March 24, 2009
MEANING: knowledge and good judgment based on experience;
Being wise.
SENTENCE: The man´amko’s wisdom guided us.
GI FINO´CHAMORRO: tiningo; tinemtom
**BREATH-TAKING! The new LCD SIGN on top of our school campus is something
to be proud of. Funded by monies from our King’s Cafeteria proceeds, the
content reps. made an awesome decision to use these funds for this
new way of communicating! Kudos reps and especially, Mr. Dave Borja and Mr.
Vince Leon Guerrero for your research in getting this technology for the Wildcats!
**Appreciation to Mrs. Marie Wessling, Ms. Paula Ulloa, and staff for a very
informative disability awareness session provided to our teachers! We look forward
to more training opportunities in the future! Thanks for taking the time to share
your expertise with us!
Every Wednesday will be reserved for Skills testing day to prepare for the SAT10. The Content Representatives will provide a set of skills per grade level/subject area in accordance with the 2008 item analysis. Please ensure these priority skills are taught on Wednesdays as well as test taking strategies critical to their success in the SAT10. Administrators will reserve that day for informal observations.
Please refrain from requesting personal leave for the week of March 23, 2009 – March 27, 2009. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Fullo or Mrs. Taitingfong. ADMIN.
3rd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conference is scheduled on March 31, 2009. By unanimous vote – the PTC will be from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. - LUNCH.) Dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
Final grades are due by March 23, 2009. Your Skills Assessment and Learning Accountability forms are due on Monday, March 30, 2009.
TEACHERS: Reminder: Substitutes do not have account numbers or paper to copy your materials. When taking leave, please ensure that you provide enough copies of all materials that you would like for the substitute to pass out .
TEACHERS: If you have a missing or non-functioning mouse or keyboard for your
classroom desktop computer, please let me know so I can provide you
with a replacement.
Also, please fill out a Computer Repair Form if you:
• Have a computer virus, trojan, or spyware
• Do not have internet (except for Rooms 50-57, T-4 to T-7, and 23-28)
• Would like help with an application installation Thank you., J. CARINO/TECH.
TEACHERS: The invitation letters for the WILDCAT BEACH BASH '09 were distributed to all 1st period classes. Please follow up andcollectfrom your 1st period studentssigned forms,check them off the list provided,and turn them inby March20to room 10 by COB or to Mrs. A Castro's box in the main office. Thank you for your support PUBLIC RELATIONS, FAMILY FUN DAY COMMITTEE
GCC announces - Guam’s Annual Educational Conference 2009 “Reaching Diverse Learners” starts 3/28/09. Teachers face many challenges in the classrooms, including meeting the needs of diverse learners, developing or expanding the use of technology or providing preparation for non-traditional careers. Course targets practicing teachers and counselors and provides them with tools to assist in meeting the needs of diverse learners and their families. This one credit course starts March 28 (8am-5pm) at GCC Multipurpose Auditorium. And March 30 &31 (4PM-8PM) GCCTechnologyCenter, Rm. 1107. For more information, please refer to posting in the main office.
March 30, 2009 will be a half day schedule as a result of Professional Development day. Car riders, please make arrangements to be picked up early by your parents. Students will be released at 12:00 p.m.
March 31, 2009 is set for the 3rd quarter Parent Teacher Conference (PTC). Time will be from 8:00-1:00. There will be no classes on that day.
THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASE IN GRAFFITI AROUND CAMPUS. Students are reminded to takecare of their campus. If the graffiti continues to appear in restrooms, some of them will be shut during instructional time. Permanent markers are not to be brought to school!
HAFA ADAI WILDCATS: As part of the Chamorro Celebration at UMS, the library is pleased to announce that it will show Guam Videos during the 3 lunch periods. Those interested are welcome to watch during their lunch period. The video will start promptly five minutes into the period. Biba Chamorro! Biba Guam! Biba Wildcats!
Have some fun in the sun! WatchTeamdance performances!Playexciting games!Atthe WILDCAT BEACH BASH '09.Your invitation letterswere passed outon March 12. Please haveyour parents review and sign the form. Don't miss out on the best UMS event of the year! Turn inby March20during your1st periodclass!
