McLennan County Discretionary Grant 212-05-D11
Grant report period December 1, 2005 – February 28, 2006
On December 6, 2005 a training session on the video teleconference system was held for the 54th District Court. Two court administrators, the grant administrator, the Director of Maintenance Equipment and two of his staff attended the training. The session lasted for about 45 minutes. After the session, everyone felt confident in the use of the equipment.
On December 8, 2005 a training session on the video teleconference system was held for the McLennan County jail staff. Three sergeants and three deputies attended the training. The session lasted for about 45 minutes. All who attended the session were pleased with the knowledge gained.
In December 2005, Judge Jim Lewis requested an extension on the Discretionary Grant. He requested an extension to May 31, 2006. This request was due to a change in the Judges who hear juvenile cases. The request was granted on December 8, 2005. Judge Jim Lewis was notified by fax on January 2, 2006 to sign the Amended Statement of Grant Award and return same. The Amended Statement of Grant Award was faxed to Bryan E. Wilson, Grants Administrator on January 11, 2006.
The FTP site for use by the court appointed attorneys is up. Each attorney was given a user name and password to login to the FTP site. All court appointed attorneys have been instructed on how to access the site. Each court appointed attorney can log on to their folder that contains their court appointments. The site also will allow court appointed attorneys to post forms, motions, etc. for use by attorneys on the court appointment lists. The court administrators will post forms as needed and/or requested by the attorneys. The court administrators will post monthly lists of all jury trials in the 54th District Court. Judge Allen will use this site to post any notices and/or memos to attorneys.
Chief Deputy Randy Plemons conducted meetings with the supervisory staff at the McLennan County Jail in regard to the operation of the video teleconference equipment. He instructed the sergeants that they will be the contact person for the court to notify for scheduling purposes. The staff was informed that only the court administrators can schedule a video teleconference. The court administrators were informed that they can call or fax the list of inmates scheduled for video teleconference. The sergeants were instructed to the get the date and time of the conference and the court appointed attorney’s name for each defendant scheduled. This information is entered on each defendant’s visiting list.
McLennan County Discretionary Grant 212-05-D11
Grant report period December 1, 2005 – February 28, 2006
On December 7, 2005, 74th District Judge, Alan Mayfield, and the Juvenile Court Administrator, Lisa Blakemore, met with court appointed attorneys to explain the video teleconferencing system. At this meeting Judge Mayfield explained the usage of the equipment to the attorneys and that they would be able to meet with their indigent juvenile clients who were being detained in the McLennan County Juvenile Detention Facility through the video teleconference equipment. The attorneys received a guideline of the steps that would need to be taken in order to set up a time to meet with a detained indigent juvenile.
Training for the video teleconferencing equipment for the Juvenile Department occurred on December 7, 2005, and was attended by the Juvenile Court Administrator, the 74th District Court Administrator, and the Detention Superintendent. All attendees agreed that the training was beneficial and we all received a booklet with detailed instructions on operating the equipment.
Video Teleconference (VTC) Guidelines
December 7, 2005
1.The video teleconference calendar is located on the county website:
- District Judges
- 74th District Court
- Video Teleconferencing Calendar
- The defense attorney will contact the juvenile court administrator to schedule the use of the Video Teleconferencing system (VTC). Contact Lisa Blakemore at either (254) 759-5657 or
3.The attorney must inform the court if the VTC is for an initial visit or conference.
4.The VTC will be scheduled in 15-minute increments for each juvenile.
5.The juvenile court administrator court will contact detention to schedule the juvenile(s) for the VTC.
6.When the attorney arrives for the VTC, the attorney must sign the VTC log in the 54th District’s administrator's office to verify the juvenile(s) that are scheduled.
7.The court administrator for 54th District Court will dial up the VTC for use by the attorney.
8.The juvenile court administrator will dial up the VTC for use by the juvenile.
9. VTC is not for lengthy visits with one juvenile.
10. If the attorney schedules more than one juvenile to see using VTC, then the attorney must see each juvenile that is scheduled.
11.The attorney may allow the interpreter and/or investigator in the VTC room, but the attorney must always be present when the VTC is in use.
12. The attorney must report to the court administrator when the VTC is ended and must sign the VTC log to verify the use of the VTC for scheduled juvenile(s).
13.There will not be any VTC time scheduled from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. due to lunch schedules. If there is an emergency situation in which the attorney needs to speak with their client, the attorney will contact the Juvenile Court Administrator to schedule an earlier time.