McKinley School of the Arts

Fall Festival 2008

Goals: 1. To provide a safe, but fun family-oriented event to enrich McKinley students and their families (approx. 500 people).

2. To foster activities which build community and promote well-being of the community by opening the event to the public.

3. Any proceeds from the event will be donated to the school PTA General Fund.

Tentative Date: Second Friday in October, 2008, 3:30 – 7:30pm. (After school)

Location: Southeast Soccer Field

Permit: Currently pursuing inquiry with the city for a special events permit. Will need to submit an inquiry form and a diagram of the field.

Activities: Game booths, amusements, sports activities, raffle, food service, entertainment. This is not a carnival, so we will be avoiding amusement rides.

Insurance: Will the school’s insurance cover this festival? We will probably need to show proof to the city.

Cost: Plan A: Pursue professional services for all or part of the festival (i.e. licensed caterer, staffed amusements and games, etc), in which we will need committees to help find underwriters for the event.

Plan B: We do all from soup to nuts by seeking festival co-chairs for developing ad-hoc committees for Games, Ticketing & Fundraising, Prizes, Food Service, Volunteers, and Entertainment.

Teachers: We should lobby Principal Sarian and teachers to have a “Meet the Teacher Day” the last business day before school starts. This way, the students will become acquainted with their teachers before school starts, and teachers can be ready with:

1.  Wish List for the classroom

2.  Supplies List the student will need to bring in their backpacks on the first day (and for a successful year).

3.  A Fall Festival List with scheduled times for their assigned game booth. Parents are usually eager to sign up!

4.  Homeroom Parent and Classroom Volunteers List. This list will be helpful when we need to call for volunteers to help run the adhoc committees.

Please note: Teacher Meeting Day is a VERY successful endeavor at our kids’ school in Florida.

BRANDON: Before we bring this to the PTA board, I need to let you know two things:

1. What a professionally-run festival will cost approximately. (I am trying to get quotes from two different companies).

2. We need to see what the city’s special events permitting says about the event. I will let you know what their insurance concerns are.

Once I have this information, we will need to proceed with either an underwriting committee or the Plan B committees as soon as possible.