Media RelationsInvestor Relations

Canada - Philippe Reicher (403) 514-6450Mindy Mills

U.S. - Larry Pierce (713) 369-9407 (713) 369-9490


CALGARY, Alberta, April 28, 2008 – Kinder Morgan Canada (KMC) is pleased to announce that it has completed the construction and commissioning of the Jasper section of the Anchor Loop project. The new 97-km of 30 and 36-inch pipeline in addition to two new pump stations will increase the capacity of the Trans Mountain pipeline system from 260,000 bpd to 285,000 bpd by the end of April, 2008, a full seven months ahead of the original schedule.

The remaining portion of the Anchor Loop will be in service by November 2008 with the completion of the 61-km Mount Robson section in British Columbia.

“This is a very important milestone for the project and the industry as a whole” states Ian Anderson, President, Kinder Morgan Canada. “And while we still have an important segment to complete, the completion of the Jasper spread is the culmination of years of efforts in the planning and execution of a very complex pipeline project. Aside from significant construction challenges created by the mountainous and rugged terrain we encountered, the project had to adhere to very stringent environmental requirements to work in a UNESCO designated World heritage site. Significant environmental reclamation and monitoring work, including of wildlife, will go on for many years to come. We will continue to work closely with all regulators and stakeholders to ensure we leave a positive legacy in Jasper National Park.”

Anderson goes on to say, “Our success in bringing on this important additional oil pipeline capacity ahead of schedule was only possible with the committed involvement of


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our regulatory agencies, in particular the National Energy Board and our lead contractor North American Pipeline Construction.”

Greg Fenton, Superintendent, Jasper National Park of Canada recognized the efforts and complexity of the project in “thanking Kinder Morgan Canada for their commitment towards environmental stewardship while working in such a sensitive and special place. Their work met the most stringent environmental standards, and although the initial pipeline work is finished, we are committed to working with Kinder Morgan in the restoration work of these lands, to help preserve them for future generations.”

Town of Jasper’s Mayor Richard Ireland also saw positive benefits from the project. “Kinder Morgan Canada employees and contractors have been enthusiastic, engaged and valued members of our community for the past year,” said Mayor Richard Ireland. “Based on their considerable contributions to date, we are confident their lasting legacy will be equally positive and appreciated.”

The C$485 million Anchor Loop project is the second major expansion phase of the Trans Mountain pipeline system that will see the system’s capacity increase from 260,000 to 300,000 barrels per day by the end of 2008. The Trans Mountain pipeline system is the only direct pipeline link between Alberta’s oil producing regions and west coast markets of North America.

For more information on Kinder Morgan Canada’s Trans Mountain pipeline system expansion, please visit:

Kinder Morgan Canada operates the 1,150-kilometer (710-mile) Trans Mountain pipeline system that transports crude oil and refined products from Edmonton, Alberta, to marketing terminals and refineries in the greater Vancouver area, British Columbia and Puget Sound in Washington state.

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE: KMP) is a leading pipeline transportation and energy storage company in North America. KMP owns an interest in or operates more than 25,000 miles of pipelines and 165 terminals. Its pipelines transport natural gas, gasoline, crude oil, CO2 and other products, and its terminals store petroleum products and chemicals and handle bulk materials like coal and petroleum coke. KMP is


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also the leading provider of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery projects in North America. One of the largest publicly traded pipeline limited partnerships in America, KMP has an enterprise value of over $20 billion. The general partner of KMP is owned by Knight Inc. (formerly Kinder Morgan, Inc.), a private company.

This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although Kinder Morgan believes that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that such assumptions will materialize. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements herein are enumerated in Kinder Morgan’s Forms 10-K and 10-Q as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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