1. You may need 10 minutes to fill in this form. All fields in this application are compulsory. Where information is not applicable, a “N.A.” is necessary.
  1. All necessary supporting documents must be submitted together with your application.
  1. Application will be processed upon receipt of complete information. Incomplete application will not be processed.
  1. Applications must be received by BCA at least one working day before the purchase / lease. Late applications will not be supported.



For Official Use
Case Reference no
Date Received
Officer-In-Charge ______
Application Status Approved / Not Approved
Registered Firm Name / ABC Construction Pte Ltd / ACRA or UEN Number:1xxxxxxxC
Correspondence Address / Block / Building Number / Street Name
123 / Tuas Avenue x
Unit Number / Building Name / Postal Code
01-1xxx / NA / xxxxx
Contact Person / Jane Leong / Designation / Manager
Email Address / / Office No / 6xxxxxxx
Fax / 6xxxxxxx / Mobile No / 9xxxxxxx
BCA CRS Registration Grade (State the highest grade registered)
eg. CW01/02 or ME12/L5 / Construction Workheads (CW) / Maintenance Workheads (MW)
Construction Related Workheads (CR) / Supply Workheads (SY)
M & E Workheads (ME) / ME/L1 / Regulatory Workheads (RW)
Not registered under CRS
Shareholding Details : Please submit the Business Profile record (printout from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority)
Past Performance / Value of Construction Project completed over the last 3 years / S$ 18,170,000 / Latest FY Audited Statement
Audited / 
Value of Works in Hand / S$ 24,000,000 / Unaudited

Type of Equipment / Aerial workplatform – Scissor Lift (model no: xxx)
Description on the usage of equipment for the construction project / Access for working at height in the construction of a school
Project BP ref no. / A1234-00001-2011 / Start date when equipment will be used / 28/02/2011
Description of the construction project that the equipment will be used / Proposed Erection of a Secondary School at PasirRis Street 12
Project Main Contractor / XYZ Contractor Pte Ltd
Details of Technology Adoption (Please tick accordingly)
Purchase 
Cash 
Hire-Purchase Please state HP period
(mth/ year) to (mth/year)
No disbursement for payment made to hire-purchase after the first 24 months from the date of application
Lease Please state lease period
(mth/ year) to (mth/ year)
Lease period must be at least 6 months / Please submit at least three quotations from different equipment suppliers and indicate the preferred supplier and the reasons if the preferred supplier does not have the lowest quote.
Name of supplier: _MM Equipment Supplier______
Reasons: _Supplier provides good after sale service___
For purchase- please state the estimated cost (exclude GST) of equipment (min $10,000 per application) / Unit Cost / Qty / Total Cost
$20,000 / 1 / $20,000
For Leasing – please state estimated cost (exclude GST) of leasing (min $2,000 & min lease period of 6 months per application) & monthly rental. / Monthly Rental / Qty / Total Cost
N.A. / N.A. / N.A.
Impact of Project on Applicant’s Future Manpower Saving on Site / Site Productivity Improvement as a Result of Implementing of this Project.
The current practice for our company to reach high ceiling for installation of lightings, conduits and other services is to erect metal scaffold system. The erection of scaffolding is carried out by 5 workers installing frame by frame to the required height before these workers can carry out the laying of services. The workers will dismantle each frame after laying the services.
With the scissor lift, we are able to access to higher heights and able to carry out the installation of services faster without the need to climb up and down the scaffolds. This will cut down the number of workers need for laying the M&E services.

