Teacher’s Name: McKaig Week 0f: Aug 29 – Sept 2

Course Title and Periods Taught: Digital Literacy: Multimedia Unit Title: Podcasting

List learning target
(related to Core Academic Standard): / Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda: / Bellwork: / Standards
Monday / I can…
·  Define podcasts
·  Discuss the history of podcasts
·  Understand how to access podcasts online
·  Explain an RSS feed
·  Define “time-shifted” and “narrowcasting”
·  Define podcatcher
·  Create at least 2 episodic pod casts about related themes / Work on podcasts / 1.  What kind of sound track should you not couple with narration? / AB 1, AB 3, AF 1, AF 3, AH 1, EM 3, EF 3
Tuesday / I can…
·  Define podcasts
·  Discuss the history of podcasts
·  Understand how to access podcasts online
·  Explain an RSS feed
·  Define “time-shifted” and “narrowcasting”
·  Define podcatcher
·  Create at least 2 episodic pod casts about related themes / Work on podcasts / 1. Podcasts are detached. Explain this. / AB 1, AB 3, AF 1, AF 3, AH 1, EM 3, EF 3
Wednesday / I can…
·  Define podcasts
·  Discuss the history of podcasts
·  Understand how to access podcasts online
·  Explain an RSS feed
·  Define “time-shifted” and “narrowcasting”
·  Define podcatcher
·  Create at least 2 episodic pod casts about related themes / Work on podcasts / 1. Define narrowcasting, as it pertains to podcasting / AB 1, AB 3, AF 1, AF 3, AH 1, EM 3, EF 3
Thursday / I can…
·  Define podcasts
·  Discuss the history of podcasts
·  Understand how to access podcasts online
·  Explain an RSS feed
·  Define “time-shifted” and “narrowcasting”
·  Define podcatcher
·  Create at least 2 episodic pod casts about related themes / Work on podcasts / 1. What does RSS stand for? / AB 1, AB 3, AF 1, AF 3, AH 1, EM 3, EF 3
Friday / I can…
·  Define podcasts
·  Discuss the history of podcasts
·  Understand how to access podcasts online
·  Explain an RSS feed
·  Define “time-shifted” and “narrowcasting”
·  Define podcatcher
·  Create at least 2 episodic pod casts about related themes / Podcasts are due today. Students will turn in both episodes to a dropbox folder. / 1. What is a pod catcher? / AB 1, AB 3, AF 1, AF 3, AH 1, EM 3, EF 3