Premarital Counseling Questionnaire

(Please complete and return bymail or email.

All information will be kept in strict confidence.)


  1. Today’s Date:
  2. Full Name:

(as stated on our driver’s license for your certificate)

  1. Nick Name:
  1. Address:
  1. Cell Phone:
  1. Email Address:
  1. Your Age:
  1. Have you been married before?
    How many times?
    Why did it end?
    If divorced please explain.
  1. Do you have children?
    If so, what are there names and ages and with whom do they live?
  1. Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? When and how?
  1. Please describe your present relationship with God.
  1. Are you involved in the life of a church? How?


  1. Today’s Date:
  2. Full Name:
    (as stated on our driver’s license for your certificate)
  3. Nick Name:
  1. Address:
  1. Cell Phone:
  1. Email Address:
  1. Your Age:
  1. Have you been married before?
    How many times?
    Why did it end?
    If divorced please explain.
  1. Do you have children?
    If so, what are there names and ages and with whom do they live?
  1. Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? When and how?
  1. Please describe your present relationship with God.
  1. Are you involved in the life of a church? How?

COUPLE [One of you may answer questions 23-31.]

  1. Which of the following days are you able to meet: Monday mornings, orTuesday or Thursday evenings or Friday days?
  1. How and when did you meet?
  1. How long have you been dating?
  1. Are you engaged? If yes, when?
  1. Have you set a date for your marriage ceremony? If so, when and where?
  1. Who will perform your marriage ceremony?
  1. Are you living with each other?

Each of you must answer the following questions.

  1. Do you agree with the all of the guidelines for marriage as stated in the letter?
    If no, please explain.
  1. What do you think are the strong areas of your relationship?
  1. What are the challenging areas in your relationship?
  1. What do you hope to get out of premarital counseling?
  1. How do you think Christ will make a difference in your marriage?
  1. Why do you want to get married to your fiancé?
  2. Is there anything else that would help me prepare you for marriage?

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