Type of work trade and the extent ( A )
(Please specify work involved and provide unit of work – in m, m2 or m3) / (i)Before implements - Laying of 20mm diameter UPVC electrical conduit fixed to ceiling with metal scaffolding, with extend of work = 11,500 m
(ii)After new equipment is used - Laying of 20mm diameter UPVC electrical conduit fixed to ceiling with scissor lift, with extend of work = 11,500 m
Areas of Improvement
(for the work trade within a project) / Projected Outcomes
Use of conventional method of construction / After
new equipment is used / Improvements Expected (%)
[(d - c)/c] x 100%
Number of workers / 5 workers / 4 workers
( B ) Total Mandays= number of workers x no of workdays of at least 4 weeks. (please provide breakdown in Annex A) / 180 mandays
(5 workers x 36 days = 180mandays) / 144 mandays
(4 workers x 36 days = 144mandays)
Duration = 36 days / Duration = 36 days
Productivity ( A / B )
(please state unit
m2 / mandays or equivalent) / (c)
11,500m/ 180mandays =64 m/ manday / (d)
11,500m / 144mandays = 80 m/ manday / (80-64)/ 64 = 25%
Note: Productivity is measured in manday/m2 or equivalent. 1 man-day refers to 8 working hours by 1 worker. For example, if a worker works 10 hours per day for 16 days, the manpower should be reported as (10 x 16)/8 = 20 man-days.
Please list any tax / financial incentives that the Applicant or its major shareholders are currently enjoying. If you have received support under MechC for other equipment, please state the reference number, egMechCxxxx/xx / MEC2010-07-200
(submitted by holding company CCC Construction)
I declare that:
A)the Applicant has not applied, obtained or will be obtaining any other tax/financial incentives for the same equipment;
B)the Applicant is free from any litigation or winding-up or bankruptcy proceedings; and
C)the facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not withheld/distorted any material facts. I understand that if I obtain the grant by false or misleading statements, I may be prosecuted under the Penal Code and, in addition, Building and Construction Authority may withdraw the grant and recover immediately from the Applicant any amount of the grant that may have been disbursed.
Only the sole proprietor, partner or director of the Applicant, as registered with ACRA or professional bodies, may sign this declaration. / Name (Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr) (As in NRIC)
Dyleen Khoo
Managing Director / Date
The following documents must be submitted together with the application form:

/ Latest ACRA search or Instant Information of Applicant (not more than 6 months old)
The written agreement/ Letter of Award as proof that the applicant is a party to the construction project where the equipment is used
Technical Brochure of the equipment
At least three quotations from different equipment suppliers

Annex A

Productivity Data - Before the use of new equipment (current method of construction)

Applicant is to provide detailed records on manpower usage and the extent of works with the use of current method of construction or before the use of new equipment as in the table below.

Examples of the extent of work for current method may include:

-Manual levelling of concrete floor using hand trowel

-Installation of metal scaffold for laying of electrical services

Please state both the current method of construction used and the type of work trade:

Laying of 20mm diameter UPVC electrical conduit fixed to ceiling with metal scaffolding

Table 1: Data for the current method of construction

(i)Man-days should include both the man-days for preparation work (e.g. installation of metal scaffold before laying of electrical services)and the man-days used in the actual work trade (e.g. laying of electrical services).

(ii) The extent of work (e.g. in length, area, volume or weight).

Duration /
extent of work / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 or longer* / Total / Productivity
to input as (c) in page 3 of application form
(A)Extent of work
(please indicate the correct unite.g. m, m2, m3or kg) / 1950 / 1950 / 2450 / 2550 / 2600 / 11,500 / Total (A)
Total (B)
(B)Man-days / 35 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 40 / 180

* Please attach additional data sheets if more data is available.

#Each man-day is equivalent to eight working hours by one worker. For example, if a worker works 10 hours per day for 16 days, the manpower should be reported as (10 x 16)/8 = 20 man-days. Please provide detailedrecords on manpower usage with the use of conventional method of construction as appendix.


Please note thatupon the purchase / leasing of the Equipment, applicants are required to collect detailed productivity data with the usage of the newly purchased / leased Equipmentover a period of at least one month and not exceeding 10 months. The productivity data are to be submitted during the claim period using the claim form provided.

Example for MechC Scheme