San DiegoCountyOffice of EducationPage 1
Year: 2013-2014Regional Occupational Program
Date Printed: 6/21/2013
Course Outline/Competencies
Course # - 429854- Medical Occupations/First ResponderApproved Hours: 180
District - 46- SweetwaterUnionHighSchool DistrictArea: South
Submitted by Robin Garland/Cezar GamezDate Reviewed: 10/12/10
Outline / Hours / Industry Validated Competencies / Curriculum Standards / AssessmentReg / CC / CVE / CTE / Core Academic
Occupational Knowledge and Skills
I. Introduction To Medical Occupations / 2 / 1.INTRODUCTION TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE – The student:
- Defines the Emergency Medical Care System.
10.0 / T / Test
- Discusses the roles and responsibilities of the First Responder related to personal safety and the safety of the crew, the patient, and bystanders.
8.3 / R
II.Safety And Health Maintenance / 2 / 2.SAFETY AND HEALTH MAINTENANCE – The student:
1.Universal Precautions /
- Defines body mechanics and why they are important to the First Responder.
2.OSHA /
- Discusses the guidelines and safety precaution that need to be followed when lifting a patient.
6.0 / T / Demonstrate Competency
3.Emergency Protocol /
- Demonstrates correct and safe emergency moves.
III.Introduction To The Emergency Medical Service System / 2 / 30 / 3.INTRODUCTION TO THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE SYSTEM – The student:
1.Communication Techniques /
- States the proper order for reporting patient information.
2.Working with other EMS Providers /
- Explains the importance of effective communication of patient information in the oral report.
3.Ten Standard Components of the EMS System /
- Discusses the communication skills that should be used to interact with the patient, as well as family, bystanders, individuals from other agencies, and hospital personnel.
6.5 / R
4.Parent refusal considerations /
- Defines the special considerations concerning patient refusal.
IV.The Well Being Of The First Responder / 2 / 4THE WELL BEING OF THE FIRST RESPONDER – The student:
1.Stress /
- Lists possible reactions that the First Responder may experience when faced with trauma, illness, death, and dying.
8.5 / M
2.Safety /
- Discusses the possible reactions that a family member may exhibit when confronted with death and dying.
3.Critical Incident Stress /
- Recognizes the signs and symptoms of critical incident stress.
4.Emotional Aspects of Emergency Care /
- Explains the need to determine scene safety.
5.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD) /
- Discusses the importance of body substance isolation and the steps taken for personal protection from airborne and blood borne pathogens.
6.Body Substance Isolation (BSI) / F. Demonstrates proper BSI procedures.
V.Legal And Ethical Issues / 2 / 5.MEDICO LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES - The student:
1.Rules and Regulations /
- Discusses the importance of do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, advance directives, and local or state provisions regarding EMS application.
2.Ethical Responsibilities and Competence /
- States the conditions necessary for the First Responder to have a duty to act.
3.Consent and Confidentiality /
- Differentiates between expressed and implied consent.
4.Patient Records and Confidentiality /
- Explains the importance of HIPPA regulations.
B3.5 / R
VI.The Human Body: Anatomy And Function Of Body Systems / 6 / 6.THE HUMAN BODY – The student: / B3.6 / M
1.Human Body Systems /
- Demonstrates basic knowledge of anatomy and function of the major body systems: respiratory, circulatory, digestive musculoskeletal, nervous, integumentary and endocrine systems.
2. Directional Terms /
- Identifies and locates on the body the following topographic terms: medial, lateral, proximal, distal, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, midline, right and left, midclavicular, bilateral and midaxillary.
VII. Lifting And Moving Patients / 6 / 7. LIFTING AND MOVING PATIENTS – The student:
1.General Principles /
- Discusses the guidelines and safety precaution that need to be followed when lifting a patient.
2.Recovery Position /
- Demonstrates the correct procedure to move patient into the recovery position safely.
3.Body Mechanics /
- Defines body mechanics and why they are important to the First Responder.
4.Emergency Movement of Patients /
- Identifies procedures and knowledge of emergency movement of patients.
And Perform
5.Equipment / E. Demonstrates correct and safe use of emergency equipment. / 10.6 / T / Demonstrate and Perform
6.Head Immobilization / F. Demonstrates correct in-line head and neck immobilization. / 10.6 / T / Demonstrate
And Perform
VIII.Airway / 10 / 8.RESPIRATORY EMERGENCIES - The student:
1.Anatomy and Function of the Respiratory System /
- Lists the structures and functions of the respiratory system.
