WLS Battle of the Books 2015 Full Committee Meeting

June 4, 2015, 10:00 am

Attendees: Liz Anastasi (PEK), Jessica Centuori (BRO), Lisa Dettling (RYE), Bonnie Grant (WHI), Tara Ferretti (SOM), Lillian Hecker (PEL), Erika Heinzelman (MTP), Pat Humphreys (KAT), Amy Kaplan (BRI), Kim Larsen (LAR) Elise Landesberg (MON), Maureen McManus (BDV), Peggy Mechmann (ARD), Elizabeth Portillo (EAS), Allison Pryor (WLS), Anne Quick (DOB), Marianne Ripin (ARD), Cathleen Sulli (NOR), Francine Vernon (WLS)


Next full Committee Meetings: October 1, White Plains Library (all must attend)

Recap meeting: November 5th, WLS/Tarrytown


September 15th – all photographic release forms should be signed and submitted.

September 15th – deadline for volunteer submissions.


Publicity Subcommittee

Elizabeth P. reported that Jonathan H. had contacted the Journal News and they will do pre- and post-competition articles. There will also be a little quiz “Are You Smarter than the …” He is also in contact with News12. Jonathan will also reach out to the multi-town hyperlocal news websites. If individual libraries want to reach out to their local hyperlocal news site, please do.

Jessica C. requested that any practice or event photos be sent to her at for posting on facebook, the website (www.westchesterbattleofthebooks.wordpress.com) or Instagram. Also ask people to “like” the WLS BOB facebook.

The presenter of the trophy will be Astorino’s chief of staff.

Jonathan H. and Elizabeth P. have been able to get 4 volunteer photographers for the event.

Questions Subcommittee

Lillian H. reported that they are in the process of winnowing out the questions. The ratio of fact questions vs. “In which book” questions is not quite 50:50. There will be more direct fact questions.

The correct answer to the “in which book” questions will be the authors first and last name, as well as the full title of the book, which includes the subtitle.

A question came up about pronunciation of an answer – as long as it is understandable and the judge gets the gist.

Rules Subcommittee

Amy K. reported that two updates have been made to the rules, which can be found on the wiki. One major change is that the teams with the highest accumulated points will go to the semi-finals. If there is a tie in points, then the team with the greatest number of wins will proceed. If the teams tie in both points and wins, then there will be a sudden death question to establish who will proceed to the semi-finals.

The second major change concerns the conduct of the officials. If the Master of Ceremonies (MC) or judge have questions, then they can confer with both coaches of the competing teams. Coaches can make sure that rules are followed, though they cannot challenge, only the team members can.

Please remember that before the competition begins, the MC should announce which teams should be in the room.

Volunteer Subcommittee

Anne Q. reported that we currently have 30 volunteers signed up, but we need a total of 100. Please use google form for submitting volunteers, link is on the BOB wiki.

If you feel your high school junior or senior volunteer is very competent, please state so in the submission form’s note.

Elizabeth P. will send a message requesting volunteers via the NYLA newsletter and NYLINE, and to the library schools.

Please consider asking for volunteers from your library school, youth centers, community center and school honor society.

Volunteers will be asked to be available from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Oct. 17th, but we will accept people who can only be there 3 or 4 hours. There will be a ½ training session, which will be mainly for Q&A, since all volunteers will have watched the training video. Volunteers will receive a light breakfast and a thank you certificate.

The volunteer training video will be available soon.

Finance/Fundraising Subcommittee

Liz A. announced that WLS BOB received $3,000 from Hope-For-Youth (associated with the Peekskill Rotary). This money will enable WLS BOB to buy 6 additional buzzer systems and maybe the volunteer t-shirts.

Pat Braja/WLS has put in 4 more grant requests.

There will be a 50:50 raffle.

We are still accepting snacks and water donations. If parents wish to bring snacks, please make certain that signs are provided indicating what the snacks contain. Ask that everyone brown bag their lunch.

Amy K. will try to get Starbucks to donate coffee.

Anyone who spends money for the Oct. 17th event, please save the receipts and give them to Kim Larsen/LAR. You will be recompensed.

If anyone receives in-kind donations, please let Kim, Liz A. & Elizabeth P. know. They will be acknowledged as sponsors on the website, etc. Please email logos of sponsors to Elizabeth P.

If you need a WLS tax-exempt form, please contact Kim.

The t-shirts for the volunteers will only have the word volunteer printed on them and we need about 100 t-shirts. At this time we are still searching for an inexpensive t-shirt printer. Please let Liz A. know if you know of a printer.


The photo release form is due on September 15th. If the photo release forms are not signed and in the hands of Liz A. or Elizabeth P. by October 17th, then that team member cannot participate.

The location for the October 17th Battle of the Books is the Ossining High School. Each age division will have its own floor. We will also have use of the gym and the cafeteria. The opening ceremony, final battles and closing ceremony will take place in the gym. It has yet to be established if the gym has a sound system or a dais. A map for the site will be available in your information packet on October 17th. Each team will have a break room to itself.

On October 17th there will be a registration desk where people will sign in and we ask that they sign out when leaving for security reasons.

There will be a 50:50 raffle.

At the end of each round the officials will fill out the points tally sheet. Teams will remain in the room until the time period for the round is over.

At this time there will not be a food truck, due to the Town of Ossining’s requirements (fingerprinting, $100 fee, permit forms, etc.).

Alison Pryor/WLS announced that Buzzers can be borrowed from WLS. There is a reservation link (Buzzervations) on the wiki. Alison can also be reached at if you have questions.

Training suggestion – practice with clickable pens to simulate the buzzers.

The competition will take place on Saturday, October 17th, at the Ossining High School. The opening ceremony starts at 9:30 and the first round starts at 10 am.

Teens (11:15 am) and children will (12 pm) have different lunch periods. It is recommended that everyone brown bag their lunch and not leave the high school.

If people don’t wish to stay for the entire competition, they do not have to, but the finals are very exciting.

Elena/WLS & Pat/WLS will try to stream the WLS BOB final.

Team names can be listed on the wiki, if you wish.

BOB coaches can share practice questions by emailing them to each other, instead of posting them on the wiki, which takes additional time. Online websites were suggested for practice questions – Quizlet.com and Schmoop.com.

Briarcliff Library is the only library that has 1 coach for both age group teams. Still waiting to hear from Greenburgh Library to see if they will participate. (Update – GRE has dropped out).

Liz A. will meeting with Mid-Hudson system & RCLS later in the Fall do discuss possibly doing a regional competition in Spring 2017. At this time they are thinking of doing 4 books – 1 from each system and 1 independent selection.


2015 Battle of the Books website - http://wikis.westchesterlibraries.org/childrens/?page_id=1320

Submission of Official Trivia Questions - http://goo.gl/forms/JBqB33EqAT

Volunteer Submission Form - https://docs.google.com/a/wlsmail.org/forms/d/1gHlt_T5MSZT0Qo3RGQndYo30yjKVewI6-uvwGn1JCz0/viewform

Public Battle of the Books website – www.westchesterbattleofthebooks.wordpress.com


Chair – Liz Anastasi

Vice-Chair – Elizabeth Portillo

Treasurer – Kim Larsen

Secretary – Pat Humphreys

Sub-Committee Chairs:

- Fundraising – Kim Larsen & Elise Landesberg

- Volunteer– Anne Quick & Suzie Zaverella

- Publicity– Jonathan Heifetz

- Rules – Debbie Fletcher & Amy Kaplan

- Question Selection - Lily Hecker and Augusta Turner

BOB 2015 Sept. 3, 2015 meeting minutes FINAL Pat Humphreys, Secretary page 1 of 4