McKinney High School Faculty Handbook
The purpose of the McKinney High School Faculty Handbook is to provide information that will help with questions and pave the way for a successful year. This handbook is neither a contract nor a substitute for the official McKinney Independent School District Employee Policy Manual. Nor is it intended to alter the at-will status of noncontract employees in any way. Rather, it is a guide to and a brief explanation of MHS policies and procedures related to employment. The MHS Faculty Handbook is a fluid document also – there will be additions throughout the year.
/Welcome to McKinney High School
It is a pleasure to have you at MHS! The Administrative Staff has prepared and published this handbook to help you better understand the daily operations of our school. It is imperative you carefully review this handbook as several changes have been made for the upcoming school year. Your knowledge and understanding of the contents of this handbook is very important to the success of MHS. As we begin a new school year, I encourage you to set personal goals for yourself and approach the year with a positive attitude, high levels of enthusiasm, and focused on success. Our campus motto “rich in legacy … focused on the future” is a key element in developing this focus along with a sense of urgency that drives our effort. We are proud to be at McKinney High School!
The 2014-2015 school year will continue to have elements of change and an abundance of opportunities for new beginnings with new staff members and new opportunities for learning. One area of focus will be to establish a stronger sense of our “standards” and “accountability” in our day-to-day operation. Everyone must have a clear understanding of the standards for curriculum, discipline, and the overall day-to-day operation. We will continue our focus on designing engaging lessons; however, we must see everyone increasing the depth and levels of academic challenge in all classes. A second focus will be to continue to focus our efforts in making connections/relationships with a goal on meeting the needs of all students.Our students are ready to be encouraged and held to the highest expectations possible. We must continue our work with the design qualities and leveraging our PLC time to ensure that our students are challenged every day. The quality of our daily lessons must be designed in such a way that causes us all to focus on stronger depth and rigor of instruction, frequent assessments of mastery and a tenacious pursuit of mastery for every student. We must have our students fully prepared to meet the challenges that lie ahead. McKinney High School is not the best because we are the original high school in McKinney, but rather because of the levels of commitment to excellence demonstrated by our students, teachers, administrators and parents working toward a common goal of student success!
I am proud to serve as the principal of McKinney High School. This will be our best year ever and I am looking forward to the challenges before each of us. It is my sincerest hope this year is a successful one for you. I encourage you to build positive relationships, remain focused and committed to success every minute of every class period of every day of every week of every semester of every year. Focus on the details yields success over time. There are several new faces at MHS this year and I ask you to welcome them to our school. I look forward to a great year of learning at MHS.
Press On!
Table of Contents
Administrative Contacts
Attendance – Teachers
Badges, Keys and Keyless Entry into MHS
Bell Schedule
Cell Phone Usage
Classroom Expectations
Classroom and Student Management
Lesson Plans/Syllabus
Attendance Committee
Behavior Management/Student Discipline
Parent Contact
Parent Communication
Technology Expectations (Digital Citizenship)
Cheating and/or Plagiarism
Classroom Phone List
Clinic and Nurse Information
Closing of Schools
Communication Flow at MHS
Communicating with Central Office Departments
Communicating with the Media
Contract Teaching Dates and Times
Counselor Referrals
Crisis Plan
Design Team
Discretionary Leave
Dress Code
ESL/McKinney ISD New Comer Center
Energy Conservation
Faculty Meetings
Field Trips
Flex Room Use
Food and Drink in the Classroom
Fundraiser Approval Form
Grading Policy
Hall Passes
Hallway Signs
Hallway Supervision
Leaving School during Contract Time
Library Media Center
Maintenance and Work Orders
Movie/Video/DVD use
PDAS Calendar
PLC (Professional Learning Communities)
RtI (Response to Intervention) and 504
Smoking/Tobacco Policy
Social Media
Special Education
Student Monies
Teacher Workrooms
Technology Usage – Computers, Cell Phones, etc.
Technology Help Request
Textbooks – Students and Teachers
Transportation of Students
Vending Machines
Walk-through Observations
Should a staff member become injured on the job, he/she should report directly to the campus nursing station, which is located near the main entrance of McKinney High School. The school nurse will evaluate the situation, assist in getting the correct treatment, and complete an accident report. Should the injury require treatment from a doctor, the proper forms will be completed and submitted to the MISD Central Office.
Some students at MHS have to follow accommodations based on their specific educational needs. This is in the form of Special Education IEP’s (Individual Education Plans), as well as, 504 and RtI accommodations.
Administrative Contacts (See chart in the Appendix section)
Daily PA announcements will be made at the start of 3rd period. Announcements will include the Pledge of Allegiance, the Texas Pledge of Allegiance, a Moment of Silence and any other “housekeeping” announcements beneficial to the entire student body. Students may be excused from these pledges only if the request is in writing from the parent (see MISD Student Handbook). It is an MHS expectation that students are quiet during the announcements.
