Lesson Plan Title: Interpreting Word Parts- Prefixes & Suffixes

Standards Addressed: 1.3 Use medical terminology including root words, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations

Specific Objectives:

TLW define prefixes, suffixes and word roots selected from a list of words

TLW spell and pronounce medical terms correctly

Required Materials: Textbook, power point presentation, Worksheet 5:2, Puzzle, Crossword puzzle

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

▪Have any of you had your appendix removed?

▪Do you know the medical term for this procedure?

Write the term append/ectomy on the board. Point out the word ending ectomy, which means “removal of,” and the first part of the term, identifying the appendix, which is what was removed. Medical terms consist of various word parts put together to mean different things. Learning just one word part will help you understand the meaning of many words.

Now ask the following questions to the students:

▪Have any of you had your tonsils removed?

▪What is the medical term for this procedure?

Finish the discussion by showing the word part itis and giving its meaning, which is “inflammation”. Explain that an organ may need to be removed because it has become inflamed. Ask students to create the words that mean inflammation of the appendix and inflammation of the tonsils.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

  1. Get textbook turn to p. 95. Show PPP. Take notes.
  2. Pass out worksheet 5:2. Students to use text and complete worksheet to define terms. Allow students 15 minutes independent practice.
  3. Pair up students to complete worksheet.
  4. Review worksheet.
  5. Activity: Puzzle- get premade puzzle with terms and have students get into groups of three. By using worksheet and textbook, have students put together as many medical terms as they can create with the prefixes and suffixes and document the findings. The group with the most correct terms wins. Do this activity several times and then regroup the students. Now, the students are to come up with as many terms using the prefix and suffix puzzle pieces. The team with the most wins.
  6. Homework- Study prefixes and suffixes, quiz tomorrow, complete crossword puzzle

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

  • By learning basic word parts, they may be able to interpret the meaning of a word even if they have never seen it before
  • It is also important to learn correct spellings for word parts so medical terms will be interpreted properly by others
  • Ask the class questions openly reviewing today’s lesson. Assess the student’s class work and homework.