Medical Performances Profile

Specialist area neurology

  1. Performances for all patients

1.1Detailed specific medical check up with accurate evaluation of the neurological and psychiatric status as well as the general status on day of arrival or on subsequent day. If this is not possible, interview and investigation have to take place on arrival. An ECG and a laboratory base investigation will be done. Likewise the index acc. to Barthel is created. Depending upon the patients’ health status if necessary further tests are to be executed: e.g. Rivermead Mobility Index (physiotherapist assessment), Nine-Hole-Peg-Test (hand malfunctions), extended ADL scales for household training and handling devices (extended ADL).

1.2Creation of a rehabilitation schedule with a definition of the rehabilitation target.

1.3If it is recognizable that the rehabilitation target is not achieved an intermediate report is transmitted immediately to the referring medical institution. The rehabilitation stay can be cancelled if the target is not reachable.

1.4Two to three times a week a ward round by a physician will be conducted. Once a week a consultant neurologist and psychiatrist will visit the patient. If necessary the therapy schedule and medical checks have to be changed.

1.5Medical assistance is available at any time.

1.6Specific final medical check-up with a statement in which extent the determined target at the beginning was achieved; it this is not the case specification of reasons have to be given. Index acc. to Barthel as well as aforementioned test procedures under point 1.1. if applicable have to be ascertained. Therapy recommendations for the time after the rehabilitation will be given.

1.7Exact documentation of all medical check-ups and clinical rounds will be given. For each patient detailed issue findings are to be created. This has to contain a medical report besides the diagnosis and therapy recommendation, the beginning and discharging status as well as the general status and the results of medical check-ups. The final documentation will be handed over in English.

1.8Therapies take place from Monday to Saturday.

1.9If necessary specialists for internal, ear nose throat, urology and dermatology will be consulted.

  1. Special diagnostics

2.1ECG (electrocardiogram)

2.2Ultrasonic diagnostics of the brain-supplying vessels both intra and extra cranial and the peripheral vessels.


2.4EEG (electroencephalogram)

2.54-canal-EMG (recording electrode) for the conduction of the EMG, the NCV (nerve conduction velocity) and the potentials

2.6Neuropsychological diagnostics

2.7Course analysis system

2.8Laboratory chemical results

  1. Therapies

3.1Physiotherapy including locomotion and zeptoring


Classical massage, special massage, underwater massage, manual therapy

3.3Gymnastics after Bobath, PNF (propiozeptive neuromuscular facilitation) technique, underwater gymnastics e.g. after McMillan – the most important therapeutic point is the movement transition – lateral and vertical rotation, treadmill

3.4Electrotherapy – low, medium and high frequency, Iontophoresis

3.5Ultrasonic therapy


3.7Medical bath

3.8Occupational therapy

Self-help training, clarification of aids, back training, wheel chair training


Single sessions, accomplishment of ailment, handling of cognitive disturbances, brain performance training

3.10Nutritional training


Kurhotel Bad Pirawarth GmbH & CO KGTel: +43 (0) 2574 29160 0

Kurhausstrasse 100

A – 2222 Bad