Math Seminar 2017-2018
Mr. McNew - Room 104
Medicine and Community Health Academy at Cody
18445 Cathedral Street, Detroit, MI 48228
Front Office Phone (313) 866-9200
School Web Page:
Prep Hours: Monday 8:50-9:35; Tuesday and Thursday 9:55-11:45
Welcome to the class! I am Mr. McNew, and, while I may be new to MCH, I have been teaching math in Detroit for the past 10 years. I believe that all students can learn math, and it is my goal to reach each student at their own level. We learn math to improve our problem-solving skills, not just to get the correct answer to a particular problem. Learning math is like following a recipe, you must do one step at a time in a particular order. Unlike TV where you can passively sit back to retain information, you must be active in class. Math is not a spectator sport! I am excited to be here, and am sure that will find this class beneficial. I look forward to getting to know you, and to work with you.
Your first assignment is to read and sign the syllabus, and then take it home for your parent or guardian to read and sign as well. There will be a list of classroom rules, guidelines, and expectations posted in the classroom. Please understand that it is impossible to spell out every rule or guideline for this class. Additionally, some of the more obvious items, such as respecting each other, have not been specifically written out since this behavior is expected at all times. Therefore, throughout the year situations may arise that are not explicitly listed. In these instances, appropriate action will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Quarterly Grades:
The final grade for each quarter grading period will be determined using the following criteria:
40% of Grade – Tests and/or Projects
20% of Grade – Quizzes
20% of Grade – Classwork and Homework
10% of Grade – Participation
10% of Grade – Professionalism
Semester Grades:
40% of the Semester Grade – First Quarter Grade
40% of the Semester Grade – Second Quarter Grade
20% of the Semester Grade – Midterm/Final Exam
Professionalism Guidelines:
Professionalism is being fully engaged and prepared to learn. Each day you are given a point based assignment that contributes to determining your participation portion of the grade at quarter end. The following are examples of ways to lose professionalism points.
· Not sitting in your assigned seat.
· Chatting or trying to sleep during class.
· Having an electronic device out during class.
· Not participating in classroom activities.
· Disruptive behavior or language.
· Leaving classroom without permission.
· Being sent to discipline office by faculty.
Attendance Policy:
Be in class and be on time. This is not a class you can be successful in by being absent. It is understood that occasional issues and emergencies can arise that take you out of class. However, it is your responsibility to obtain and complete any materials or assignments you missed in your absence.
You will be held responsible for the mastering and completion of all work and materials regardless of the reasons for your absence from class. Having been suspended does not exempt you from any work or tests.
My expectations are for you to miss no more than THREE excused days per semester!
Obtaining Missed Work When Absent:
To locate assignments that you missed when you were absent go to the student in charge of passing out absent work, and have them give you the work that you missed. You should know what you missed, as it should look unfamiliar to you. However, if you miss a test or quiz, those can only be obtained from the teacher directly and cannot be found with the student in charge of absent work.
Tests, Reviews, and Absences:
If you are absent the day of the test, you will be expected to complete the test the next class day that you are present or receive a zero on the test.
If you are absent for any review before the test, you will still be expected to complete the test on your testing day or receive a zero on the test. Missing the review will not be accepted as an excuse to avoid taking a test.
If you were suspended prior to the test, you will still be expected to complete the test on the day that you return to class, or receive a zero on that test. Suspension will not be accepted as an excuse to avoid taking a test.
Cheating, Plagiarism, and Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism or cheating will result in a zero on the assignment, project, quiz, or test and a referral to the discipline office.
Use of or being seen with an electronic device during a test or quiz is assumed to be cheating or aiding another in cheating, and you will receive a zero on the test or quiz and a referral to the discipline office.
Late Work Policy:
Late work will lose 10% per day, to a maximum of 50% off. Work more than a week late will not be accepted.
Late work without penalty is only accepted in cases of excused absences. A reasonable amount of time, as determined by the teacher, will be given to complete late work for excused reasons. Parents or guardians need to contact the office to have absences excused.
