Media Specialists’ Meeting

March 21, 2007

Lewis Frasier Middle School

Present at the meeting –, Roxanne Lee, Sharon Dunham, Diana Clark, Miriam Hudson, Myra Clark-Johnson, Elaine Walker, Kathy Webb, Mary Lewis, Jeff Staggs, Kay Williams, Tory Baker, Melissa Sands, Mona Flesch, Diane Sanker

Not present at the meeting –Diana Anderson, Tara Griffin

I. InfoCentre Upgrade to 2.3 – Jaime announced that InfoCentre would be upgraded from 2.1 to 2.3 and would require remote assistance from Sagebrush. During this time you will not be able to use InfoCentre. Some dates were discussed when this might be done and it was decided that we would wait until summer to have the upgrade done.

II. 2006 Exemplary Library Media Program at Silver City Elementary – Jaime stated that Melissa Johnston will be presenting at the Media Program. Jaime said that she presented at the GaTEC. The program will be April 13 from 9AM – 2PM in Cummings, GA at Silver City Elementary. Jaime stated that the Tech Office will pay for two to attend.

Jaime asked that you take a look at What I can Do for You K-5. She said this was nice to give out to the teachers and they could work on these for PLU’s.

Jaime stated she would send an email out with more information and times for the Media Program.

III. Liberty County Media Festival – Frank Long Elementary will be hosting the festival this Friday, March 23 from 8am until 3pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Jaime stated that 117 projects had been submitted to be judged. Jaime asked that you please pick one project to share and email it to her or burn to a CD and send to the Technology Office.

Jaime stated that if you have projects to enter you are expected to be there to help judge. There will be 1 judge to each 10 projects.

IV. Inventory Trial – Jaime stated that Inventory is different now and uses 000-099 Dewey Range only. Jaime suggested that it should be done in small sections and the first trial section should be completed and submitted to her by April 16. She said to submit a Lost Items Report for the section.

Jaime said that she would be glad to help if necessary to please let her know.

V. Media Parapro Inventory Training – Jaime asked for suggested dates and Thursday, March 29 from 9-11am was decided.

Jaime asked for any suggested topics and running reports in general and to discuss bookshelves was suggested.

Mona asked about processing equipment and materials ordered with Title I money. Patti stated that if you process the equipment with your barcodes you will count it in your inventory.

Patti stated that itemized collections are for insurance purposes.

VI. HRRB – Jaime stated that the Southern Regional HRRB was March 3rd . Attending was LCHS, LFMS, MMS and JME. LCHS came in 3rd in the division. Jaime asked for discussion and Kay Williams had several suggestions on how it could be done next year. She said that some have already suggested books for next year.

Jaime stated there were 4 regions in the state and that we can now go on to the state level.

Jaime said to email her and let her know if you are interested in getting PLU’s.

VII. NECC 2007 Conference – Patti stated that early registration ends March 30th. The website is The conference is June 24-27 and the sessions actual start on Monday with workshops included on the model technology classroom. Jennifer Walts, Chris Smith and our own Cathy Lane will be presenting at the Conference.

VIII. Atomic Learning – Jaime stated that this is a great resource for teachers, parents and students. The website is:

Jaime stated that the atomic learning links are like mini videos. Media player works well with this but Quick time has issues. Patti stated that there were over 20,000 tutorials but the tutorials are short and more are added regularly.

Jaime encouraged everyone to get this out to the teachers to send out family flyers and school flyers.

Jaime stated she would be glad to come to your school and do a demo for your staff. Please email her your requested date. She said to also email her when you have sent out the home flyers and the staff flyers.

Jaime said anyone could log in to it and that the user name and password are the same but students need to use their student login so that we can keep track of it.

IX. County Media Committee Update – Jaime stated that the County Media Handbook was updated and she would type up the edited pages and get out to all the media specialists.

Jaime stated that the Performers Directory on the Georgia Public Library Services website was a great resource and will be added to the handbook. Jaime reviewed the website and she said it was searchable by type of performance, location, cost and age group.

X. Accelerated Reader Enterprise – Jaime explained that AR Enterprise is web-based software and the website is: where you can log in as Administrator: username- admin, password- admin1. Student: username-tn, password-tmm. Parent: username- tn14, password-tmm14.

Jaime stated we may be able to get a good rate if all the schools use it. It would include the AR tech support, all literary quizzes, upgrades and a lot more.

XI. Media Center Services Survey - Jaime stated that she would like to help everyone to set their goals for next year. By using Survey Monkey for your media center services surveys we can get the results quicker and the results will then be shared with your administrator. This will give them a better idea of what you do and how hard you work.

XII. Wikipedia – Patti stated that Wikipedia is blocked and will stay blocked. She said it is not a reliable resource 90% of the time. It opens portals allowing students to go anywhere they want to. It also pulls up inappropriate sites. Our filter cannot block out portions of the site.

XIII. April Share Session – Our next meeting is scheduled for April 25 at 9:00am. Button Gwinnett will host in Room D409.

XV. Other – Patti stated that the BOE has approved a new 200 day Instructional Technology position. FYI – the position closes next Wednesday on Teach Georgia.

Elaine stated that the clocks on the computers have become an issue. Patti said that a work order should be submitted.

Any issues with Outlook should work themselves out.

Roxanne stated that you can go online or check with your curriculum coordinator for CRCT references.