Township youth.
· AFTER PROM COMMITTEE (Trustee Gary Hursey): This committee was created by the Township to keep this worthwhile program alive. Every year after the OTHS Prom the Junior and Senior classes are invited to attend this overnight event filled with activities and plenty of food and prizes. The evening is intended to keep the students in a safe environment throughout the night.
· PLANNING COMMITTEE (Trustee Joseph Hubbard): Members appointed to this committee meet whenever there is a zoning change request filed with St Clair County. The first step in this process begins with a Planning Hearing where their findings and position on the matter are reported directly to St Clair County.
If you have any questions regarding O’Fallon Township, please feel free to contact our office.
O’FALLON TOWNSHIP, 801 E State St, O’Fallon, IL 62269-1579
Office: (618) 632-3517 Fax: (618) 632-3545 Email: