MCHS Algebra 1 Pacing Guide Text: Holt Algebra 1 2011

Quarter 1

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Algebraic Modeling - Linear Functions

Week / Overview / Book Sections / Standards
Week 1 / Simplifying Linear Expressions, Solving Linear Equations
Simplify linear expressions and solve linear equations by using the associative and commutative properties and combining like terms. / 1-7, 2-1, 2-2 / A1.1.3a, A1.1.3b, A1.2.1a, A1.2.1b
Week 2 / Solving Linear Equations
Solve linear equations with variables on both sides of the equation, using the distributive property to remove grouping symbols. Solve equations for a specified variable. / 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 / A1.2.1c, A1.2.1d, A1.2.2a, A1.2.6a, A1.2.6b
Week 3 and Week 4 / Solving Linear Inequalities
Solve linear inequalities by using the associative and commutative properties and combining like terms, using the distributive to remove grouping symbols, and with variables on both sides of the equation.
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Graph a linear inequality in one variable on a number line. Solve and graph compound inequalities in one variable. / 3-1, 3-2, 3-3,
3-4, 3-5, 3-6 / A1.2.3, A1.2.4a, A1.2.4b, A1.2.4c, A1.2.4d, A1.2.5a, A1.2.5b, A1.2.6c
Week 5 / Algebraic Proportions
Solve algebraic proportions that lead to linear equations.
Relations and Functions
Translate between a table, an equation, a graph, and verbal description, given at least one of the representations. / 2-6, 2-7, 4-2 / A1.7.2a, A1.3.3e, A1.4.1a, A1.4.1b, A1.4.1c
Week 6 / Slope
Find the slope of a line given its graph, equation, or two points on the line. Find the x- and y-intercept of a line given its graph, equation, or two points on the line. / 5-2, 5-4 / A1.4.2a, A1.4.2b, A1.4.2c, A1.4.2d, A1.4.2e, A1.4.2f*
*Supplement with outside resources
Week 7 / Equations of a Line: Making Connections
Write the equation of a line given: 1. the slope and y-intercept, 2. given a graph. Demonstrate how the slope and y-intercept of a graph is related to the linear equation in slope intercept form. Graph a linear equation in slope-intercept, standard form, or other form. / 5-6 / A1.4.3a, A1.4.3b, A1.4.3c
Week 8 and Week 9 / Equations of a Line: Using Connections
Write the equation of a line in slope intercept form given: 1. the standard form, 2. a table, 3. a verbal description, 4. two points on the line, 5. one point on the line and an equation of a parallel line, 6. one point on the line and an equation of a perpendicular line, 7. a combination of points on the line, x- or y- intercepts, or the slope of the line.
Note: Week 9 – Include review for Quarter 1 Assessment / 5-6, 5-7, 5-8 / A1.4.3d, A1.4.3e, A1.4.3f, A1.4.4a, A1.4.4b, A1.4.4b, A1.4.4c, A1.4.4d
Problem Solving (Every Day) / Problem Solving and Logic
See standards / A.1.9.1a, A1.9.2a, A1.9.3a, A1.9.3b, A1.9.4a, A1.9.4b, A1.9.4c, A1.9.5a, A1.9.6, A1.9.7,A1.9.8-

Quarter 2

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Interpreting Functions

Week / Overview / Book Sections / Standards
Week 1 / Identifying and Graphing Functions
Translate between a table, an equation, graph, and verbal descriptions, given at least one of the representations. Interpret characteristics of a graph, such as relationships, specific points, ordered pairs. / 4-1, 4-2 / A1.3.3, A1.4.5b, A1.3.1a, A1.3.1b, A1.3.2a, A1.3.2b, A1.3.4a, A1.3.4b
Week 2 / Writing and Graphing Functions
Write and graph the equation of a line that models a data set. / 4-3, 4-4 / A1.4.5a, A1.3.3e, A1.3.1b
Week 3 / Scatter Plots, Trend Lines, and Linear Functions
Use the equation of a line or the graph of an equation to make predictions within a given data set. Determine when a given equation represents a function. Identify the domain and range of an equation. / 4-5, 5-1 / A1.4.5c, A1.3.3d, A1.3.3e, A1.3.4c
Week 4 / (2 Days) Review or Choose an Activity / - / -
Week 5 / Using Intercepts, Rate of Change, and Slope
Determine x- and y-intercepts, rate of change, and slope of a given data set. / 5-2, 5-3, 5-4 / A1.3.3e, A1.4.5c, A1.4.5d
Week 6 / Solving Systems by Graphing and Substitution
Estimate solutions of a system by graphing and identify solutions in a graph. Solve a system by substitution. / 6-1, 6-2 / A1.5.1b, A1.5.2c, A1.5.3a, A1.5.6a, A1.5.6c
Week 7 / Solving Systems by Elimination ( and/or Review 6-1, 6-2)
Solve a pair of linear equations by elimination using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. / 6-3 / A1.5.4a, A1.5.5a, A1.5.6a, A1.5.6c
Week 8 / Solving Special Systems
Determine whether graphing, substitution, or elimination would be the most appropriate. / 6-4 / A1.5.6b, A1.5.6a, A1.5.6c
Week 9 / Linear Inequalities and Systems of Linear Inequalities
Graph a linear inequality in two variables, be able to interpret the solution of a pair of linear inequalities. Graph and shade a pair of linear inequalities on a coordinate plane. / 6-5, 6-6 / A1.4.6a, A1.5.1a, A1.5.2a, A1.5.2b, A1.5.6a, A1.5.6c
Week 10 / Quarter 2 Review and Summative Assessment
Problem Solving (Every Day) / A1.9.1a, A1.9.2a, A1.9.3a, A1.9.3b, A1.9.4a, A1.9.4b, A1.9.4c, A1.9.5a, A1.9.6, A1.9.7,A1.9.8

