Home Visiting programs in Ingham County

Agency & Program Name / Contact
information / Program Goals / Service Provided & Duration of Service / Eligibility Criteria / Type of Staff / Geographic Area Served / Caseloads / Age of Children Receiving Services / Referral Source
Capital Area Community Services: Early Head Start / Wendy McBride
517.372.9411 x4
cacsheadstart.org / Comprehensive home based services focusing on child development, parenting, and health outcomes. / Weekly home visits with regular socialization opportunities; Services are available for pregnant women through the child’s third year. / Families who earn 100% of Federal Poverty Level ($23,050 annually for a family of four) / EHS staff who have been trained to utilize the Parents as Teachers curriculum. / Ingham and Shiawassee Counties. / 12 families per
home visitor
90 families currently receiving services / 0-3 years / Self referral, community based organization, partner organization (ICHD, CMH).
Community Mental Health: Parent Infant Program / Fran Jozefowicz
ceicmh.org / Strengthen the parent-child attachment; increase parents' ability to meet the infant's emotional and needs; assure the child's safety; and increase the child’s ability to manage emotions. / Weekly or more as indicated by presenting issues. / Medicaid or
Mi-Child eligible. / Masters Prepared Mental Health Therapist
IMH-E® (III) or
IMH-E® (IV). / Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Counties. / 3 staff
12 families per
30 families currently receiving services / Last trimester of pregnancy-through third year of the child’s life. / Self referral, community based organization, child care provider, foster care,
child protective services.
Community Mental Health: Parent Young Child Program /
Fran Jozefowicz
ceicmh.org / Increase child’s ability to manage emotional distress; increase child’s ability to function in day care /pre-school; strengthen the parent-child attachment; improving the parents’ ability to meet the child’s emotional and developmental needs. / Weekly or more as indicated by presenting issues. / Medicaid or
Mi-Child eligible. /
Masters Prepared Mental Health Therapist. / Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Counties. / 12 families per
30 families currently receiving services / 3-6 years / Self referral, community based organization, child care provider, foster care, child protective services.
Ingham County Health Dept.: Family Outreach Services /
Lisa Chambers
ingham.org / Enhance family functioning by:
(1) building trusting relationships;
(2) providing education, information, resources, and referrals; (3) teaching problem solving skills; and (4) improving a family’s support system. / Weekly to monthly home visits focusing on parenting education and improving health outcomes for mother and child. / Families must be Medicaid eligible. / Trained staff (six staff are certified Parents as Teachers Educators). / Ingham County and Lansing addresses in Clinton or Eaton counties. / 25-30 families per Public Health Advocate
150 families currently receiving services / Prenatal-
3 years / Self referral, ICHD Community Health Center, other medical provider, hospital, community referral.
Ingham County Health Dept.: Maternal Infant Health Program
(MIHP) /
Regina Traylor
ingham.org / The purpose of MIHP is to reduce infant mortality and morbidity. The goal of MIHP is to alleviate social and psychosocial problems, health education deficits and to aim for a delivery of a healthy baby at full term. MIHP also works with the parents of a high-risk infant to help the baby achieve a healthy status, obtain appropriate well baby visits, medical care, immunizations and link families with community agencies. / Up to 9 visits in pregnancy; 9 visits in infancy with additional visits (up to 36) available if infant is drug exposed or with medical verification. / Families must be a Medicaid recipient. / Registered Nurse or
Social Worker. / Ingham County and Lansing addresses in Clinton or Eaton counties. / 40 families per MIHP staff person / 0-2 years / Medicaid providers, health plans, ICHD Community Health Center, community referral.
Ingham County Health Dept: Strong Start. Healthy Start / Lisa Chambers
ingham.org / (1) Reduce the incidence of overall infant mortality and African American infant mortality in Lansing, Michigan through direct services; (2) strengthen and sustain comprehensive coordination of perinatal providers caring for women before, during, and after pregnancy, and (3) build and expand the capacity of the community to prevent infant mortality by addressing social determinants of health. / Home based case management services to pregnant and parenting women. / Families must be Medicaid eligible / Team includes Public Health Nurses and Advocates; and a Health Educator / Focus is on City of Lansing (can be Lansing addresses in Clinton and Eaton counties as well)
Lansing Housing Commission Mt Vernon, LeRoy Froh / There is no cap on maximum families served per staff person
200 families in home visiting / Prenatal-3 years / Self referral, Area home visiting programs, Community Health Centers, other medical providers, hospital, community referral.
Agency & Program Name / Contact
information / Program Goals / Service Provided & Duration of Service / Eligibility Criteria / Type of Staff / Geographic Area Served / Caseloads / Age of Children Receiving Services / Referral Source
Ingham County Health Dept.: Nurse Family Partnership /
Sarah Bryant
ingham.org / Comprehensive home visiting program focusing on:
(1) improved prenatal health;
(2) fewer childhood injuries;
(3) fewer subsequent pregnancies; (4) increased intervals between births; (5) increased maternal employment; and (6) improved school readiness / Weekly visits beginning before the mother’s 28th week of pregnancy through the child’s second year. / Families must be Medicaid eligible first time parents. / Registered Nurse / Ingham County and Lansing addresses in Eaton and Clinton / 20 per nurse / Prenatal-
2 years / Self referral, Area home visiting programs, Community Health Centers, other medical providers, hospital, community referral.
Ingham Intermediate School District: Early On Program /
Michelle Nicholson
inghamisd.org / Work as partners with families to help them find the support they need for their child to grow and develop, and address their special needs.
Provides services for children ages birth to three with developmental delays, or children who are at risk of developing delays due to medical or mental health conditions or disability. / Services include special instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and service coordination. Services are provided individualized from 1x/mo to 2x/wk / Determined through assessment and developmental evaluation. There are no income requirements.
Automatic CPS referrals. / Certified special education staff and degreed early interventionists. / Ingham ISD catchment area / There is no cap on maximum families served per staff person
937 families currently receiving services / 0-3 years / Self referral, family member, teacher, community member or physician.
Agency & Program Name / Contact
information / Program Goals / Service Provided & Duration of Service / Eligibility Criteria / Type of Staff / Geographic Area Served / Caseloads / Age of Children Receiving Services / Referral Source
Ingham Intermediate School District:
Great Parents, Great Start / Michelle Nicholson
inghamisd.org / (1) Improve school readiness for all young children; (2) increase parent involvement in early education; (3) foster the maintenance of stable families; (4) reduce enrollments in special education; and (5) decrease retention of pupils in grade. / Home-based personal visits which include developmental screenings, and connection to other community resources and services. Visits occur one to two times per month for an hour.
Parent-child playgroups that focus on developmental learning activities. Playgroups meet weekly for 1 hour. / Family must be a resident of the IISD catchment area with a child 0-5 (or before kindergarten entry). There is no income or other eligibility requirements. / Bachelor’s degree and Parents as Teachers certified. / Ingham ISD catchment area / 20 families per staff person
291 families currently receiving services / 0-5 (or before kindergarten entry) / Anyone may make a referral such as a family member, teacher, community member or physician.
Sparrow Health Systems: Maternal Infant Health Program / Suzanne Kalchik
(517) 364-2570 x 6
SPARROW.ORG / The purpose of MIHP is to reduce infant mortality and alleviate social and psychosocial problems, health education deficits and to aim for a delivery of a healthy baby at full term. / Up to 9 visits during pregnancy. / Medicaid beneficiaries / Registered Nurse or
Social Worker. / Ingham County and Lansing addresses in Eaton and Clinton / 30 families per staff person
228 families currently receiving services / 0-2 years / Sparrow Health Systems OB/GYN providers

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