Scottish Fencing Presents: The Scottish Open

7th & 8th January 2012

Meadowbank Sports Centre Hall 1, London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE

Competition Licence: Competitors must have a valid national fencing licence. Scottish Fencing memberships will be available on the day.

Competitors must be 13 or over on the 1st January 2012

Parking and Access: Meadowbank Sports Centre has car parking available for competitors.

Equipment regulations: In keeping with British Fencing regulations, a min of 350 Newton jacket, breeches and mask and 800 Newton underplastron is required. Anyone whose personal equipment fails to comply will not be permitted to fence. Lamé bibs are required for foil competitions – retro fit bibs are sufficient.

Entry Fee: £20 for one event or £30 for two.

Male competitors may enter foil and epee or sabre but not epee and sabre. Female competitors may enter epee and sabre or foil but not sabre and foil. Late entries will be subject to organisers’ discretion and will incur an additional late entry fee of £10.

Payment: Cheques to be made payable to “Scottish Fencing Ltd” and sent to Scottish Fencing at:

Caledonia House, 1 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ | Tel: 0131 339 4480

Enquiries to: or

Tel: 0131 339 4480


Emergency Contact on the event weekend: 07802 492541

There will be:
Significant prize money for the top 4 in each weapon
Gala finals
Free secondary competition
Awards for best cadets

Check-in times:

Saturday 7th January 2011 / Sunday 8th January 2011
Men’s Foil / 8.15 – 8.45 am / Men’s Epee / 8.15 – 8.45 am
Women’s Foil / 8.45 – 9.15 am / Women’s Epee / 8.45 – 9.15am
Women’s Sabre / 9.45 – 10.15am / Men’s Sabre / 9.45 – 10.15am

Closing Date for entries: SATURDAY 31st DECEMBER 2011

Scottish Fencing – The Scottish Open Entry Form




Post Code: Tel No:

Mobile Number:

(may be used as an emergency contact on the competition days)


Club: Licence No:

DOB: [if U18 years of age]

I wish to enter (please tick box):

Saturday 7th January 2011 / Sunday 8th January 2011
Men’s Foil / Men’s Epee
Women’s Foil / Women’s Epee
Women’s Sabre / Men’s Sabre

I have enclosed a cheque payable to “Scottish Fencing Ltd” for: £


[if under 18 years of age a parent or guardian must sign]