Permission Slips and Monitoring Forms:
Permission slips will only be signed for students who are up to date on recent assignments that are still eligible to be turned in. Permission slips will not be signed in cases where continued poor behavior has been shown by a student. Students with a quarter grade below 70%, or who have missed more than 5 days in the current or previous quarter, will not have their permission slips signed.
Permission slips or monitoring forms will only be signed at the end of your class hour with or after school. Do not bring your slip or form during another hour, or before school, it will not be signed or completed at that time.
Food Policy:
Food is not permitted in the classroom. Drinks are acceptable. People who spill their drinks will have this privilege removed from them. Any food seen in the classroom will be confiscated and thrown away.
Phone Policy:
You may not use your phone for any reason in the classroom or school. If I see your phone I will confiscate until the end of the hour. Repeated offenses will result in sending your phone to the office, where you can collect it after school. If you are charging your phone, it will be sent to the office where you can collect it after school, even on your first offense.
Restroom Policy:
Use the restroom during the passing time. As a rule, I will only write passes when I need a student to go somewhere. This is to keep distractions to a minimum for all students who are trying to learn. Exceptions will be made only for students with documented medical conditions that are on file. I will adhere to these same restrictions.
Late to Class:
When the bell finishes ringing and you are not in the classroom, and in your seat, then you are considered late.
Raising Hands and Leaving Your Seat:
All students are expected to raise their hands when they need help, have a question, or need to ask for permission to get out of their seat for any reason.
If the teacher is currently speaking with another student, teaching a lesson, or giving instructions, you will have to wait patiently until the teacher is available to answer your question or request. This wait could be as long as a few minutes in some cases. Please be patient, don’t interrupt; I will help you as soon as he is able.
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect the teacher and classmates (You respect the teacher when you do what he says, don’t talk back, do not touch his property without permission, and follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures)
2. Follow directions (This means that you do whatever the teacher tells you to do without complaining or arguing about it. Example: return books, go back to seat, copy from board, stop talking, etc.)
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself (This means you do not throw things, kick things, push people, hit people, etc.)
4. No swearing, teasing, or name calling (You do not use obscene or vulgar language in the classroom for any reason. You do not make fun of or tease another classmate because of his color, race, language, religion, etc.)
5. Be in the classroom when the bell rings (This means I want you in your seat as soon as you come into my classroom and I want you to be on time.)
6. Severe: No fighting, threats, or verbal abuse (It is extremely inappropriate for you to fight with another classmate, threaten anyone, or verbally abuse by insulting.)
Phone Calls Home and Referrals:
It is at the discretion of the teacher to decide if a phone call to parents or guardians is needed for any reason. I will call home for both good and bad behavior, as well as for academic performance.
Referrals will be issued as needed and at the discretion of the teacher. Following the rules, following directions, and being respectful are the best ways to avoid referrals.
Students who achieve a 70% or higher in my classes are:
· Eligible to attend field trips or activities that are outside of the classroom that require a signed permission slip, provided that they have missed five or less days of class in both this and the previous quarter.
Students who achieve an 80% or higher in my classes are:
· Eligible to receive a letter of recommendation, now or in the future.
Students who achieve a 90% or higher in my classes, anytime after the first test, may:
· Choose the desk that they want to sit at in the classroom.
* NOTE* These are all privileges, and may be taken away if abused!!!
The Parent and Student Handbook Clause:
The entirety of the 2017-2018 school year Parent and Student Handbook is incorporated into this syllabus and is considered a formal part of the syllabus. In the event that a portion of this syllabus conflicts with the handbook, then the handbook will take precedence over that portion of the syllabus, but all other syllabus portions will remain intact.
Syllabus Assignment
(25 Points) Due on 9/22/17 or the day after you receive this signature page regarding the syllabus.
1. Read the syllabus.
2. Have a parent or guardian read the syllabus.
3. Fill in your name and class hour and subject.
4. Sign the syllabus.
5. Have a parent or guardian sign the syllabus.
6. Tear off the “Syllabus Assignment” (This Page), and bring it back to class to turn for credit.
By signing the following you acknowledge having been given a copy of the syllabus, and that you have read the syllabus in entirety.
Student: ______
Contact Number:
Parent / Guardian:______
Contact Number: