♫KOCHAVIM 2012-2013♫

Come join our amazing youth choir and learn some of Jewish tradition’s greatest music!

Each evening will begin with a delicious pizza dinner followed by our rehearsal. Students will be provided with their own folder of music along with a list of performance dates and details. While this is an opportunity to have a fun time with friends and Cantor Natalie, Kochavim will be fulfilling the mitzvah of bringing joy and healing to our community through song.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, beginning October, 2012 from 6:45-7:45pm

Cost:$50 per student (includes dinner and musical supplies)

Who:3rd Grade and up

Name(s) of Student(s): ______

Emergency Contact(s):

Name______Relationship______Phone #______

Name______Relationship______Phone #______

Emergency Information: In case of minor illness or injury of my children at school, I give the school staff permission to give basic first aid to my child. In case of a major injury or illness, I understand that staff will make every effort to contact me. If they are unable to do so, I give permission for my child’s physician and/or an ambulance to be contacted and for a physician to hospitalize and/or secure proper treatment for my child

1. Electronic Items: Ramat Shalom is not responsible for any phones or games brought to school. We therefore suggest that you do not bring these items.

2. Publicity Release: I authorize pictures and/or videos of my child to be used for publicity and marketing purposes on the Ramat Shalom website, newspapers, magazines, social media, or marketing materials. ______Yes ______No (Please initial) ______

Enclosed is check #______in the amount of $______

OR Charge my credit card on file _____ OR (fill in Credit Card information below)

American Express, Visa or MasterCard #______

Print Name on Credit Card: ______Expiration Date ______

Billing Address for Credit Card: ______

Contact Numbers: Home ______Cell ______

E-mail Address(s): ______

Parent’s Printed Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______


Youth Information

Name (Last, First) ______

DOB______Age______Grade_____ as of 8/2012

Youth’s Contact Information:

Phone Numbers: Home ______Cell ______

E-mail Address______

Home Address______

Parent/Guardian and Emergency Contact Information:

1) Name (Last, First) ______

Phone Numbers: Home ______Cell ______

Work______E-mail Address______

Home Address______

2) Name (Last, First) ______

Phone Numbers: Home ______Cell______


Home Address______

Medical Information:

My child, ______, has the following medical conditions, allergies and takes the following

(print child’s name)

prescription medications Ramat Shalom needs to be aware of :

Example: asthma, reaction to insect bites, benedryl needed , etc.




Insurance Company______Policy Number______

Policyholder is Employed By: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Printed Name: ______