Medical Radiography
Technology Diploma Program
Application Package
September 2017 Program Intake
Student Name

3330 – 22nd Ave Prince George, BC V2N

Applicant’s Checklist

All of the following application requirements must be completed and submitted to the College of New Caledonia’s Prince George campus Admissions Office before your application will be considered complete.

□CNC application form

□CNC application fee

□High School Transcript

□Self Report on Suitability for the Profession

  • See page 4 of MRT program Application Package

□ Participation in a MRAD information session

□Career Investigation Forms

  • See page 56 of MRAD program Application Package

□Two reference letters

  • To be attached by applicant

Additional documents to submit:

□Official post-secondary transcripts (if applicable)

Note:Upon acceptance into the MRAD program students will be required tosubmit documents (costs are the responsibility of the student) certifying:

  1. Criminal record checks (prior to commencement of program)
  2. Current immunization status (prior to the end of the first term)
  3. CPR(levelC) certification that will remain current for the duration of the program
  4. Successful completion of the MRAD 100 Medical Terminology course


As part of the Admissions process, selected short-listed applicants must attend an interview. The short-listed candidates will be selected for the program using the following criteria:

Criteria / Points
1 / The cumulative grade point average of the required English, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics courses(required minimum GPA of 3.0 “B” with no grade lower than C+) contributes its actual points e.g. a GPA of 3.2 contributes 3.2 points / 4.00
2 / 30 course credits or more at the post-secondary level, or 1-year equivalency, contributes 2 points
Prorated points for less than 30 credits or courses less than 1yr / 2.00
3 / Participation in a CNC MRADprogram information session / 1.00
4 / A completed “Self-Report on Suitability contributes 1 point / 1.00
5 / Resident of BC or the Yukon will be awarded 1 point / 1.00
6 / Persistent interest in the program, as shown by continuing qualified applications, contributes 1 point / 1.00
Total Score to here determines who is short-listed for interviews
7 / The interview and a completed “Medical Radiography Technology Career Investigation” contributes up to 5 points / 5.00
Total possible points / 15.00

Application Deadlines

For your best opportunity to be considered in our student selection process, the following submission deadlines must be met:

  1. CNC Application for AdmissionformMarch 31st, 2017
  2. Official transcriptsMarch 31st, 2017
  3. Completed MRAD Application PackageMarch 31st, 2017

All documents must be forwarded to the CNC Admissions Office. The earliest that applications will be accepted for the next MRADprogram intake is September 15th, 2017.


The following attributes are recommended to ensure the best possible chance of success in this program. Please check (√) beside each statement, sign at bottom and submit to CNC Admissions Office.

  1. Strong problem solving skills, good interpersonal skills and the ability to function well as part of a team.
  1. A professional attitude and meticulous work habits, as well as good manual dexterity and fine motor skills.
  1. Good time management and organizational skills, including the ability to multi-task and prioritize.
  1. Awareness that medical radiography work is demanding, bothphysically and mentally. Individuals must be able to cope well in a stressful environment and be physically able to perform all duties.
  1. Applicant must have proficient oral and written English communication skills in order to communicate effectively with patients and the healthcare team.
  1. The ability to use word processing programs and electronic communication (internet, etc). Academic and clinical demands will require an understanding of computer information systems.
  1. A willingness to work evening, weekend, nights, and on call shifts.
  1. The ability to work with needles, body fluids and biopsy tissue collection.
  1. Awareness that the clinical setting has a variety of scenarios; applicants must be able to deal with disturbing situations such as trauma patients, surgical procedures and acutely ill patients.
  1. A willingness to accept clinical placement at off campus sites at various Radiology Departments inNorthern British Columbia. There will be three rotations of clinical placement sites.
  1. Awareness of the CAMRT Professional Code of Conduct and willingness to follow this code while in the CNC program (
  1. Awareness that admittance to this program and employment in this field requires criminal record checks.
  1. Awareness that admittance to this program requires immunizations.
  1. Awareness of Selection Criteria for MRAD diploma program (see page 3 of MRAD program application package).
  1. I am aware of the financial demands of the program and am making arrangements to cover the costs of tuition, fees, textbooks, clinical/practicum terms and living expenses.

I certify that I have read the above and that I am a suitable applicant for the CNC Medical Radiography Technology Science Program.

Printed Name / Signature / Date


In order to demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched this career choice, all of the following activities are strongly recommended.

1. CNCProgram Information

Visit the CNC website and type MedicalRadiography Tech in the search window, or enter the following internet address:

Also click on Program Website link – top right corner on Med Rad Tech site – for additional information.

It is mandatory that applicants attend an information session.

Information session registration:250-561-5830

For additional program information

  1. CNC Student Recruitment Advisor:250-561-5855 or 1-800-371-8111 local 5855
  2. CNC Counsellor or Academic Advisor250-561-5818

2. Additional Activities

Attend Medical Radiography Technology information activities put on by CNC or other post-secondary institutions. These may include career fairs, meeting with a career/guidance counselor, visiting other hospital imaging facilities, clinics, or research centers.

3. Career Investigation

It is important that applicants to the program have a clear understanding of the admission requirements for this 2 consecutive year educational program, as well as the duties and responsibilities of a Medical Radiography Technologist.

In order to gain a thorough understanding of the MRAD profession, the applicant should fully investigate this career choice. This is done by conversing with people in the profession, attending information sessions, and searching the internet.

  1. Indicate (√) the sources from which you received information regarding this program and career.

 Post Secondary Institution MRT Program tours or Career Fairs (CNC MRAD Information Session does not apply in this category)


 CNC MRAD program brochures

 CNC internet site

 CAMRT internet site

 BCAMRT internet site

 Other internet sites (please list)

 Other (give details - YouTube links etc)

2. List the individuals that you contacted to obtain information.

  1. Radiography technologists or student technologists

Date / Name / Organization
  1. Clinical (hospital or private clinics) instructors/Manager

Date / Name / Organization
  1. CNC staff ;MRAD instructors, Counsellor, or Academic Advisor

Date / Name / Organization
  1. Indicate (√) previous experience, skills and educational courses that may be relevant to this profession.

√ / Experience/skill/course / Year completed/performed
Combined Radiography/Lab Technologist
Basic or advanced First Aid(Not CPR C)
Safety Training (give detail) (Not CPR C)
Company sponsored training
(give detail)
Other with Detail

Please provide two references. It is preferred that both are professional references, but one reference may be from a personal friend if two professional references are not available; list their information below. Submit original reference letters with this report. Letters sent by fax or email will be marked as copies; originals must be received by the CNC Admissions Office. The letters should focus on the applicant’s suitability for the CNC Medical Radiography Technology Science program. References must be acquainted with the applicant for at least 6 months and may be contacted for verification.

Phone number
Phone number

Applicant declaration

I declare that the information that I have provided in this application is complete and correct. I recognize that if I have plagiarized any part of this document or allocated the task to a second party, I will forfeit my admission to the CNC Medical Radiography TechnologyDiploma Program.

Printed Name / Signature / Date

MRAD Program 2017 Application Package Page 1 of 8