Answers to your Questions:

  1. MD or DC can operate the Tesla Max?
  2. Both + RN, PA, NP, PT, OT, PTA, OTA, Massage Therapist. Just like a TNS unit. However, reimbursement can be state specific as different Jurisdictions for Medicare/Medicaid sometimes have different rules.
  3. Have your office manager check with your local payors for clarification.
  1. Codes:

Electrical Stim-Unattended Medicare only: GO283
Electrical Stim- Unattended Stage 111 and IV: G0281

Electric Stim- Unattended Non Medicare: 97014

Therapeutic Exercise: 97110

Neuromuscular Re-education:97112

  1. Reimbursement numbers for Medicare vs Cash Reimbursement per Patient? (please be very specific with this answer)

Please understand these are NOT Exact reimbursements. Every Carrier varies and most vary from state to state. Please consult with your 6 most used carriers for exact reimbursement.

In office Protocol:

  • 3 visits per week for 3 weeks = 9
  • 2 visits per week for 3 weeks = 6
  • 1 visit per week for 3 weeks = 3
  • Total visits = 18

Using 97110 or 97112 or 97350 code @ 1 units per visit = 18 units

Normal average fee @ $40/ unit = $720

And 97014 E-stim @ $20/unit = $320

Normal additional fees:

Entry exam: New patient: 99204 @ $125

Re-evaluation at 30 & 60 days respectively: 99213 @ $100x 2 = $200

Total: $1365 net profit

(Optional Additional testing: ABI, muscle testing, EMG/NCV, LE X-Ray, MRI, CT)


4 month Program In office Protocol:

  • 4 visits/week for 3 weeks = 12
  • 3 visits per week for 3 weeks = 9
  • 2 visits per week for 3 weeks = 6
  • 1 visit per week for 3 weeks = 3
  • Total visits = 30

Using 97110 or 97112 or 97350 code @ 1 units per visit = 30 units

Normal average fee @ $40/ unit = $1200

And 97014 E-stim @ $20/unit = $600

Normal additional fees:

Entry exam: New patient: 99204 @ $125

Re-evaluation at 30 & 60 days respectively: 99213 @ $100x 2 = $200 total = $325

(Optional Additional testing: ABI, muscle testing, EMG/NCV, LE X-Ray, MRI, CT)


C. Home Treatment Program: 3-6 months

Initial Exam: 99203 = $125

Twice monthly re-evaluation: 99213 = $100 x 4 months = $700

Approximate Medicare reimbursement: $825

Patient treats at home twice a day.

Cost of Tesla Max™ $350/ month x 4 = $1400

Patient SELF-PAY: $6000

  1. Electrode Care: spray solution they can be reused and last for months? How much for the next set? And how many do you get?
  2. 8 pads come with the unit
  3. Cost $12.50 / pkg of 4
  4. Solution = 1/3 peroxide / 2/3 water: spray before and after usage
  5. Best to assign one set of pads to each patient and lableplastic bad with their name, file in small container centrally in the PT suite
  6. When finished with treatment, place back on the plastic backing and return to resealable plastic bag
  7. Average lifespan of a set of pads about 30-40 treatments.
  1. What are the schedules for a patient using the take home Tesla Max – 2x a day at home with the macro and 1x with the miniature unit?
  2. TM4 = 2 X/day for 35-45 minutes for two days
  3. Tier 4 = 2x/day for 35-45 min on every third day
  1. Reimbursement:
  2. Currently Medicare pays about $15.00 for unattended e-stim per patient
  3. Medicaid: usually less that medicare
  4. HMO’s: usually nothing
  5. PPO’s $15+ depending upon policy