2.Airway Obstruction Assessment for Adult, Child, Infant /
- Lists the signs and symptoms of a patient with breathing problems and describes the steps in the four techniques of opening the airway.
B3.2 / T / Test
3.Rescue Breathing for Adult, Child, Infant /
- Demonstrates the appropriate cycle of rescue breaths for an adult, child, and infant.
B3.0 / T / Demonstrate and perform
4.Care for Unconscious or Conscious Adult, Child, Infant /
- Demonstrates appropriate care for an unconscious or conscious adult, child and infant with an airway obstruction.
5.Airway Devices /
- Is knowledgeableof appropriate use of airway devices such as an orpharyngeal airway or a nasopharyngeal airway.
6.Rescue breathing for patients with stomas, Gastric Distention, Dental Appliances /
- Is knowledgeable of appropriate technique in administering rescue breathes for a patient with stomas, gastric distention or dental appliances.
IX.Patient Assessment / 6 / 9.ASSESSMENT – The student:
1.Perform a Scene Size-Up /
- Identifies and performs the components of a scene size-up.
2.Perform an Initial Assessment /
- Identifies and performs all components of an Initial Assessment.
3.Signs and Symptoms /
- Identifies and performs all components of a Physical Exam.
4.The Patients Medical History /
- Obtains a SAMPLE History.
5. Ongoing Assessment /
- Identifies and performs Ongoing Assessment.
X.CPR And Circulation / 10 / 10.AIRWAY AND VENTILATION – The student:
1.Anatomy and Function of the Circulatory System /
- Lists the structures and functions of the respiratory system.
2.Cardiac Arrest /
- Lists the signs and symptoms of a patient in Cardiac Arrest.
3.Components and Application of CPR for Adult, Child, Infant /
- Lists and demonstrates the proper steps in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Adult, Child, and Infant.
4.10 Adults, Children and Infants /
- Describes how to measure and insert both and or pharyngeal airway and a nasopharyngeal airway.
5.Legal Complications of CPR /
- Defines the components of an oxygen delivery system.
6.Non—breathing mask and oxygen flow requirements /
- Identifies a non-rebreathing mask and states the oxygen flow requirements needed for its use.
2.03.0 / T
- Describes the steps in the four techniques of opening the airway.
XI.Medical Emergencies / 10 / 11. MEDICAL EMERGENCIES – The student: / B1.02.03.0 / T
1.General Medical Conditions / A. Identifies common medical conditions.
2.General Approaches to a Medical Patient / B. Describes appropriate care and approach to a patient with a general medical condition.
XII. Medical Emergencies – Poisonings / 5 / 12. ALLERGIES AND POISONING – The student:
1.General Considerations /
- Lists the signs and symptoms of poisoning.
2.Types of Poisons /
- Describes specific care for victims of ingested, inhaled, and absorbed poisons.
11.0 / M
3.Treatment /
- Describes specific care for someone suspected of misusing or abusing a substance.
4.Anaphylaxis /
- Describes specific care for a victim of anaphylaxis.
XIII. Behavioral Emergencies And Crisis Intervention / 5 / 13. BEHAVIORAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES – The student: / 5.011.0
B1.02.03.0 / T
1.Crisis Identification /
- Describes the steps in providing emergency medical care to a patient exposed to cold or heat.
2.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder /
- Discusses the special considerations for assessing a patient with behavioral problems.
3.Patient Assessment and Communication /
- Identifies appropriate course of action in incidents involving weapons of mass destruction.
4.Phases of Situational Crisis /
- Identifies appropriate course of action in incidents involving mass casualty accidents.
5.Medical and Legal Considerations
XIV.Shock, Bleeding And Soft Tissue Injuries / 10 / 14. BLEEDING AND SHOCK – The student: / 5.c
9.h / 1.2
2.0 / T / Demonstrate and Perform
1.Body Substance Isolation and Soft Tissue Injuries /
- Identifies signs and symptoms of internal and external bleeding.
2.Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Shock /
- Applies appropriate care for internal and external bleeding.
3.Body Substance Isolation and Bleeding Control /
- Lists signs and symptoms of shock.
4.Types of Wounds /
- Lists appropriate care for a patient in shock.
5.Treatment of Wounds /
- Identifies a patient on diabetic medications with altered mental status and the implications of a history of diabetes.
6.Types and Cause of Burns /
- Describes emergency care for burns.
