Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Cheshire LOC

Tuesday 25th April 2017

The Cottons Hotel, Knutsford

Present: Committee Members

Lyndon Taylor Chairman

Cathryn TrippSecretary

Nigel OldburyTreasurer

Hugh Churchman

Helen Denton

Chris Houghton

Mark Simpson

Jane Smellie

Fionnuala Stott

Phil Cooke

Julie Theobalds

Jill Umpleby

Sandie McBennettAdministrator

Non LOC Members

John Blaney, Christine Boyd, Liz Cook, Philip Cooke, Cheryl Godwin, David Knowles, Ewa Krystek, Laura McCall, Cahir Mullan, Deborah Pickin, Kuldeep Saimbi, Gill Sherratt, Jane Woodward, Alyson Illingworth and Derek Clare..

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. The Chairman introduced Michelle Dyoss, Public Health Practitioner, Office of Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council; Mrs Dyoss gave a CET approved presentation on the following: -

“Healthy Living Optician and Supporting the Patient Around General Health and Wellbeing”

A question and answer session and discussion followed the presentation.

The Chairmen introduced Mr Paul Jackson of “One You Cheshire East” to give a presentation entitled: -

Health and Wellbeing Services across Cheshire East.

The Chairman thanked Michelle Dyoss and Paul Jackson for their attendance and presentations on behalf of the LOC and members.

  1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Amy Thompson, Rupesh Bagdai, Wendy Diddams, Manish Patel, Adil Sahar, Keith Williams,Liz Taylor, Jean Oldbury, Harinder Notay, Heidi Benham, Bev Nelson, Gurj Bhamra, David Wheeldon.

Resolved: that apologies for absence from the above named be accepted.

  1. Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting

Proposer: Mr H Churchman, Seconder: Mr C Houghton.

Resolved: that the minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters arising

Item 7; “to study the Constitution of the LOC before the next election and changed so that there could be a more geographic spread of representation”. LOCSU had formalised a new constitution to be adopted by all LOC’s in 2017; given the new election directive in the new Constitution it was agreed it would not be workable at the present time.

  1. Chairman’s Report

Report received.

Lyndon Taylor thanked all the current committee for their work over the last year, especially the work of the 3 members leaving the committee: -

-Rupesh Bagdai who had resigned to avoid a conflict of interest with his role as Chairman of the Local Eye Health Network;

-Helen Denton who had run the LOC’s CET provision for several years; and

-Cathy Tripp who had been on the LOC for many years and had been Secretary to the LOC for much of that time. Cathy would continue to work as Clinical Governance/Performance Lead for enhanced services for the time being.

The LOC had recently held an election for 3 casual vacancy posts; 2 Contractors and 1 Performer seat. The Chairman welcomed Jill Umpleby and Julie Theobalds to the Contractor seats and Phillip Cooke to the Performer seat.

Lyndon Taylor reported the LOC had continued to increase the portfolio of community services throughout 2016/17; the LOC had agreed a Glaucoma Repeat Readings service as a seamless service across the whole of Cheshire. Central area (South and Vale Royal CCGs) now also had a new enhanced Cataract Referral service which avoided the need to complete extensive CCG paperwork. The existing OHTM service was still working in this area though numbers were much less than expected. Central area had given a strong commitment to providing a MECS service, but as always,it was taking far too long to get commissioned. A Post Cataract follow up scheme had also been agreed with Leighton Hospital which was working well.Eastern area had not been very receptive to new services and currently only had the GRR service,however, the LOC were working with Macclesfield Hospital to extend the Cataract Post op service. Western Cheshire also only had the GRR service commissioned,however, a major review of all ophthalmology services would be conducted in 2017; hopefully leading to the introductionof better community schemes.

The Chairman thanked the members for their support over the last year.

  1. Secretary’s Report

Cathryn Tripp, Secretary reported since the last AGM five LOC meetings had been held where committee members had demonstrated their continued commitment to the LOC with regular attendance and engagement. David Knowles, Optometric Adviser had been present at four meetings. Rupesh Bagdai had continued to attend as LEHN Chair and LOCSU Adviser following his resignation from the LOC. Amy Derbyshire, Programme Manager for the diabetic retinal screening service had also attended. William Greenwood and Julie Hughes of Cheshire LMC had been invited in May 2016 to develop relationships between the two committees.

Observers at the LOC meetings had been discussed at the previous AGM; attendees to date had so far not been an issue with only one or two observers attending.

The Secretary wished to note the Committee’s thanks to Helen Denton who had organised three CET events and a Peer Review event in 2017.

Cathy Tripp wished to note her thanks to everyone on the LOC Committee over the past twenty years, especially Lyn Thompson, past Chairman and present Chairman Lyndon Taylor. She encouraged members to get involved and consider membership of the LOC Committee in the future to contribute to the decision making and future direction of the LOC.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Report received.

