Staff attending: Rita Bruce, Delores Buerger, Josie Cheung, Stephanie DeWitt, Momi Elliott, Janice Ely, Pamela Fees, Angie Gardea, Joyce Hopkins, Miriam Ifill, Celia Kang, Estella Lee, Jill McTarsney, Chintana Mainous, Gay Malpede, Nina Marshal, Petie Moura, Bill Schneider, Luukia Smith, Marie Stokes, Hong Tran, Gary Turner, Catharina Uebele, Lisa Webb

  1. The meeting was opened at 10:35 a.m. by Angie. Minutes of July 20 were accepted as written.
  1. Safety Report Topic

There was no new monthly safety topic. Any safety issues should be brought to the attention of Pam or Janice for action. Rita has agreed to be the division safety inspector and will do quarterly safety inspections.

The question was raised whether there are still routine inspections being done by the exterminator and if there was any response to the last work order.

It is planned to have the paper vault cleaned out, it is still a hazardous area.

3.Committee Reports

There was no Area Council meeting, one is scheduled next week.

4.Budget Update

The State budget has been passed. One factor took time to get it signed, a trailer bill that allows some other measure to go through. The budget includes the enrollment fee increase to $26/unit. Programming has taken place through ITS to pick up students who are now registering for the correct amount. Students who registered through the 18th will be billed once the semester starts, probably September or October.

Regarding the District budget, Pam expressed appreciation for all the hard work and effort of the Accounting staff to have systems come together to end one year and start the new year. The final budget is not yet ready to be shared because the State budget was so late. There is a positive impact on ECC because it affirmed that money is available that might have been cut. The vice presidents are looking at taking some of the money above the 5% reserve for contingency and reallocating salaries, positions, and programs identified. It is hoped to have agreement shortly to disseminate campus wide.

The budget will be in the office of the vice president of Administrative Services the first week of September for public display and goes to the Board on September 13. It is expected there will be changes to the current figures. Around the November time frame the preliminary for 2005-06 will begin.

Property Liability

Every two years inspectors come out for the insurance consortium to which ECC belongs. With Rocky Bonura or a department manager, they will look for obvious hazards on site that may need to be corrected. They will be on campus September 15-16 for inspections and to meet with employees. Everyone is asked to note any concerns so the College will not be liable for problems.

The start of school will bring increased activity and traffic. Pam has been asked about having special accommodations at the cashier line for handicapped individuals. The benches in the hallway might have been removed and, if so, Pam will request that they be returned.

5. Agenda Development

Cat will chair the September 21 meeting.

The meeting closed at 10:50 a.m.