ENGR xxx: Title

General Information: (Required)

Lecture Time: / Start/end times, days
Lecture Location: / Room, building
Instructor: / Name, office, phone

Office Hours: / days & times, or TBD

Catalog Description: (Required)

3 credit hours

Prerequisites: xx, xx, xx (from catalog.)

Learning Outcomes: (Suggested good practice)

ABET Outcomes covered in this course: (Suggested good practice)

ACE Certified learning outcomes: (Required for ACE courses only)

Opportunities to achieve ACE learning outcomes: (Required for ACE courses only)

Graded assignments used to assess ACE learning outcomes: (Required for ACE courses only)

Required Materials: (Required) Textbook title, author(s), edition; scientific calculator; other equipment?

Supplemental Material: (References, equipment) (Suggested good practice)

  1. Other sources if applicable
  2. xxx

Course structure/format: (Suggested good practice)


Attendance. Attendance policies (Required, if any. If none, say “None”?).

Homework. Homework policies.

Exams. Exam policies.

Final project. Project description/policies.

Quizzes. Quiz policies.

Participation. Participation policies.

Special policies (Required, if any. If none, say “None”?) (e.g. collaborations in course work, calculator use, late work …)

Academic Honesty Policy: (Required) (see Student Code of Conduct, Section B. Conduct – rules and regulations, 1. Acts of Academic Dishonesty)

ADA and Accommodation: (Required)

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office, 232 Canfield Administration, 472-3787 voice or TTY.

Evaluation schedule: (Required) (list of papers, exams, etc. contributing to students’ grades with exact or approximate value of assessments in points or percent of total grade. Repeated small assessments such as quizzes or homework can be considered as one item in the list.)

  1. Exams ( number and point value)
  2. Homework Assignments (number and point value)
  3. in-class quizzes (number and point value)
  4. Project (number and point value)
  5. Participation
  6. Other…

Grading breakdown.

Exams / xx%
Homework / xx%
Final project / xx%
Quizzes / xx%
Participation / xx%

[NOTE: The following sections are not required by the UNL Syllabus Policy, but are suggested good practice.]


  1. list of course objectives
  2. xxx


  1. topics to be covered
  2. xxx

Final Exam: Date, time, and location of final exam.

Classroom Expectations:


Cell phones, mobile devices, laptops:

Emergency Preparedness:

Inclement Weather:

Math Science Learning Center:

Writing Center:

Preferred Name & Preferred Gender Pronouns:

Student Safety:

Technical Support:

Outcomes Map:

Tentative Course Schedule:

Important Dates:

Prepared By:

Name, department, date