Media Center ONLINE tour




Part 1: Online Resources

1. Look at the Lenape HS Media Center homepage(if you are still on the Class Projects page, click on Lenape HS Media Centeron the left sidebar OR on the little house icon towards the top of the screen).

Scroll down page & list 2 items (events, announcements or other information)mentioned on our homepage.


2. Look at the links on the left sidebar. These direct you to other pages of the Media Center site. What are the titles of 4 of the pages?


3. Click on the DATABASES page. List the names of 3 databases.


4. Click on BIOGRAPHY IN CONTEXT (on the databases page in the section of GALE DATABASES). Enter “lenapehs1” for the password. What type of information would you find in this database?

5. Back on the DATABASES page, click on the E-BOOKSlink(or Gale Virtual Reference Library). We have over 300 e-books for your research.

- Enter password: “lenapehs1”

- How many different subjects are covered in our eBooks?

- Click on “History” to see all of the history eBooks we have

- Scroll down page to find THE ELEANOR ROOSEVELT PAPERS

-What is the brief description of this e-book?(HINT: mouse over the book

cover to get a description)

- Click on the book cover to access the eBook. Notice how you can “search within” the eBook using the search box on the left OR browse through the book by clicking on the different sections listed in the table of contents.

6. Back on the DATABASES page, click on any other database. Note: all usernames and passwords for the databases are lenapehs1.

What database did you select?

For what type of research (or project or class) would this database be useful?

7. Click on LENAPE BOOK, AV and WEBSITE CATALOG (link is on left of Media center page)

- In Find box, enter architecture

- What is the name of one book?

-Click on WEBPATH EXPRESS (link is on left side) – this finds credible websites on any topic.

-In search box, search for biology

-What is the name and URL of one website in the list?

8. Click on the RESEARCH TIPS page. What type of information is found here?

Part 2:MediaCenter Staff and Policies

1. How can the Media Specialists help you?

2. What are the hours of the Media Center?

3. What is the most important policy or rule of the Media Center?