SEE YOU AT THE BASH!Public Relations, Family Fun Day Committee
Effective immediately, any student wishing to use the library MUST have a pass signed by a teacher. This notice applies especially to the three lunch periods when students on their lunch storm the library all at once. Students must have an educational purpose to come to the library. Using the computer to work on a project or using the reference section of the library is legitimate enough reason to come to the library in addition to reading or borrowing a book. Coming to the library to “meet” friends and socialize is not a good reason to be there. Students, please be mindful about working quietly in the library. Remember that the library is a place of learning and not a playground. Keep fingerboards and other apparatus in your school bags. Those are distractions to library patrons. Teachers: Please issue passes only to students who genuinely need the services of the library. Remember students: NO PASS, NO ENTRY! MR. DAN L.G., LIBRARIAN
Barrigada Mayor’s Office announces.. 3 for 3 Basket Tournament on March 27-29 and April 3-5, 2009. Registration cost: $25.00 and deadline to register is March 23, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. First 10 teams to register: Round Robin with Double Elimination Playoff – 4 players per team. If interested, please call Chris Leon Guerrero at 482-64`8 or register at the Barrigada Mayor’s Office-734-3737.
Student random searches will continue and can occur at any time on campus by school administrators.
The next PTA meeting is set for April 2, 2009, 6:00 p.m. in the library. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
LPUMS Annual Family Fun Day event is scheduled on April 18, 2009 at Ypao Beach Park Pavilion from 10:00 a.m – 3:00 p.m. There will be lots of food, entertainment, and fun for the whole family.
Effective FEB. 16, 2009 ANY STUDENT suspended will not be able to participate in any end-of- the- year team activities/celebrations and award ceremonies. ADMIN.
Attention Students: It is time to gear up for the 19th Annual Youth for Youth Conference. The three (3) day conference (April 25-27, Sat/Sun/Mon) is for teens. Goals for the conference are 1) use powerful influence to turn peer pressure from negative to positive, 2) teach effective leadership and goal setting and 3) teach responsibility: say NO to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and violence. INTERESTED ? See Mr. Chargualaf at the counseling center during your team time. Remember to have your hall pass form your teacher. There are only 30 slots available at this time. Applications must be picked up in person. Si Yu’os Ma’ase.
MS Peer Mediation, Yearbook Club and SBA are Co-Sponsoring 5K Fitness Fun Run/Walk, “Paw for the Claws: Peace in Progress”, on Sat. March 28, 2009. Show time at 5:00 a.m. at GPO. Registrations are now being passed out. You may see Ms. Castro, Rm. 4 or Ms. Weger, Rm. 3. M. CASTRO/D. WEGER
Attention 8th Graders:
“Let the Dream Begin” 8th Grade Banquet and Ball will be held on April 25, 2009 at the Onward Beach Resort’s Oasis Ballroom from 5:30pm-10:30pm. Tickets are now on sale for $28 (per single) and $50
(per couple). Before purchasing, please pick up the rules andregulations forms from the following teachers: 8A – Mr. Blas, 8B –Mr. Chargualaf, and 8C – Ms. Pama. Tickets may be purchased in rooms
10 or 22.
8th Grade Ball for students who qualify. Students should see their 8th grade teacher for details. Contract and guidelines are being sent home that require parental consent.
8th Grade couples interested in running for 8th Grade Royal Court, please sign up with Ms. Pama in rooms 10 or 22.
We are now collecting pictures of current 8th Graders for the 8th Grade Ball slideshow. If you have pictures of your 6th, 7th and 8th Grade years at UMS, please submit them in electronic format to rooms 5
or 10.
8th Grade Talents: If you would like to perform during the 8th Grade Ball, please sign up with November Refolopei or Marini Santos, or go to rooms 10 or 22.
March28th UMS Peer Mediation/SBA/Yearbook 5K at GPO
7A Griffins carwash 9-3 p.m., UMS parking lot
March 31st PTC snack sales by Team 8C
April 18thFamily Fun Day event
** Sno-cones by Team 6A
** Balloons by Team 7B
April 25th 7B Tigers carwash, 9-3 p.m., UMS parking lot