Premarital Counseling Questionnaire
(Please complete and return bymail or email.
All information will be kept in strict confidence.)
- Today’s Date:
- Full Name:
(as stated on our driver’s license for your certificate)
- Nick Name:
- Address:
- Cell Phone:
- Email Address:
- Your Age:
- Have you been married before?
How many times?
Why did it end?
If divorced please explain.
- Do you have children?
If so, what are there names and ages and with whom do they live?
- Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? When and how?
- Please describe your present relationship with God.
- Are you involved in the life of a church? How?
- Today’s Date:
- Full Name:
(as stated on our driver’s license for your certificate) - Nick Name:
- Address:
- Cell Phone:
- Email Address:
- Your Age:
- Have you been married before?
How many times?
Why did it end?
If divorced please explain.
- Do you have children?
If so, what are there names and ages and with whom do they live?
- Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? When and how?
- Please describe your present relationship with God.
- Are you involved in the life of a church? How?
COUPLE [One of you may answer questions 23-31.]
- Which of the following days are you able to meet: Monday mornings, orTuesday or Thursday evenings or Friday days?
- How and when did you meet?
- How long have you been dating?
- Are you engaged? If yes, when?
- Have you set a date for your marriage ceremony? If so, when and where?
- Who will perform your marriage ceremony?
- Are you living with each other?
Each of you must answer the following questions.
- Do you agree with the all of the guidelines for marriage as stated in the letter?
If no, please explain.
- What do you think are the strong areas of your relationship?
- What are the challenging areas in your relationship?
- What do you hope to get out of premarital counseling?
- How do you think Christ will make a difference in your marriage?
- Why do you want to get married to your fiancé?
- Is there anything else that would help me prepare you for marriage?
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