Nicole Ward

Media Literacy Project for Second Graders

SpongeBob SquarePants

Teaches Media Literacy

The Media

SpongeBob Squarepants is a popular children's cartoon that has been around for the last ten years. The program’s nonsensical and silly environments promotes fun engagement with children and makes the show so appealing. By using a popular form of media peaks the interest of students while simultaneously teaching them how to evaluate the media that they encounter at home.

The episode used in this project is called "Slide Whistle Stooges" and is obviously thematic of the three stooges and slapstick comedy. This episode will be analyzed in deconstructed in a way that students can recognize the various aspects involved in the media and why the media is created in this way.

The Clip is what is being discussed in the activity. The entire episode can be located on DVD, bought from, or shown from websites like or with a subscription. Here is the link below to the 48-second clip:

Various questions will be asked to provoke thought and guide the class discussion along will still frames. The activity will be divided into different focus sections:

The Model

Part 1: How a cartoon is made

Story Board

Explain how cartoons are made using different drawings. A Storyboard is how cartoons are being planned. Show the following video to show what happens behind the scenes (

Worksheet Example (template:“StoryboardWorksheet”)

Flip Books

Cartoons are made by many pictures put into an order and shown one after the other. Each separate picture is a frame. By using the PDF template entitled “Flipbook”, you can print of still shots to be used as frames. (Print using multiple slides per page and print six per page). When cut and bound together a small flipbook can be made. Be sure to teach that the numbers show sequence and explain why the frames have to start backwards to make the scene work. This activity teaches sequence as well as the creation of a cartoon as a piece of art, andit isnifty.

Part 2: Discussion of the Clip

Play the clip “Slidewhistle Stooges”.

Use the power point entitled “Discussion” as a guide to ask specific questions about plot and character relationships, making sure to leave time for response of what if questions and class engagement. These questions get the students to analyze the media from a literary standpoint as well as considering media literacy concepts.

Open Ended Questions:

1.Why are there ads before this video clip?

2.Why is this ad on a website for kids? What is it even advertising?

3.Why would they give you a free gift to play whatever game this is?

4.What does this say about our society?

5.Look at the above screenshot. Why would Squidward drink his tea that way and why are there pictures of himself on the wall?

6.What stereotype of a personality does this portray?

7.Could it even be considered a stereotype?

8.What relationship does Squidward have with SpongeBob and Patrick?

9.Why would cartoonist put this relationship in the cartoon?

10.Why do SpongeBob and Patrick irritate Squidward so much? Do you think this is funny?

11.How would you feel if you were Squidward?

12.What is the purpose of this cartoon?

13.Would this be as effective as a comic would?

14.What about a book without pictures?

15.Who do you think that SpongeBob is made for? Adults or kids?