McNeil Maverick Football Booster Club

November 4, 2014

Rick Epstein called the meeting to order at 6:45pm by Michael Thane and seconded by James Platt. In attendance were Rick Epstein, Rocky Epstein, Shari Wojtowecz, Tiffany Davis,Lisa Clifton, James Platt, Coach McMahan and Terri Short.

Old Business

Minutes were handed out and approved from the October meeting. Terri Short gave the motion to approve and Lisa Clifton seconded it.

The ice machine that is needed by the trainers and team doc for all sports injuries is being paid for by various booster clubs at McNeil. $3,400 has been raised to date. The MMFBC has donated $500 towards it.

Football Program Update

Coach Mac talked about the program and what lies ahead. There will be Spring football in 2015. Most players will be on the track team to help work on endurance and speed in off season.

Varsity letter jackets can be purchased November 12th during all 3 lunch periods. They will arrive 6-8 weeks after the orders are placed.

Treasurer’s Report

No update at the time of the meeting. Terre McCann was not in attendance.


Booster Club Membership has remained the same since the October board meeting. We did receive $350 of a $700 booster club membership commitment from Dell who is matching funds. An additional $350 should still be deposited soon when it arrives.


No new merchandise updates.


No new updates on sponsors.

New Business

Banquet Committee Update – Expense requests were submitted for reimbursement for items needed for the banquet. Everything is on schedule. The slide show preparation is still in progress as we need additional photos from parents of games and senior baby pictures as well.

The Clifton family will be the new inflatable crew at varsity games for the 2015 season. They will take the trailer to all games and set it up.

The booster club requested a 2nd gate key from Coach Mac so they can get to the storage shed. One key needs to stay with the Clifton’s to pick up the trailer for the games and another key needs to stay with the merchandise coordinator to pick up merchandise to sell before games. Coach Mac is looking into collecting all keys back and checking them out so there is more accountability as to who has them. He will keep us posted on this.

Senior Night is Friday Nov 6th. Senior parents, senior players and senior trainers meet at 6pm at the inflatable on the field. Pictures will be taken of each group as the walk through the inflatable with their parents. Mother’s will wear their son’s Jersey for the picture and game. They will be collected at the end of the evening and returned to Coach Reynolds.

The next Booster Club meeting will be in January for board member elections.

Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm, motion passed by Shari Wojtowecz and seconded by Michael Thane.