GUIDE –(G2) Tick Sheet
(G2) Tick Sheet
Measuring outcomes using Results based Accountability
1)Activity data –KPI 1 and 2
Task / What / When / What to use / Progress: if completed / Notes
Plan for Activity Data / Be ready to use the new template.(Activity Data Template)
Use the Category descriptions (from the Categories tab) to “name” the activities that your House undertakes and name anything different or new that might happen during snapshot weeks. Try to use the generic descriptions and document anything specific (eg program name) in the comments field. / ASAP in 2017-18 / 2017-18Activity data template with graphs.xls
Activity data Snapshot week 1 and week 2 / Count of the number of contacts people have with all the activities in a House over a week.
Count of volunteer time - assigned to activities where possible(although there is a specific Volunteer type under each category)
DCS has nominated the weeks that Houses are to do snapshot activity data counting as:
1 week in November and 1 week in May / 1 week in November and 1 week in May / Group participation sheets
Attendance records
‘Daily data’ tab in Activity data Spreadsheet
Volunteers to help with the counting / Nov
May / Assign people and volunteer participation to an activity, using the Category tab descriptions where possible.
Volunteer contribution can be named as “Other – Volunteer (multiple)” if it is difficult to pinpoint the time a volunteer spends on a number of activities across a day/week.
Number of Volunteers / Total number of volunteers registered at any time with the House over the whole year / Year long / ‘DCS report’ tab on 2017-18Activity Data template
Consultations / Number and types of consultation undertaken during the year to determine the priorities of the community / Year long / ‘Consultation’ tab on Activity data template / Check the definition of “Consultation” - on Consultation tab
Partners / Count of the number of partners actively involved in achieving the outcomes of the House / Year long / ‘Partners’ tab on 2017-18Activity data template / Check the definition of “Partner” - on Partners tab
Submit reports / ‘DCS Report’ - Activity Data report / 31 July 2018 / ‘DCS Report’ tab on 2017-18Activity Data template / There are step by step instructions on the NHT website to help you prepare your DCS report for 2017
2)Priority Area – KPI 3 (outcomes measurement and reporting)
Note that these steps are needed for EACH Priority Area (so….x2)
Task / What / When / What to use / Progress: if completed / Notes
Determine Priority Areas(PAs) / Decide what 2 PAs will be a focus for the House during 2017, and will be reported on.
Assess and determine a realistic goal(s) for progress by the end of the year / NOW / Results of community input – consultation, feedback, research, data
Discussion with Board or Committee of Management
Plan / Plan for outcomes measurement and reporting / NOW / Priority Area PLANNING Document (template) – ‘(A) Planning’
(NHT website)
Determine the outcome and measures that relate to the PA / Choose the two or three MOST important and relevant measures for each Priority Area.
Choose from “How well did we do it?” AND “Is anyone better off?” measures. (Just 1 or 2 from each) / NOW / Priority Area PLANNING Document (template) – ‘(A) Planning’
(NHT website)
Plan / The strategies & activities that relate to the PA, and identify opportunities to gather information / By 30 Sept 2017
Plan to Count / Plan to count the number of participants, partners, activities etc / By 30 Sept 2017 / Group registration forms, volunteer sign-in sheets, keep a record of partners working with you on the PA etc
Design evaluation tools / Write questions for surveys, interviews, group discussions etc / ASAP after your measures are determined / Question Bank might be useful
(NHT website)
TasCOSS Tool Library
Implement / Use evaluation methods to gather information about “How well you did it?” and “Is anyone better off?” / when groups, activities are scheduled
complete evaluation activities by June 2018 / Various tools – participant surveys, interview questions, documented stories, visual media, group feedback, partner surveys.
Partners / Partner survey (if relevant to your PA) / By 30 June 2018 / Survey that includes questions relating to any measures that relate to “working with partners”
Gather and analyse / Gather all evidence and data / By 30 June 2018 / Group feedback forms
Participant survey responses
Partner survey responses
Plan for Reporting / Review and bring up to date, ready to cut and paste from Planning template
Collate available evidence
Work out numbers and percentages
Gather observations, quotes
Write-up stories and/or case study(s)
Obtain participants’’ permissions if needed, OR de-identify the information. / By 30 June 2018 / Priority Area PLANNING Document (template) – ‘(A) Planning’
All the evidence that you have gathered
Priority Area Outcomes report template
Report / Add evidence into Report template for each PA / During July 2018 / Priority Area REPORT Document (template) –‘(B) Report’
Submit reports / 2 PA reports / 31 July 2018 / Priority Area REPORT Documents –‘(B) Report’
FILE: (G2) Tick Sheet 2017-18Page 1