Meditation – Carmel 2/11/03

You are welcomed this evening with a strong force field that is moving through the hands in a pulsing way, and through the heart. It is the same blessing that comes with the homa, a blessing of cleansing, creating great purity. It is the flame, deep within you, and offered through that flame are all of the wounds, all of the sorrows, that are held within you, and the joys and the great gifts which are to expand that are held within you. Into the fire goes everything we love, the fire is the heart of God within you. And we give everything to the heart of God, both what creates difficulty and struggle and what creates joy and love. We offer our talents that the heat of Divine Love might expand, that as the heat of Divine Blessing expands the energies of the hands and the heart, and expands the energy of blessing through all the cells of the brain, through the organs of the body, the lungs, the heart, through all the organs of the body and the feet.

Inside you, in the center of you, is a great fire. And your heart in its rhythm offers prayer. And the smoke of the fire fills the air within you, purifying all that you carry with you inside you. The Holy Mother who is with you now, offers prayers. You may hear her voice or feel the rhythm, vibration of her prayers around you, surrounding you. She offers into the fire what you have forgotten about yourself. She offers into the fire the good deeds you’ve long forgotten, the longings that have not been realized. Her hands pass the flame to everything that is a part of you and extending out of you into the world around you and to the greater world. And the Holy Mother moves to the world leaders who are responding to the prayers of people across the world for they are hesitating, hesitating hostile acts, hesitating from aggression. And the Holy Flame of God enters the leaders hearts, and the Holy Mothers chants prayers into their ears and minds and all deeds for the purpose of quieting their spirits, as the Grace of God is quieting your spirit now.

And you will feel the expansion of your soul in this quiet, as your soul is sent into the essence of light and Divine Love, into the essence of the Spirit of God. As the flame rises, so your soul rises from the body into the essence of God. There is a Divine Union between your real self and the Presence of God, and this union is complete for it is impossible to know what is God and what is you. These are merged in a whole that is indivisible. The flame has consumed your humanity and offers your humanity to the faith of the Divine, to the love of the Divine, to the purity in the Divine. In this state of Grace you are whole. Those you love are also held in this light and healing love. There is great love in your heart and hands, extending to those you love. This great gift of inner tranquility and richness, you bring those you love to the altar of your own heart, extending for them the grace to ascend their soul into the Divine. For the Father puts his hand upon the soul, and restores purity and light and innocence. Great healing power is placed within you, for you and the Father are One, and what is in your heart is in the heart of the Father, and is brought to you fulfillment at this earthly level. You go into God to be restored. You are here on the earth to carry healing love, Divine healing love.

The homa is within you, that is the ceremony of purification, is within you, activated by desire. Lay your gifts and troubles at this altar of God, and all that is good within you will expand greatly, as light expands, as love expands.