MCLE Rules & Regulations
MCLE Hours Required / "Ethics and Professionalism" Credits / "Skills" Credits / "Practice Management" and "Areas of Professional Practice" Credits / Credits allowed to be carried overAttorneys Admitted less than 2 years / 32 hrs.during the first two years / 3 credit hours (For each year) / 6 credit hours (For each year) / 7 credit hours (For each year). Any combination of the two, as long as they add up to 7 credit hours / 8 credit hours from year 1 (except Ethics and Professionalism) and 6 credit hours from year 2.
All other Attorneys / Minimum of 24 hours during biennial reporting cycle / 4 credit hours (For a biennial period) / The other 20 credits may be fulfilled with any combination / 6 credit hours from one biennial reporting cycle to the next
Ethics and Professionalismmay include the norms relating to an attorney's professional obligations to clients and prospective clients, the sources of professional obligations, recognition and resolution of ethical dilemmas, and the mechanisms for enforcing professional norms.
Skillsmay include, among other things, problem solving, legal analysis and reasoning, legal research and writing, drafting documents, factual investigation, communication, counseling, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, organization, and trial advocacy.
Practice Managementmay include office management, applications of technology, state and federal court procedures, stress management, and management of legal work.
Areas of Professional Practicemay include, among other things, corporations, wills and trusts, elder law, estate planning, taxation, bankruptcy, and other substantive areas of law which are relevant to an attorney's practice.
For more information or the complete MCLE Rules, visit
Newly Admitted Attorneys
Newly admitted attorneys shall fulfill their CLE requirements by taking accredited transitional CLE courses or programs in traditional live classroom settings. They may not earn transitional CLE credit hours through non-traditional CLE course formats, except in extenuating circumstances, and only with prior written permission from the CLE Board.The minimum requirements for newly admitted attorneys are:
TOTAL MCLE Hours Required -- 32 hours during the first two years of practice
- Required Ethics and Professionalism Credits - 3 hours for each year
- Required Skills Credits - 6 credit hours for each year
- Required Practice Management and Professional Practice Credits - 7 hours for each year. Any combination of the two is allowed, as long as the total adds up to 7 or more credit hours.