Attendance – Teachers
Staff members are expected to be in attendance each day from 7:15 AM until 3:15 PM. If you happen to have a morning duty, then you will be expected to be there by 7:00 AM until 7:20 AM.
For absences known in advance, teachers are expected to enter the absence as soon as possible. A substitute folder with emergency lesson plans should be prepared. Video watching is not an acceptable substitute plan. Department chairpersons and PDAS appraisers will check to see that a substitute folder is prepared for each teacher by Tuesday, September 2, 2014.
When a substitute is needed, a substitute must be secured from the MAC system, (Click here for link, MAC Center) before 5:30 a.m., the morning of the absence. Staff members should call or text their Team Lead, Department chairperson, PDAS supervisor and the Associate Principal’s secretary (Kelsey Jessee)in the event of their absence.
Each classroom substitute folder should have the following information:
- Updated roster for each teaching or coaching period
- Seating chart (for each period)
- Directions on where attendance should be taken (F203, House of Leadership secretary, Kim Montgomery)
- Classroom expectations
- Detailed lesson plans
- Phone list and administrative contacts
- Directions is case of an emergency (Fire, Lockdown, Tornado Drill)
- Individual student special instructions (by period)
- Departmental contacts (room and phone numbers)
- Extra paper (for substitute notes)
- Notice to the substitute NOT allowing a student to “borrow” a textbook from the class set
- If your lesson requires the use of technology, please make sure your substitute has the correct sub login information.
- LOGIN – subby13
- Password - substitute
Badges, Keys and Keyless Entry into MHS
Each staff member is responsible for locking/unlocking his/her classroom and office each day. The custodians will not be opening classroom doors. Please keep your keys secure and lock your doors when you leave your classroom. Do not leave your keys unattended.
You may enter the building by using your McKinney ISD Employee Badge. Entry door will be locked at all times and you must use your ID to enter the building. If you lose your ID, you may get a replacement badge at Central Office for a cost of $8.00 – cash only.
All MHS Faculty and Staff will be required to wear their MISD ID badge while they are on the MHS campus as well as any other MISD campus and sponsored event.
Bell Schedules
See schedule in the Appendix section – this will include Regular and Pep Rally bell schedules. Late Start (due to Inclement Weather) and Testing bell schedules will be TBA.
The school principal and leadership team administer the school budget. All purchasing is approved first by the team leader, thenby the department chair and finally by their PDAS appraiser. Only the department chairperson should approach the bookkeeper, Gail Erger, about budgets and spending. Department chairpersons should check with the bookkeeper prior to making purchases that require reimbursement. Staff members needing to make purchases of any kind are responsible for following the procedure outlined in the MISD Purchasing Manual. You can find the list of current MISD vendors by clicking on the following link - Vendor List. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact Gail Erger at .
A Master Calendar will be available on the MHS Campus Portal. You will be able to sync this calendar onto your Microsoft Outlook calendar. National and state testing will be added to this calendar. If you would like something added to the MHS Calendar, you must email Jennifer Duke and/or Kelsey Jessee – they will add it to the calendar.
Cell Phone Usage
Staff members are expected to use professional judgment when using their cell phones during the school day. Staff members are directed not to receive personal phone calls during instructional time.
Classroom Expectations
As a teacher at McKinney High School, it is imperative that classrooms are maintained to the highest professionalism. Any poster or sign should be of professionally appropriate for the grade level and department. Also, all whiteboards, bulletin boards and SMART boards should not be moved for any reason.
If you have a classroom that has a large window with pull down shades to the hallway, the shades are to stay up during the instructional day. Shades can be pulled down during any lockdown, fire or tornado drill. If you would like to decorate the glass window of your room, you may do so. Teachers will need to leave room for school personnel to view into the classroom though.
Classroom and Student Management
MHS teachers will be held accountable for the following classroom standards:
- Greet students at the door.
- Supervise both the hallway and classroom during passing period.
- Never leave the classroom unattended.
- Display content and language objectives, daily.
- Take attendance electronically after ten minutes of class-time passes, (absences only).
- Classroom expectations should be posted.
- Plan lessons so that learning takes place from bell to bell.
- Differentiation of lessons is expected.
- WICOR strategies in every class is an expectation.
Lesson Plans/Syllabus
Lesson Plans will be submitted through Eduphoria (in Forethought) according to the specific template of your department. These will be due by 10:00 AM Monday of each instructional week.
Attendance Committee
Throughout the school year, an Attendance Committee comprised of administrators, counselors and teachers will meet to discuss students who are in violation of Texas’ Compulsory School Attendance Law (TEC Chapter 25.085). Members of the attendance committee may request information or your presence during a meeting. If you are invited to a meeting, then attendance is mandatory. The purpose will be to determine credit denials and approve and/or adjust any consequences or actions taken.
