McNair Graduate Assistantship

The McNair Graduate Assistantship is for outstanding McNair Scholars entering graduate school programs at Eastern Washington University. The Ronald E. McNair Program is federally funded to support first-generation andlow-income and minority college studentscompleting a Ph.D. degree; to increase the pool of underrepresented students pursuing careers in post-secondary education; and to establish role models for future underrepresented students. The Graduate Assistantship is intended to provide research opportunity to support the McNair Program’s goals.

Your department has the opportunity to nominate a McNair Scholars for a tuition waiver provided by the Ronald E. McNair Program. The faculty member will provide a graduate assistantship job description and supervise the work of the student throughout the academic year. Please keep in mind that the requests for tuition waivers always exceed what is available.

The eligibility requirements for a McNair Graduate Assistantship are:

  1. Student must be a McNair Scholar from any Ronald E. McNair Program around the nation.
  2. Student must be admitted into a EWU graduate program and enrolled full time.
  3. Student must be enrolled for the entire academic year.
  4. Tuition waiver does not cover summer credit hours.
  5. Student must not work more than 20 hours a week.

To be completed by Professor:

1. Name: (Last, First Middle) / 2. Title:
3. Department Address: (Street, City, State, Zip)
4. Email Address: / 5. Telephone:
6. Name of Nominee:
7. Appointment Requested for: (Please circle one)
GA - Computer, Engineering, and Science (GAC):graduate assistants who provide service to the institution in areas other than teaching or research, specifically in the Computer, Engineering, and Science area of the institution.
GA – Healthcare Practitioners and Technical (GAH): graduate assistants who provide service to the institution in areas other than teaching or research, specifically in the Healthcare Practitioners and Technical area of the institution.
GA – Management (GAM):graduate assistants who provide service to the institution in areas other than teaching or research, specifically in the management area of the institution.Note: management = administration
GA – Research (GAR):graduate assistants whose specific job assignments are customarily made for the purpose of conducting or supporting research.
GA – Teaching (GAT):graduate assistants who assist faculty or other instructional staff in postsecondary institutions by performing teaching or teaching-related duties, such as teaching lower level courses, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers.
8. Has the nominee being accepted to the program? Yes No
9. Is the Program, Department of College allocating a stipend with this tuition waiver? Yes No

Please provide a job description:

Department Signatures:

The Faculty Member and Department Chair signatures certify that the student is eligible for an Employment Waiver.

Faculty Member or Advisor ______Date: ______

Department Chair ______Date: ______