Request for Expression of Interest (REoI)

Management Consultancy on “Meaningful Collaboration”

Ref # MOZ-REOI-2016-01


In January 2017, UNICEF Mozambique Country Office (MCO) will start a new Country Programme of Cooperation (CP) with the Government of Mozambique (GoM) covering the period 2017-2020.

The process leading to the development of the new Office Management Plan highlights that need for changes at behavioral and managerial levels. Understanding the scope of and addressing the changes needed would help strengthening ongoing efforts for meaningful collaboration across and between programmes, sectors, units and levels of the Office.

The MCO will carry out a consultancy with the overall objective to assess the extent to which the current mechanisms, behavior and practice of the Office are conducive to boost both the willingness and the ability to scale up collaborative efforts when meaningful.


The objectives of the consultancy are the following:

Ø  Exploring opportunities to strengthen office-wide collaboration

What and where is the upside potential of collaboration across programmes, programme and operations sectors, and units (i.e. return on results, opportunity costs, collaboration costs) for the MCO?

Ø  Assessing potential barriers which might arise to derail collaborative efforts

What are the likely barriers the MCO will strike when trying to get people to collaborate meaningfully?

Ø  Tailoring solutions to these barriers by proposing a mix of interventions

What set of changes/solutions could help addressing “structural” barriers?

What set of changes/solutions at individual level could help strengthening meaningful collaborations?

Institutions or individuals who have the expertise to conduct this consultancy and are interested in being invited to a tender should express interest by completing the EOI form via the following link by 20 October 2016.

Questions or clarifications? Write to with reference MOZ-REOI-2016-01 in the subject line.

Please note the following:

Ø  This is a request for expression of interest to identify potential service providers. This is NOT an invitation to submit a bid or prices.

Ø  Expressing your interest by submitting the EOI form does not guarantee your participation in the tender. A thorough review of all responses will be conducted based on which a decision will be made on the final list of invitees for the tender.

Ø  UNICEF reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement any time.

Ø  UNICEF reserves the right to require compliance of additional terms and conditions.

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