7.Treatment of Burns
XV. Injuries To Muscles And Bones / 10 / 15. MUSCULOSKELETAL CARE – The student: / 5.c 9.h / 1.2 2.0
1.The Anatomy and Function of the Musculoskeletal System /
- Describes the major bones and functions of the muscular and skeletal systems.
2.Medical Terminology /
- Lists common signs or symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries.
3.Management of Fractures /
- Demonstrates the application of appropriate splint for musculoskeletal injury.
4.Management of Dislocations
5.Management of Sprains
6.Signs and Symptoms of Extremity Injuries
7.Examination of Musculoskeletal Injuries
8.General Patient Assessment
9.Examination of the Injured Limb
10.Evaluation of Circulation and Sensation in the Injured Limb
11.Treatment of Musculoskeletal Injuries
12.Principles and Materials of Splinting
13.Signs, Symptoms and Managing Injuries to the Head, Skull and Brain
14.Injuries and Treatment to Facial Injuries
15.Treatment and Stabilization of Spinal Injuries
16.Injuries and Treatment of the Chest
XVI. Childbirth / 2 / 16. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY – The student:
1.The Anatomy and Function of the Female Reproductive System /
- Demonstrates the steps to assist in a normal head-first delivery.
2.Labor and Delivery /
- Demonstrates the necessary care of the baby as the head appears.
3.Aftercare of the Mother and Newborn /
- Demonstrates the post-delivery care of the mother.
4.Resuscitating the Newborn /
- Demonstrates the care of the newborn.
5.Childbirth Complications
XVII. Infants And Children, Pediatric Emergencies / 4
1.Pediatric Anatomy and Function
2.Examining the Child
3.Parent Communication
4.Pediatric Assessment and Treatment in Respiratory Emergencies
5.Circulatory Failure of the Pediatric Patient
6.Sudden Illness and Medical Emergencies
7.Altered Mental Status in the Pediatric Patient
8.Heat Illness and High Fever in the Pediatric Patient
9.Pediatric Trauma including Patterns of Injury and Traumatic Shock in the Pediatric Patient
10.Car Seats and Children
11.Child Abuse Including Sexual Assault in the Pediatric Patient
12.First Responder Debriefing
13.Head to Toe Survey
16.Demonstrate how to cool and treat for shock
17.Demonstrate proper use of child restraints
18.How to report a case of abuse, neglect, etc
XVIII. Emergency Medical Service Operations / 2
1.Pre-Emergency Procedures
2.Post-Emergency Procedures
3.Helicopter Operations
4.Extrication Steps One through Five
5.Hazardous Material Incidents
6.Multiple Casualty Incidents
7.Utilizing the START System to Sort Patients
8.Working a Mass Casualty Incident
9.Multi-casualty matrix
XIX.Special Patients And Considerations / 2 / 17.SPECIAL PATIENTS AND CONSIDERATIONS - The student:
1.Loss or Impairment of Hearing or Sight /
- Demonstrates the care of the elderly with special needs such as hearing loss or mute.
2.The Elderly Patient
3.Non-English Speaking Patients
4.Developmentally Disabled Patients
5.Persons Displaying Disruptive Behavior
XX. Special Rescue Situations / 2 / 18. SPECIAL RESCUE SITUATIONS - The student:
1.Water Rescue and Initial Treatment of a Person in the Water /
- Understands water hazards.
2.Ice Rescue of a Victim /
- Demonstrates treatment and consideration for a person immersed in cool water.
3.Confine Space Rescue /
- Understands confined space hazards.
XXI. Supplemental Skills / 8
1.The Ability to Take Blood Pressure by Palpation and Auscultation
2.Oxygen Equipment
3.Safety Considerations
4.Administering Supplemental Oxygen
5.Safety Considerations
6.Administering and the Hazards Associated with Supplemental Oxygen
7.Early Defibrillation by the First Responder
XXII. The Human Body / 2
1.The Language of Anatomy
2.The Planes of the Body
3.Directional Terms
4.Anatomical Positions
5.Body Systems
XXIII. Vital Signs And Patient History / 4 / 19. VITAL SIGNS AND PATIENT HISTORY – The student:
1.Baseline Vitals /
- Demonstrates the methods to obtain vital signs.
2.Taking a Patients Pulse /
- Lists the components of a SAMPLE history.
3.Skin Characteristics /
- Demonstrates skills and proper technique to use airway equipment and take blood pressures.
4.Skin Color, Temperature, Moisture and Capillary Refill /
- Knows arterial pressure points.
