/ Massachusetts Communications
Supervisors Association
“Developing Dispatchers & Dispatch Centers”
MCSA February 17, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Webster, MA Police Department
The meeting was called to order at 1000 by President Campbell. Greg Lynskey, Director of Communications for the South Worcester County Communications welcomed those in attendance. He said that the center handles calls for the towns of Webster and Dudley and is overseen by a board of directors. The center answers approximately 30,000 calls per year. 36 people representing 29 agencies were in attendance.
CJIS Presentation:
Bill Dunn, Anthony Cruz, Dan Hutchinson and Katie Jacobsen from CJIS were in attendance. Anthony began the PowerPoint presentation on Open Fox and said that the presentation would be made available to share with dispatch centers for those who were unable to attend. The presentation consisted of an overview of Open Fox with a focus on adhering to policies. Anthony discussed various “tips and tricks” and reviewed the forms tree. He made everyone aware that the old “QWHO” command was replaced with the “TQ” command to be utilized in Open Fox. Anthony went on to discuss validations and hit confirmations. He said that some queries such as BOPFI can cause Open Fox to freeze. There was discussion about stolen motor vehicles that have been removed from NCIC put the ACTV/STLN tag will still appear in ALARS. Anthony provided a contact number for LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY (857-368-7583) that can be called to rectify this issue. Bill talked about how a no records found reply can be received if a query is processed between 2359 and 0000. He suggested to just try running it again. He said that if a user answers the security questions incorrectly five times they will be locked out of the system. There will be new versions of Java installed towards the end of the month. Bill reminded everyone that administrative messages can be sent out to regions and that the code “CM” can be used for Rhode Island combination plates. There is information on the CJIS newsletter about new license plates that are being issued. Bill emphasized that records must be cleared in a timely manner. Katie showed everyone where the VIN assist is located (top of Open Fox under tools). Bill said that the OAM field can be used to enter an irregular VIN (less than 17 digits).
Business Meeting:
A brief break was taken as a transition to the regular business meeting. President Campbell started this portion of the meeting at 1130. The secretary’s report from the January meeting in Gardner was accepted. Ed’s absence was noted and get well wishes were extended to his wife. Chris said that Treasurer Paula Snow indicated to him that the association’s account balance was presently $23,672.47. There is a list available of agencies that have not paid their FY16 dues available. He reported that there were 140 people that signed up to attend the training session on March 16, 2016 in Bolton. A couple members in attendance indicated that they had just signed up leaving less than ten seats available. A motion was made by Don Hancock to offer some scholarship seats (five) to those individuals belonging to agencies that would not pay for their attendance. A second was made by LeeAnn Delp and the motion passed. A committee will review the applicants and select five. There will be a board meeting held on Tuesday, March 15th at the International where the board will discuss upcoming goals for the retirement issue. Steve Hooke reported that the State 911 Commission would be meeting next Thursday at 1pm in Taunton. There were no reports from NERAC Communications or the SIEC Committee.
Mona Wallace and Karen Robitaille were present. Karen said that the goal is to have the development grant out by the end of the month. Mona indicated that there were no new developments or information to pass along concerning NextGen 911.
Chris said that the Mass Chiefs Conference will be held on April 6th and inquired if anyone was interested in staffing the booth. He provided everyone with an update on the retirement issue. H2415 is currently with the public service committee and Senate 1442/now 2046 is in ways and means. Chris indicated that he would be drafting a letter to Representative Todd Smola to thank him for meeting with MCSA members and offering his support as well as insight to promote the bill and its passage. He also expressed his thanks to Tammy Piechota from Palmer Police for coordinating Rep. Smola’s visit. Chris said he received an email from the New Hampshire Dispatchers group (NHEDA) concerning a Hollis, NH dispatcher that lost their home in Hillsborough, NH as a result of a fire. Laura McGerigle made a motion to send $250.00 to a fund that has been established. Joanne Somers made a second to the motion and all were in favor. Tracy Eldridge will be selling tickets for the “911… Where is the Party” event that will be held on Friday, April 8, 2016 from 6p-11p at the Sturbridge Host Hotel, 366 Main St., Sturbridge. Tickets are $20.00 per person which includes dinner, a guest speaker, entertainment by a DJ and a cash bar. The hotel is offering a special rate of $99.00 per night for those interested in staying over but the code MCSA will have to be given.
Chris announced that Greg would be conducting tours of the facility and several in attendance remained for the tour.
Submitted by
Edward P Merriam
PS: Thank you to David Squires for the meeting notes.
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