Medical Information & Requirements


You need to download & print the health form separately.

The Barrier Island Program Permission/Health History Forms (Parts A & B) must be completed and signed by each child's parent or legal guardian. In addition, the Authorization For medication Administration Form (Part C) must be completed and signed by each child's parent/guardian AND a physician for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. These forms must not be altered in any way. Please alphabetize and mail all forms no later than two weeks before your arrival. If any medications are to be administered, a copy of Part C should also be submitted with the mailed forms. The original Part C, with any updates, accompanies the medication. Check to make sure all forms are signed and filled out completely. Incomplete forms will not be accepted and you will be required to submit a new form. Please keep a copy for your own records.

NOTE: We cannot accept a child whose medical forms are not complete. A child who arrives at

Barrier Island without all parental and physician signatures will be sent home. Adults are encouraged to complete health forms Part A & B, especially since emergency contact information is on the forms.

All medications, prescription AND over- the- counter, must be clearly labeled in the original container with the child's name, name of medicine and a completed Part C (Authorization For Medication Administration). If available, bring the Individual Health Plan and/or Emergency Plan for students bringing medications. A current tetanus shot is required for all students and recommended for all adults.

The nurse will greet you at the bus. All medications should be collected at school and be ready for the nurse upon your arrival. Please do not wait until you are at Barrier Island to collect medications. Also, please do not have multiple loose bottles and baggies.

All medications should be in one container.

Alert us at least two weeks before your arrival of any person with special dietary restrictions. The week before you come, the Barrier Island Food Services Director will contact parents/guardians who have indicated that they wish to be contacted in order to discuss menu items (if you provide us with contact information on the Special Needs Form). We cannot accommodate special diets if we do not know about them in advance. All of these

needs should be listed on the Special Needs Form available on our website.

Medical Provisions

A Nurse is part of the Barrier Island staff and is on call Monday through Friday. If your field trip is scheduled for a weekend (this includes groups who arrive Sunday evening), there will not be

medical personnel on staff. You will need to assign one of your teachers as the person responsible for medications, injuries, or other problems that your group could face on weekends. 911-Emergency Medical Services and a local doctor are available Saturday 8-12, but are closed on Sunday. Additionally, BI staff members are available for assistance.

Prompt medical attention is given when and where needed. The Barrier Island Nurse dispenses medication and other non-emergency care at regular times (generally after each meal) at the Health Center. Rescue inhalers and Epi-Pens will be kept with students at all times. An American Academy of Pediatrics guideline recommends that parents teach their children how to use rescue inhalers or Epi-Pens before the child goes to camp. In accordance with this guideline, please ensure students know how to use his/her inhaler and

/or epi-pen. Adults may be asked to hold these for safekeeping. Please ensure that the parents and children with epi-pens and rescue inhalers are aware of this.

Barrier Island maintains supplementary health and accident insurance that may help cover medical costs due to insufficient coverage by family or school policies. Only illnesses and injuries contracted and treated during the stay at Barrier Island will be covered by this policy.

Barrier Island reserves the right to send any student home who arrives ill or becomes ill during his/her stay, or behaves in a manner determined "unsuitable" by the Barrier Island management.

Emergency Procedures

Barrier Island staff members have been trained in emergency procedures. In an emergency, the staff person will see that appropriate action is taken and that medical attention is prompt. Each school is responsible for bringing one vehicle that is designated as the emergency vehicle (for instance, if a student needs to go to the doctor).


All medications (prescription and non-prescription) brought to Barrier Island will be turned in to the Health Center and will be dispensed as directed by the child’s physician. (Epipens and inhalers will remain with the child for immediate use should it become necessary). Teachers are responsible for ensuring children come to the Health Center for daily medications. The Barrier Island Health Center is equipped to handle routine health care.