Meadow Wood Condominiums Owners Association

Meadow Wood Condominiums Owners Association

Meadow Wood Condominiums Owners Association

AnnualMeeting Minutes

April25, 2016

Joel Burchfiel –

Gary Walsh –

Carol Janowski –

Called to order at 5:32pm


Jim Robinson #5

Molly Boyle #36

Tammy Anderson #81

Erin Nelson #57

Judy Frazier #11

Pauline Ruder #13

Dan Jones #46

Michael Bruno #21

William Miller #47

Gene Phipps/Charlie Garland #24

Seldom #48

Roger Robison #19

Bo Bolton #7

Penny Nelson #37

Pam Burgess #75

Pam Moore #58/66

Diana May #50

Minutes from 3/14 were read. Owner/rental ratio was noted incorrectly again and changed from 58 to 54 percent. Financials still need to be added to these minutes as well. Carol made a motion to approve minutes with corrections. Garyseconded the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

As of 3/31:As of 4/25:

Operating: 2,765Operating: 3,516.16

Reserve: 76,320Reserve: 79,728.91

Construction Defect:7,650Construction Defect:10,200.95

Gary noted a couple of items from the budget. The maintenance spending was higher than necessary due to lighting/electrical upgrades. Also, units 56-59, 40-47, and 10-14 are showing higher than expected water usage. Joel made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Carol seconded the motion. Motion carried.

QPM Report:

Parking signage has been ordered (55 total signs). Decals with space #s will be adhered to i-beams inside each carport.

Robert still working to get quote on the pressure washing.

#73 gutter has been repaired.

Track lighting in front room of clubhouse is not working, and needs repaired.

Camera update: Upgrades are needed in NE section of parking area. Robert is looking into feasibility of wireless cameras instead of trenching electrical to that section of the parking lot.

Old Business:

Carol issued a warning to owners/tenants to please pick up after their pets. The board will be issuing fines more strictly. Penny asked about getting a small, decorative fence as a way to deter pets from entering certain areas.

The board also wants to encourage owners to assist in keeping the campus clean by picking up loose trash.

New Business:

Gary addressed an email of transferring rental status through ownership. The board stated that this is not allowable. If a unit sells, the rental status is transferred to the next person on the wait list.

Gary developed a property management task list for QPM (see table below).

Task / Start Date / Competed Date
Pressure wash garages, buildings
Paint garage trim
Flat work
Garage numbers
Parking signs
North facing solar lights
Install poles for cameras
Camera solution for NE parking area
Pool gate
Clean gutters including carports

The pool will be emptied/sandblasted/repainted as an alternative to complete resurfacing. Gary is waiting on a bid from the pool company. The pool gate is still out of code. Robert is looking into fabricating a new gate that will bring it up to code.

The line of credit through the bank was approved. Board attorney Chris Tinge will be coming down on Wednesday 4/27.

The board is working with a new contractor, as the last one didn’t have enough staff available to take on our project.

The HOA insurance will be cancelled as of 7/1. The board is looking to write a letter of reconsideration, but also shopping around for a new carrier.

The board is also looking into whether or not more ADA parking spaces are needed.

Annual meeting will be held on 5/9/16 @ 530pm in the clubhouse.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm