Media Meeting

February 22, 2012

Jordye Bacon Elementary

1)  Monthly Statistics

a)  Circulation

b)  AR

c)  Student Visits

d)  netTrekker

e)  Study Island

f)  BrainPop

2)  Cyber-Safety Tips

a)  Ready for March!

b)  Implement in Student News Broadcasts or Intercom Announcements

c)  We will incorporate time in our media meeting to share samples.

3)  EBSCO- enter your EBSCO requisitions

a)  It is fine to hold money for the HRRB books for 2013.

4)  iPads and School Appropriate Uses

a)  Remove apps that are not useful for school purposes

i)  Ex: FaceBook

ii)  App Store is no longer on student devices. To add apps to the HRRB you will need to use the MacBook and iTunes and since down to the iPads.

5)  Records in Destiny:

a)  Purchase Order Numbers are important. Please ensure you are entering purchase order numbers in your Destiny records.

b)  It is important to keep a record of your purchase orders. You could be asked to supply purchase orders if your school ever has to file for insurance reimbursement.

6)  Is your staff getting the most from Study Island?

a)  Tools to share with your school

b)  Finding your teacher’s log in information

c)  Where to find presentation materials

d)  Boost your usage by the end of March.

7)  Georgia DOE Inventory- Reminder

a)  Important Dates:

i)  March 5th- portal entry is possible


iii) May 14th- completed report is in portal and accurate

b)  Computers 5 years or older

i)  Laptops: M405, M275, M280, M285, M675, M460, M465, 400, 600, SOLO1450

ii)  Desktops: E3600, E4000, E4100, E2300, E4300, PRO4, PRO5, E2500, E2600

iii) Pay Close attention to the tablet definition! It includes iPads, and not tablet PCs.

iv)  Portable Media Players- It includes iPods.

v)  Sample School Level Report with Annette’s Comments

vi)  Glossary

vii)  Include Title I and any Technology Office Checkouts

viii)  Technology Office Checkouts- Patrons

8)  Reading Bowl News! A Look Back…

9)  Reading Bowl Invoices- Medallions and County Trophies

10)  Reminder: How is your school celebrating Read Across America or Teen Tech Week? Email your approved plan.

11)  Read Across America- March 2nd

a)  Story Visit and Activity- The Lorax

i)  Schedule a visit March 2- March 9

ii)  Visits are one hour in length

iii) Please limit groups to no more than 50 students per presentation.

iv)  Please schedule your school visits on the same day, if possible.

v)  First come, first serve…Schedule your visit via email.

12)  Reminder: Approved plans for Read Across America and Teen Tech Week are due February 29th

13)  Reminder: School level media festival results and packaged projects are due March 2nd.

a)  Please use the following checklist to ensure your projects are ready to advance to the county media festival.

b)  Spreadsheet directions:

i)  Please list each project and fill all the required information. For class projects, please list the producer like this example: Mrs. Smith’s Class.

(1) For class projects, please drop down to the next line and list only the title and the student producer. Each child’s name will need to be listed on a different line below the main project entry line.

ii)  For group projects, please list all the required information on the main line. In the producer’s cell please list each student producer separated by commas.

(1) Below the main project line, please list only the title of the project and each child’s name on its own line.

c)  Please submit a list of the judges you will be sending to the county festival with your projects.

i)  Volunteer Judge Training- March 21th from 2:00 until 3:00.

14)  County Media Festival-Date Change- March 23th from 9:00AM until 3:00PM.

15)  Media Festival Showcase Media Showcase Nights- Wednesday, May 16th and Thursday, May 17th

a)  Are their any known conflicts with either date for your school?

b)  Each attending school will need two attending representatives.

c)  More information will be given after the Georgia Student Media Festival.

16)  Common Core Curriculum and AR

i)  RESA is going to share more information at a workshop March 9th and 21st. More details to come after those dates.

ii)  A Word for Ellen Gadberry

iii) A Word from AR

iv)  Find a Book- Lexile Framework

17)  Exemplary Media Open House Visits

a)  March 15th: Heard County Middle

b)  March 23: Kingston Elementary

c)  March 29: Medlock Bridge Elementary

d)  March 29: Ridgeview Charter Middle

e)  April 24: Sequoyah High School

f)  April 27: Midway Middle School

18)  Exemplary Media Program 2012

i)  Rubric

ii)  School level media committee evaluations using the rubric will be due by March 12th.

iii) Please have your media committee come to a consensus and evaluate your media program using one rubric.

b)  Application

c)  Completed applications are due May 31st to

19)  Nutrition Materials- Please process these items in Destiny.

a)  Elementary- The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Full Mouse, Hungry Mouse, plus the fruit and veggie cards

b)  Middle- Try it with Food

20)  Important dates:

a)  February 23 High/ Middle Lesson Sharing 1:30-3:30

b)  March Media Meeting…March 15 @ LE

i)  Will this date conflict with your school’s professional learning schedule?

21)  Other