Questionnaire for health check-up (설문지)

Registration Date:

Name / Family: Given: Middle:
Date of Birth / (dd) (mm) (yy) / Age :
Nationality / Gender:□ Male □ Female
Status / □ Resident □ Tourist □ Other ( )
Address (Korea) / Home Address:
Contact Number (In Korea) :
- Mobile number:
- Telephone number: (Home) (Office)
Alien Registration number:
Permanent Address
(Outside Korea)

Please, choose the way you would like to have your stomach examined. (위검사선택)

Please check <√>

□ Photography (위장촬영) □ Endoscopy (위내시경)

* If you want to be put to sleep for the endoscopy, please make an appointment before the date of the health check-up. (수면내시경, 사전예약)

Please, choose the way you would like to be notified of the results. (판정선택)

Please check <√>

□ Visiting the hospital (방문) □ By Mail (post) (우편발송)

What are your reasons for taking this medical exam? (검진동기) Please check <√>

□ Illness □ Group testing by company □ Family’s suggestion

□ Regular medical exam □ Others:

These are questions about your medical history. (과거병력) Please check <√>

- Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure: □ No or □ Yes (When: )

- Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes: □ No or □ Yes (When: )

- Have you ever been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis: □ No or □ Yes (When: )

Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following diseases by a medical doctor?

It you have, please check<√>

□ Cancer

□ Gastritis/ Duodenitis

□ Gastric ulcer/ Duodenal ulcer

□ Hepatitis B carrier

□ Hepatitis C

□ Disorder of Liver, functional

□ Fatty liver

□ Hyperlipidemia

□ Gallbladder stone

□ Polyp- rectal, colon

□ Asthma

□ Others (writes):

Have you ever had surgery? □ Yes or □ No (수술경험)

If you have, please specify what type.

The type of surgery:


Are you presently taking any medications? (복용하는 약)

□ No □ Yes (The name of the medication):

Do you have any family members who have suffered from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc?

If you have, Please check <√> and write the relation with you. (가족력)

Disease / Relation / Disease / Relation
□ Hypertension / □ Cancer
□ Tuberculosis / □ Asthma
□ Diabetes / □ Congenital heart disease
□ Stroke / □ Rheumatoid
□ Chronic hepatitis / □ Allergy
□ Liver cirrhosis / □ Colon disease
□ Others:

If you have recently had any symptoms listed below, please check<√>

Sudden change in weight

□ Weight loss:______kg for (duration) ______

□ Weight gain:______kg for (duration)______

Digestive system

□ Indigestion (소화불량)

□ Burping (belching) (트름)

□ Pain in the chest (명치나 가슴통증)

□ Feel abdominal swelling (bloating) (배가 더부룩함)

□ Heartburn (fasting, after eating)속쓰림

□ Nausea, Vomiting (구역질, 구토증상)

□ Uncomfortable feeling in the throat (목의 이물감)

□ Stomachache (복통)

□ Pain in the right upper abdomen(우상복부 통증)

□ Diarrhea (설사)

□ Bloating, have gas(복부/가스팽만)

□ Constipation(변비)

□ Defecate frequently (잦은 배변)

□ Thin stools(변이 가늘다)

□ Bloody stools(혈변) □ Black stools(검은변)

Endocrine system

□ Thirsty, Urinate a lot(갈증, 소변양의 증가)

□ Anxiousness, Nervousness, Depression(불안, 초조, 우울)

□ Backache(허리가 아픔)

□ Hot flashes, Facial flashes(얼굴이 화끈거리고 달아오름)

□ Palpitation, Sweating(가슴이 뛰고 땀이 남)

Urinary system

□ Difficulty urinating(소변보기 힘들고 잔뇨감)

□ Cloudy urine(소변색 탁함)

□ Pain in the side of the lower abdomen(옆구리아랫배 통증)

□ Frequent night urination(야간에 잦은 소변)

□ Trouble holding urine(소변을 못 참음)

□ Blood in the urine(혈뇨)

□ Incontinence(요실금)


□ Itchy skin(피부가려움증)

□ Hives(두드러기)

□ Poor vision(시력저하)

□ Pain in the eyes(눈이 아픔)

□ Hard of hearing (청력감소)

□ Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) (이명)

□ Ear discharge(귀 분비물)

□ Hoarseness(목소리가 자주 쉼)

□ Dizziness(어지러움)

□ Frequent nosebleeds(코피 잘남)

□ Sharp pains in the joints, ache all over (뼈마디 쑤시고 아픔)

□ Joint movement disorder (관절운동 장애)

□ Bruise easily(멍이 잘 듬)

□ Gums bleeding(잇몸에서 피가 남)

□ Bad breath(구취)

□ Toothache(치통)

What is your occupation?

What is your martial status?

Please note anything specific that you would like to speak to a physician about: