This form is to be signed by the Nutcracker Audition Participant and their parent or guardian. Bring this signed and dated form with you to the audition.
It is the goal of Black Hills Dance Theatre to provide an outstanding professional experience for all participants involved in the Nutcracker production. This experience has brought dancers and their families from all studios together. We encourage this camaraderie and want to provide a safe and healthy environment for all dancers to work together to produce an amazing holiday classic for our local community. To achieve this goal we expect the following guidelines and regulations be strictly followed.
HARRASSMENT: Harassment of other individuals will not be tolerated and is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to bullying, name calling, physical or emotional harassment. If you feel like you are being subjected to a harassment issue, please let a BHDT board member know. A proper investigation into the alleged incident will be conducted. This includes harassment on social media for example: Facebook, Twitter.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Respect for other people's personal property and the property of Black Hills Dance Theatre is expected.
RESPECT: Respect for yourself and others. Many countless hours are dedicated to producing the Nutcracker. Please be respectful of the Choreographer. She is a hired professional so literally, time is money. Respect the other students by not talking and pay attention. These students want to soak up as much of this professional opportunity as possible. Finally, respect the volunteers and board members of BHDT. They have put in countless unpaid hours to this production to make it the best possible experience for you.
ACTIONS: Actions which have an adverse impact on BHDT and/or its members, and/ or the pursuit of its objectives regardless of where such conduct may occur is prohibited.
FAILURE to follow the above parameters will result in dismissal from the Nutcracker production.
If cast in The Nutcracker production, I and my dancer agree to uphold the Code of Conduct and understand the consequences if I make decisions which do not contribute to a positive production experience for other participants, volunteers, or the hired professionals by Black Hills Dance Theatre.
Nutcracker Participant Date
Print Name_______________________________________ ________________
Parent or Guardian Date
Print Name_______________________________________ _________________