Nigel Oldbury, Treasurer, wished to note his thanks to David Knowles for his overview of the year to date accounts. The Treasurer reported some errors had been found in the previous accounts which had been corrected. It had been a stable year, no significant changes and close to budget. Costs incurred by the Committee members had been detailed and circulated to members. The bank account showed approximately £38,000 which was in line with previous years. The PECC was expected to become self-funding within the year and this in turn would be reflected in the following years’ budgets.

The Chairman invited questions from the attendees of the meeting.

Mr John Blaney requested further detail be disclosed in the fees and expenses breakdown. Mr Blaney noted the number of members attending the NOC and questioned if this was necessary. Mark Simpson and Fionnuala Stott explained that there had been new members to the LOC who had benefitted from attending and those delegates were able to attend separate presentations and seminars and report back to the rest of the committee.

Mr Blaney further questionedwhat was the standard amount of spending detail that should be reported and published?

Action: that the Chairman would research the LOCSU recommendation on reporting data.

  1. Approval of 2016 Accounts

Proposer: Mrs F Stott, Seconder: Mrs C Tripp.

Resolved: that the Cheshire LOC 2016/17 Accounts be agreed.

  1. Vote on the Resolutions: -

a.Resolution 1 - to maintain the statutory levy on all N.H.S sight tests at 1.5%.

b.Resolution 2 - to give the LOC a mandate to vary the statutory levy by no more than plus/minus ½ %.

c.Resolution 3 - to adopt the new LOC constitution.

d.Resolution 4 - to allow the current committee to serve their remaining term of office until the 2018 AGM and thereafter a new committee to be voted in with a third of members having a term of one year, a third two and the final third three years, by the returning officer; assuming the new constitution is adopted.

A rolling election would be held annually from 2019; the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer would be re- elected each year.

Resolved: following the vote, that the Resolutions 1,2,3 and 4 be agreed.

  1. Adoption of the contribution to the LOC Support Unit for the Forthcoming Financial Year

The Chairman reported 1.5%is split 1% goes to the LOC Committee and 0.5% goes to LOCSU.

Resolved: that the adoption of the contribution to LOCSU be agreed.

Mr Blaney requested the LOC recievesthe best value for the levy payments to represent the LOC.

  1. Appointment of Auditors for the Forthcoming Financial Year

The Chairman wished it to be noted; in accordance with the new Constitution, the appointment would now be called “Account Inspector” not Auditor.

Resolved: that David Knowles be appointed the Account Inspector for the Cheshire LOC.

  1. PECC Report – Fionnuala Stott

Fionnuala Stott, Chair of Primary Eye Care Cheshire gave a presentation on PECC Ltd as follows: -

  • PECC is a limited company and a not for profit company which contractson behalf of optical practices in Cheshire. It is separate to the LOC but runs alongside it. The Directors are Fionnuala Stott, Lyndon Taylor, Jane Smellie and Cathy Tripp. Theresa Cox is the Finance Director and Mark Simpson and Amy Thompson are the Clinical Leads.
  • GRR is largest service in Cheshire,there are three Clinical Performance Leads on this service covering East Cheshire, West Cheshire and South Cheshire/Vale Royal; their contact details are published on the LOC website.
  • Additional services are: -

-Pre-Cataract in South Cheshire and Vale Royal

-Post Cataract at Leighton Hospital

-OHT in South Cheshire and Vale Royal

-Learning Disability Pathway.

As many participating practices as possiblein all services is required to report to the CCG that PECC delivers good coverage and provision. It would be most effective for practices to be involved in all services.

  • In 2016 PECC turnover was approximately £70,000. PECC forecast a small profit for 2017 and will beginto coverits own costs and pay back the loan received from the LOC. When the MECS service is in place this would increase the turnover.
  • A merger between PECC and Central Mersey and Liverpool PECs has been discussed. More details will be circulated as and when available. At the NOCConference STP’s (Sustainable Transformation Plans) were delivered as the way forward. In the past England had been divided into forty-four areas which do not adhere to the boundaries currently used. When PECC commission services; larger scale delivery across boundaries will be planned. One of the advantages of the PECC merging would be to cut costs, reduce the number of Clinical Leads required and share the expertise.
  • In this financial year PECC had already paid £35,000to practices for services provided; previously these services were provided to the patient for free.
  • The friends and family questionnaire is one of the kpi targetsthat has to be reached;it has to be reported if kpi’s are not met. It is important to complete the questionnaire as an extra 5% would be paid for completion.
  1. AOB

Mark Simpson wished to note the LOC Website had a new tab for Recruitmentwhich includes a section for Locums to leave their contact details. At the last AGM a For Sale section was requested. It is now active.

Rupesh Bagdai requested everyone to please complete the workforce survey, the data would help to decide what could be funded by NHS England.

The Chairman thanked all who attended and contributed.

The meeting closed at 21.40pm.

Cheshire LOC 2017 AGM MinutesPage 1