McLean Crew Club
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 14, 2016, McLean High School
I. Attendance
A. Board Members Present
Giselle Creeser / President 2015-16Jennifer Lockwood Shabat / President 2016-17
Sharon Petri / VP Ways and Means 2015-16, Member At- large 2016-17
Jackie Kazanci / Treasurer 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
Bob Wilbur / Transportation 2015-2016
Sheryl Pardo / Transportation 2016-17
Daniel Katcher / VP Operation 2015-16 and 2016-17
Dave McCarthy / Ways and Means 2016-17
Jacquie Wadle / Regatta 2015-16 and 2016-17
Jen Herzberg / Secretary 2015-16
Shannon Duncan / Member At-large 2015-16 VP 2016-17
Lisa Bennett / Secretary 2016-17
B. Board Member Absent
Janice Chory / VP 2016II. Call to Order: 7:10PM
III. Conduct of the Meeting
A. Lockwood-Shabat called for any change to the agenda. McCarthy added fundraising to the agenda (item III.E. below).
B. Board Job Descriptions/Rules and Responsibilities were discussed with input from last year’s board. Items that were suggested are the following:
1. Secretary
Herzberg suggested creating more defined roles for board positions and to break up volunteer positions into smaller roles. Simple list is our email distribution list and Site Creator is used for our web site. Herzberg and Carol Brunner have access to this and are looking for easier platforms.
2. Executive Vice President
Outreach will be added to the position of Executive Vice President.
Parent volunteer positions needed: Publicity coordinator
3. Treasurer
The club’s books will be closed out in July and taxes submitted later in August. A long form is required if the club exceeds a set amount for gross receipts. If a long form is required, a suggestion was made to hire an accountant due to the amount of time required to complete the form.
An audit committee needs to be appointed.
4. Transportation
Wilbur suggested getting bids early and being sure to be able to receive phone calls to cancel practice. Next year, a suggestion was made that practice be canceled by 11:00 for current/ impending weather/wind conditions unless we hear otherwise from a coach.
5. Regatta
Wadle recommended several additional volunteers to organize Stotes and Nationals. Crash B’s was not organized by the club last year and there needs to be a decision if there will be a parent volunteer position to organize, or whether individual parents are responsible for taking their child. Waiting until erg sprints is almost too late. It was noted that having coaches attend Crash B’s was helpful.
A decision is needed on whether to attend Camp Cooper next spring given the late spring break.
VASRA suggests that we train launch drivers during the summer months. Also, parking on site at regattas may only be allowed for volunteers with off -site available for everyone else. Wadle holds one permanent position for VASRA as the lightweight weigh in for the entire season, but a parent coordinator for the other VASRA jobs will be needed.
Parent volunteer positions needed: forms organizer, an assistant/shadow for a parent interested in becoming Regatta Chair next year, Crash B’s organizer, Camp Cooper organizer, and a VASRA parent volunteer coordinator.
6. VP Operations
Katcher would like a budget aligned for transportation categories.
Parent volunteer positions needed: Lead Erg Maintenance coordinator, Registration of boats and trailer volunteer.
7. Member at Large
Petri will assist with fundraising and volunteering this year.
Parent volunteer positions needed: Learn to row organizer, parent liaison, beginning of the year picnic coordinator.
C. Feedback
Feedback by parents, rowers, coaches and board was discussed. Lockwood-Shabat and Creeser reported on their exit interviews with all coaches, including coaches’ feedback for next year. Suggestions included: an all coaches meeting at the beginning of the year to set philosophy and calendars, consider a land coach to manage kids on land while others are on water, parent tutorials by the coaches on all things crew. At the board meeting, the board will discuss developing a club mission statement/philosophy and securing coaching staff for the 2016-2017 season.
Duncan reported on a draft summary of the parent and rower surveys. Overall, responses from parents and rowers were positive…
D. Fundraising
Ways and Means would like to hold more fundraising outside of parents. This could include corporate sponsors, alumni outreach (with events like a cocktail party), and joint interactions/fundraising with RCR. Larger fees at the beginning of the season were discussed. Also, an increase in the fee for not volunteering was brought up. Fixed fundraising like the car wash and mulch needs to be organized and booked. A capital expense program should be initiated every year with a two to four year horizon. A fund should be established for rowers that need financial assistance to join rowing.
Parent volunteer positions needed: Alumni relations and event coordinator, Car Wash organizer and more to come.
E. Safety Committee to be addressed at next meeting
F. Calendar
Calendar for next year was discussed with emphasis on the need for representatives at Highlander Day, Learn to Row and new student (9/13) and parent (Sept 14) information meeting. The student interest meeting should have coaches and captains present. Swim test at Spring Hill Rec needs to be booked before learn to row. Current rowers who are lifeguards can volunteer to assist.
IV. Next Meeting of the Board is Monday, June 27 at 7pm
Adjourn at 10pm
Minutes prepared by Lisa Bennett, Secretary MCC