Insert Name of Domiciliary Care Agency here if you wish
Important. This is a model. Seek specialist advice from a Competent Person (e.g. Pharmacist) before implementing your Policy/Procedure.
Policy Title / Medicine Administration Errors / Date Implementedor Date of Last Review
Policy Reference / Date of Next Review
The Agency will endeavour to ensure, by way of the implementation and maintenance of sound procedures, that errors in the administration of medicines by its care staff do not occur.
The Agency accepts, however, that although a 100% error-free record must be the aim, mistakes may occur. The Agency strives to ensure that an open culture is maintained at all times (and staff report errors, or potential errors on every occasion), that proper investigation takes place, and any defects in procedure are identified and corrected without delay so as to reduce the potential for errors in the future.
What counts as an Error?
An error occurs when a Client:
a)is prescribed the wrong drug by the Medical Practitioner (e.g. GP); or
b)is prescribed a drug, and it is not administered;
c)is prescribed a drug, but is administered the wrong one, or the wrong dose, at the wrong date/time, or via the wrong route;
d)is dispensed the wrong drug by a Pharmacist: or
e)self-administers, but takes the wrong dose; or
f)self-administers, but has been given the wrong drug; or
g)is administered the wrong dose by care staff of the Agency; or
h)is administered the correct drug by care staff, but there is a failure to record the date/time/dosage and signature; or
i)is administered the wrong drug by care staff; or
j)has a adverse reaction to a prescribed drug; or
k)has an adverse reaction following ingestion of a homely medicine; or
l)is administered a drug/or self administers, in any other circumstances which are in error, and/or against advice or instruction.
Clearly not all of the “errors” are attributable to the care staff of the Agency, although where any of the above errors come to light, then those responsible, or those who might be responsible, professionally, (e.g. Medical Practitioner’s, Pharmacists) will be informed by the Agency Manager, so that corrective appropriate action can be considered.
Handling Errors – The General Principles
Where an error occurs, and the error is attributable (clearly, or prima facie, or suspected) to a member of the Agency’s care staff then the incident will be handled in accordance with the following principles:
a)A detailed investigation will be conducted, and overseen, where possible by a responsible person not connected with the incident;
b)The investigation will be “informal” (in the first instance) in order to quickly get to the nub of the matter/problem;
c)The investigation will include everyone associated with the “incident”;
d)All relevant information arising out of the investigation etc will be recorded;
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