5.The Pupils of a Patient /
- Demonstrates on how to operate an AED.
6.Blood Pressure
7.Sample History
XXIV. Airway Adjuncts And Oxygen / 4 / 20. AIRWAY AND VENTILATION – The student:
1.The Use of Oral and Nasal Adjuncts /
- Describes the steps in the four techniques of opening the airway.
2.0 / R
2.Supplemental Oxygen Adjuncts in an Emergency /
- Describes the signs of both adequate and inadequate artificial ventilation using the bag-valve-mask device.
3.Supplemental Oxygen Supply and Equipment /
- Lists the proper steps in performing mouth-to-mouth (or mask) and mouth-to-stoma artificial ventilation.
4.Operating Procedures /
- Describes how to measure and insert both and oropharyngeal airway and a nasopharyngeal airway.
5.The Hazards of Supplemental Oxygen /
- Defines the components of an oxygen delivery system.
6.The Use and Application of a Nasal Cannula, Nonerebreather and Simple Face Mask /
- Identifies a non-rebreathing mask and states the oxygen flow requirements needed for its use.
XXV. Respiratory Emergencies / 5 / 21. RESPIRATORY EMERGENCIES – The student: / 11.0 / T
1.Anatomy of the Respiratory System /
- Lists the structures and functions of the respiratory system.
2.Normal Breathing and Respiration Patterns /
- Lists the signs and symptoms of a patient with breathing problems.
3.Respiratory Assessment and Treatment /
- Demonstrates how to clear an airway obstruction in a conscious and unconscious adult, child, and infant.
4.Airway Infections /
- Demonstrates appropriate care for a conscious and unconscious choking adult, child and infant.
5.Acute Pulmonary Edema /
- Demonstrates how to give rescue breathing to a conscious and unconscious adult, child, and infant.
6.Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease /
- Understands chronic obstruction related to pulmonary disease.
B3.0 / T
7.Spontaneous Pneumothorax /
- Understands Spontaneous Pneumothorax.
8.Asthma or Allergic Reaction /
- Lists and signs and symptoms of asthma or allergic reactions.
9.Mechanical Obstruction of the Airway /
- Demonstrates how to handle mechanical obstruction of the airway.
10.Pulmonary Embolism /
- Demonstrates appropriate care for pulmonary embolism.
10.6 / T
11.Hyperventilation /
- Demonstrates how to assist with hyperventilation.
11.0 / T
XXVI. Cardiac Emergencies / 4 / 22. CARDIAC EMERGENCIES – The student: / B3.0 / M
1.Assessment and Care in a Patient with a Cardiac Emergency /
- Identifies signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
2.Overview of Defibrillation and the Chain of Survival /
- Demonstrates the proper technique for chest compressions on an adult, child, and infant.
3.Knowledge of the Different Types of Defibrillators /
- Demonstrates how to perform one-rescuer CPR for an adult, child, and infant.
4.Disease of the Blood Vessels and Risks for Heart Disease /
- Demonstrates how to perform two-rescuer CPR for an adult, child, and infant.
5.Performing Defibrillation /
- Explains when defibrillation is appropriate (AED).
6.Using the AED, Preparing to Defibrillate, Analyzing the Heart /
- Demonstrates how to use an AED.
7.Rhythm and Delivering Shocks /
- Lists pediatric considerations.
8.Pediatric Considerations /
- Demonstrates how to transport the sick or injured patient.
9.Transporting the Sick or Injured Patient /
- Lists ways to handle special transport situations.
10.Special Transport Situations /
- Demonstrates postresuscitation care of the sick or injured patient.
11.Postresuscitation Care of the Sick or Injured Patient /
- Demonstrates how to maintain a defibrillation machine.
12.Defibrillation Maintenance /
- Lists medications for the heart patient and their appropriate use.
13.Maintaining Defibrillation Skills of the EMT /
- Identifies when to administer medicine.
B3.0 / T
14.Medications for the Heart Patient /
- Identifies and list the precautions and contraindications of specific patient medications.
10.6 / T
15.Indications for Medicine Administration /
- Identifies common cardiac conditions.
B3.0 / T
16.Precautions and Contraindications of Specific Patient Medications /
- Demonstrates care for patients with prior heart operations and pacemakers.
10.6 / M
17.Common Cardiac Conditions
18.Care for patients with prior heart operations and pacemakers
XXVII. Bleeding And Shock / 4 / 23. BLEEDING AND SHOCK – The student:
1.The Physiology and Perfusion of the Heart /
- Identifies signs and symptoms of internal and external bleeding.