Behavior Management/Student Discipline
Behavior management is essential in creating a positive environment for learning. Discipline is corrective, not punitive. Teachers must clearly communicate the expectations of the class to the students and then model your expectations.
- Be a positive role model for your students, parents, and colleagues. (See Code of Ethics and Standards Practices for Texas Educators, Rule §247.2)
- Hold each student accountable for his/her actions.
- Do not ignore or tolerate inappropriate behavior anytime. This would include sleeping in class and having students not participating at all.
- Consistency and fairness are best exhibited when decisions are made after all the information is collected, considered, and discussed with the appropriate resources.
- Discipline is best taught when the students’ self-esteem and dignity are kept in mind and maintained.
Behavior Management Procedural Steps at MHS
- Teacher/student conference
- Parent phone call
- Teacher detention before or after school (this should be held in the teacher’s room)
- Teacher/student/parent conference (department chair, counselor or assistant principal may be available upon request)
- Written referral to the Assistant Principal for support and assistance.
* For emergencies (i.e. fighting, cussing, extreme disrespect), send student directly to their House Principal. Call the AP House Secretary notifying them of the student who is being sent to the office.
* Imposing a grade penalty for disciplinary purposes is not allowed.
Parent Communication
Teachers will be required to send a weekly email by Monday to their parents and students, outlining upcoming events, due dates, tutorial options, and other instructions. You can send a mass email from your Gradebook. Please see your department chair if you have any questions in regards to this feature. In addition, teachers will also carbon copy their PDAS appraiser.
Also, teachers should respond to voice mails and e-mails within 24 hours. If a student is in danger of failing or has attendance issues, teachers must make contact with the parents/guardian, the student’s Counselor and House Principal. If you have difficulty in contacting a parent/guardian, please contact the student’s House Principal for assistance. And, if there is an “undeliverable” email from a parent, please contact the student’s House Secretary for an update.
All communication will need to be documented with time, date, and a brief statement explaining the nature of the conversation.
Technology Expectations(Also known as Digital Citizenship)
Effective teacher planning and supervision are the most important elements in keeping students safe and productive while they use computers or personal devices. MHS teachers will take all reasonable measures to ensure students use the MISD computer network correctly.
Teachers will:
- Diligently protect their passwords to prevent unauthorized access to restricted programs and network spaces.
- Do not share your passwords with any student, teacher, office aide, etc.
- Actively monitor students who are using electronic devices.
- Teach students the proper procedures for using electronic devices and insist students follow procedures and expectations.
- Teach students about acceptable use and the consequences for failure to obey the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Staff members are held responsible for the regulations outlined in the employee AUP. These computers which are owned by MISD are subject to the regulations provided in the AUP, whether used at school or at home. Staff email accounts are also the property of MISD and are subject to inspection. Please use your professional judgment when checking emails throughout the day.
Cheating and/or Plagiarism
If there is an incident of cheating and/or plagiarism, please adhere to the following steps.
- Investigate thoroughly to determine all parties involved in the incident.
- Contact and conference with appropriate administrator (s) with the results of your investigation (e.g. provide a copy of the paper and/or exam that was used).
- Write referral for the student (s).
- At this point, the teacher has two options
- Option 1 – Student receives a 0 and no other disciplinary action from the administrator
- Option 2 - Student receives 2 days of ISS. Student is allowed to redo the assignment (if applicable, it can be an alternate assignment) and student is able to receive full credit.
Classroom Phone List
When the Classroom Phone List is complete, a copy will be provided to all MHS Faculty and Staff.
Clinic and Nurse Information
Students must have a pass to come to the nurse during class time. Students are not to come to the nurse between classes. During 1st period the clinic is closed, except for emergency situations. Students returning to class from the nurse should have a signed pass. If an emergency arises, please call the clinic rather than sending an email or a student. You may also contact an administrator for assistance. If students have any special health needs or a health plan, you will be notified by the nurse and trained as appropriate. Individual students who need to see the nurse on a routine basis will have specially designated passes. Please contact the MHS Nurse,Angela Hageman () or the MHS nurse aide, Ginger Sudduth () or Adriana Gentea () if you have any specific questions.
Closing of Schools
Schools may be closed due to inclement weather. Radio and television stations carry this news as soon as such decisions are made. Please do not call the school or school officials.
AM Radio / FM Radio / Television Channels / WebsitesWBAB 820 / KSCS 96.3 / Fox – Channel 4 /
KLIF 570 / KLAK 97.5 / NBC – Channel 5 /
KRLD 1080 / KLUV 98.7 / ABC – Channel 8 /
KVIL 103.7 / CBS – Channel 11 /
KYNG 105.3
Communication Flow at MHS