Quarter 3

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

Mathematical Practices

Week / Overview / Book Sections / Standards
Week 1 / Operating with Rational Exponents
Identify the root and power of rational exponents. Simplify real number and algebraic expressions with rational exponents. / 7-1, 7-2, 7-3,
7-4 / A1.1.4a, A1.1.4b, A1.1.4c
Week 2 / Polynomials
Defining, identifying, adding, and subtracting monomials and polynomials. / 7-5, 7-6 / A1.6.1a, A1.6.1b, A1.6.1c
Week 3 / Polynomials
Multiply monomials and polynomials. Divide polynomials by monomials. / 7-7, 7-8,
(12-6) / A1.6.2a,
A1.6.4a, A1.6.4b, A1.6.4c, A1.6.4d, A1.6.5a
Week 4 / Factoring
Find the GCF of monomials, and use the GCF to factor polynomials via the distributive property. / 8-1, 8-2 / A1.1.3c, A1.6.6a
Week 5 / Factoring Polynomials
Factor quadratic trinomials of the form x2+bx+c. / 8-3 / A1.6.7b
Week 6 / Factoring Polynomials
Factor quadratic trinomials of the form ax2+bx+c. Factor perfect-square trinomials and difference of two squares. / 8-4, 8-5 / A1.6.7b, A1.6.7a, A1.8.4c
Week 7 / Factoring Polynomials
Combine methods for factoring a polynomial. / 8-6 / See Standards for Weeks 4-6
Week 8 and Week 9 / Solving Quadratic Equations
Factor and solve quadratic equations by applying the Zero Product rule, in which a perfect square or binomial squared equals a constant. Factor perfect square trinomials and rewrite as a quantity squared. / 9-6, 9-7, 9-8 / A1.6.7b, A1.8.2b, A1.8.3b, A1.8.4b, A1.8.4c, A1.8.4d
Problem Solving (Every Day) / Problem Solving and Logic
See standards / A1.9.1a, A1.9.2a, A1.9.3a, A1.9.3b, A1.9.4a, A1.9.4b, A1.9.4c, A1.9.5b, A1.9.6, A1.9.7, A1.9.8

Quarter 4

Seeing Structure in Expressions

Algebraic Modeling- Quadratic Functions

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Overview / Book Sections / Standards
Week 1 / Identifying Quadratic Functions & Characteristics of Quadratic Functions
Determine the value of a, b, and c from a quadratic equation. Identify the x-intercepts and zeros of a given quadratic graph. Identify the zeros of quadratic functions. / 9-1 & 9-2 / A1.6.8a, A1.6.8c, A1.8.6c
Week 2 / Graphing Quadratic Functions & Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
Identify the solutions of quadratic equations. Solve a quadratic equation by graphing. Graph quadratic equations both with positive and with negative leading coefficients. Graph radical equations with positive or negative leading coefficients. / 9-3 & 9-5 / A1.6.8b, A1.6.8d, A1.8.1a,A1.8.1 d
Week 3 and Week 4 / Radical Expressions & Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions
Simplify square roots using factors. Simplify rational expressions with square roots. Simplify expressions that contain radicals. / 11-6 & 11-7 / A1.1.2a, A1.1.2b, A1.8.6a
Week 5 / Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions
Simplify expressions that contain radicals. / 11-8 / A1.8.6a
Week 6 / Final Push for ECA- To Be Determined, Synthesize all Learning from Year, Use ECA Sampler as a Check and Fix according to Student’s results on the ECA Sampler / TBD
Week 7 / Final Push for ECA- To Be Determined, Synthesize all Learning from Year, Use ECA Sampler as a Check and Fix according to Student’s results on the ECA Sampler / TBD
Week 8 / Final Push for ECA- To Be Determined, Synthesize all Learning from Year, Use ECA Sampler as a Check and Fix according to Student’s results on the ECA Sampler / TBD
Week 9 / Square Root Functions & Solving Radical Equations
Identify the basic shape of the graph of a radical function. Graph radical equations with positive or negative leading coefficients. Solve equations that contain radical expressions equal to a constant. Solve equations that contain radical expressions equal to the variable in the expression. / 11-5 & 11-9 / A1.8.1c, A1.8.1d, A1.8.8a,A1.8.8b
Week 10 / Quarter 4 Review and Summative Assessment
Problem Solving (Every Day) / A1.9.1a, A1.9.2a, A1.9.3a, A1.9.3b, A1.9.4a, A1.9.4b, A1.9.4c, A1.9.5a, A1.9.6, A1.9.7, A1.9.8