2.External Bleeding /
- Applies appropriate care for internal and external bleeding.
3.Controlling External Bleeding /
- Lists signs and symptoms of shock.
4.The Application and use of the Pneumatic Antishock Garmet /
- Lists appropriate care for a patient in shock.
5.The Consideration and Application of a Tourniquet /
- Identifies a patient on diabetic medications with altered mental status and the implications of a history of diabetes.
6.Bleeding from the Nose, Ears and Mouth
7.Internal Bleeding
8.Shock as a Result of Extreme Blood Loss
9.Recognize the Sign and Symptoms of Shock Due to Blood Loss
XXVIII. All Aspects Of The Industry, The Student (infused throughout the course) / 24. ALL ASPECTS OF THE INDUSTRY – The student: / 9.0 / R
1.Identifies key elements of industry planning /
- Identifies key elements of industry planning.
2.Identifies key elements of management /
- Identifies key elements of management.
3.Understands industry finance /
- Understands industry finance.
11.0 / M
4.Understands the principals of technology /
- Understands the underlying principles of technology.
5.Identifies the labor and regulatory issues /
- Identifies the labor and regulatory issues.
6.Understands the community, health, safety and environmental issues /
- Understands the community, health, safety and environmental issues.
7.Allocates resources (i.e. time, money) /
- Allocates resources (i.e., time, money, materials, space and staff).
8.Work on teams, teach others, serve customers, lead negotiate and work well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds /
- Works on teams, teaches others, serves customers, leads, negotiates and works well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
9.Acquire and evaluate data, organize and maintain files, interpret and communicate information as well as use computer to process information /
- Acquires and evaluates data, organizes and maintains files, interprets and communicates information as well as uses computer to process information.
10.Understands social, organizational, and technical systems, monitor correct performance and improve systems /
- Understands social, organizational, and technical systems, monitors correct performance and improves systems.
11.Select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks and maintain and troubleshoot equipment /
- Selects equipment and tools, applies technology to specific tasks and maintains and troubleshoots equipment.
12.Follow safety procedures and practices /
- Follows safety procedures and practices.
LS2.4 / R
13.Demonstrate (show) understanding of ethics and confidentiality /
- Demonstrates understanding of ethics and confidentiality.
Expected Student Learning Results
I. OCCUPATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS (infused throughout the course) / 10 / 5 / 5 / 1.OCCUPATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS – The student: / 9.0 / R
A Technology and information / AAccesses and utilizes technology and information. / C2.0 / R
B Safety standards / B Practices occupational safety standards. / 11.0 / R
C Critical thinking and solving problems / C Thinks critically and solves problems effectively. / 7.0
8.0 / R
D Basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, listening and speaking / D Uses basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, listening and speaking as they relate to occupation specific skills. / 3.1 / R
E All aspects of industry / E Attains a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of industry the individual is preparing to enter. / 3.1
F Real world problems and situations / F Applying knowledge to real world problems and situations. / 3.1 / R
II. WORKPLACE SKILLS AND BEHAVIOR (infused throughout the course) / 15 / 5 / 5 / 2. WORKPLACE SKILLS AND BEHAVIOR – The student: / 3.1
AIndependent collaborative work / AWorks independently and collaboratively. / 3.1 / R
BCommunication / BCommunicates effectively and appropriately. / 3.1 / R
CReliability / CPerforms reliably and responsibly. / 3.1 / R
DDiversity / DWorks with diverse populations effectively and respectfully.
EPunctuality and Dependability / EIs punctual.
FDirections / FFollows directions. / 3.6 / R
GSupervision / GWorks well with minimum supervision. / 3.6 / R
HCooperation / HIs cooperative. / 3.2 / R
IInitiative / ITakes initiative by working beyond minimum requirements.
JGrooming / JMeets job standards of neatness and grooming.
KConstructive Criticism / KResponds appropriately to constructive criticism.
LProblem Solving
AResume and job application / ACompletes an appropriate resume and job application.
BJob interview techniques / BAcquires job interview techniques.
CAdvanced careers and educational opportunities / CAttains awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities.
DCover letter
A. Received the ROP Outstanding Student Award.
171 / 80 / 0
B-Health Science Medical Technology (HSMT) Diagnostic Services C- HSMT Heath Informatics W-Writing W/0- Writing and Oral Conventions